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reason: This individual orchestrates in a small country  ( slovakia , he deludes minds of teenagers on the internet via instagram , tiktok and other social media platforms
by running a pyramid scheme with "marketing" tactics even though the victims that got into his pyramid scheme got illegaly robbed off 90USD/Currency per month and after 
that situation got blocked, in awareness , we will declare the info on doxbin , so this 17 year old highschool dropout freezy "manipulator" can be known amongst
foreign individuals . He piece by piece steals all his "smartass" ideologies off of mentors and successfull individuals like andrew tate , Alex jones , logan paul etc.. 
   ___                             __  ____     ___                    __  _         
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/_/   \__/_/ /___/\___/_//_/\_,_/_/ /___/_//_/_/ \___/_/ /_/_/_/\_,_/\__/_/\___/_//_/
Legal goverment name : Adrian Klement
Age : 17 
Higschool domain and education : Obchodná Akadémia, F. Madvu 2, Prievidza 
Person that he works for : Daniel Jedlička 
Placement of money / Bank domain : Artur Lind Building , Sepapaja 6, 11415 , Tallinn , Estonia
Lives / Lived in : Prievidza
Birth certificate location : Bojnice 
Hotel lay off location : Banyan tree hotel , Bangkok , Thailand
Coming soon....
  _____      _       _   _                
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 | | \ \  __/ | (_| | |_| |\ V /  __/\__ \
 |_|  \_\___|_|\__,_|\__|_| \_/ \___||___/
Brother: Tomaš klement
Place of stay : Prievidza
Sport : Football
Noted element location of 1 of the football mathces : Opatovce Nad Nitrou
Father: Adrian Klement
Car plate number : PD-040ES
Age: 35-40
Tattoos: Right shoulder fully tattoed to the elbow in mammoan symbolics / inspired by Dwayne johnsons tattoo
Place of stay  : Prievidza
Mother: Erika Mihaličkova Klementova
Lives : Prievidza
Born in Bojnice
Children count : 3
Full family photo picture:
More informations is on the board , just gotta wait patiently.
Extra Pictures:
Childhood PHoto: https://ibb.co/wNnyygg   , https://ibb.co/cJbgMny