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☞ 'Rtrix' - Really? Copy my info that i worked on? - https://doxbin.com/upload/AdirEladTikTokNPCIsraelFullDox ????        
☞ 'YOS' - You should never mess with my friends again, kiddo
☞ 'Pinhasof' - WE did the dox only because other people are skidds, and they copying our info
☞ 'ZpRo' - BLM.✊????
☞ 'ItsRealZeOri' - Well Sherlock, looks like we found the target, bring it on!
☞ 'Prisaman' - my ni66a tf is u?

     ✪ 0x1 -> INTRODUCTION
    greetings, and welcome to Asaf Itzhakovich Full Dox, the FUCKING Sharmuta
    he tried to play it hard with his friends, so now we show him what we can do. GL Faggot <3

    ██████╗░███████╗██████╗░░██████╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗░█████╗░██╗░░░░░  ██╗███╗░░██╗███████╗░█████╗░
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    ██║░░░░░███████╗██║░░██║██████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║██║░░██║███████╗  ██║██║░╚███║██║░░░░░╚█████╔╝
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    Adir Elad | אדיר אלעד

    ♦ Social Media's
    ✅All Social's Are Approved✅
    ↕️ Instagram: 'adir.elad24' [https://www.instagram.com/adir.elad24/]
    ↕️ Facebook: 'אדיר אלעד' [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005728146373]
    ↕️ TikTok: 'Adir Elad' [https://www.tiktok.com/@adirelad]
    ↕️ YouTube: 'Adir Elad' [https://www.youtube.com/c/AdirElad]
    ↕️ Twitter: 'Adir Elad' | adir_elad [https://twitter.com/adir_elad]
    ↕️ Spotify: 'Adir Elad' ("Artist") [https://open.spotify.com/artist/7CtTLg3hYyxyv8iRtBlEcc]



    ♦ Adir Info
    Full Name: Adir Elad | אדיר אלעד
    I.D: 324169952
    Age & D.O.B: 26.2 (24/11/2002)
    Phone Number: +97252-352-4717
    Email Address: adirelad@gmail.com
    Job: IDF    
    New House Address: Drubin Yoel 6/3 St., Rishon Letsion | דרובין יואל 6/3, ראשון ציון -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
    Old House Address: Kaplanski 21/9 St., Rishon Letsion | קפלנסקי 21/9, ראשון לציון    
    Pictures: https://imgur.com/TwBhTrO, https://imgur.com/zckN6Ns, https://imgur.com/eX0TAKb, https://imgur.com/vwLUp2X, https://imgur.com/jo41qGD

    ♦ Mom Info
    Full Name: Galit (Benaim) Elad | גלית (בנאים) אלעד
    I.D: 029355963
    Age & D.O.B: 50.5 (08/04/1972)
    Phone Number #: +97254-520-7104
    New Address: Drubin Yoel 6/3 St., Rishon Letsion | דרובין יואל 6/3, ראשון ציון -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
    Old Address: Egozi 8/2 St., Rishon Letsion | אגוזי 8/2, ראשון לציון    
    Pictures: https://imgur.com/PVDaCMK, https://imgur.com/XqitiwK, https://imgur.com/pwDbo7p, https://imgur.com/5qmTwzy

    ♦ Dad Info
    Full Name: Ilan Elad | אילן אלעד
    I.D: 025020199 
    Age & D.O.B: 49.8 (28/11/1972)
    Phone Number #: 054-520-7121
    Email Address: ilanelad11@gmail.com
    New Address: Drubin Yoel 6/3 St., Rishon Letsion | דרובין יואל 6/3, ראשון ציון -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
    Old Address: Egozi 8/2 St., Rishon Letsion | אגוזי 8/2, ראשון לציון    
    Pictures: https://imgur.com/IHzAVqv

               [ Mother Side ] 
    ♦ Grandmother Info
    Full Name: Odil Benaim | אודיל בנאים
    Age & D.O.B: 80 (17/09/1942)
    Phone Number #: N/A
    Email Address: N/A
    New Address: Agnon 2/6 St., Ashqelon | עגנון 2/6, אשקלון -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
    Old Address: Agnon 2/6 St., Ashqelon | עגנון 2/6, אשקלון
    Job: סלון כלות דמיטריוס
    Pictures: https://imgur.com/6CApNki, https://imgur.com/Fq84V5z
    Identity Card: 067957720
    ♦ Garndfather Info
    Full Name: Momi Benaim | מומי בנאים
    Age & D.O.B: 82.7 (05/02/1940)
    Phone Number #: N/A
    Email Address: N/A
    New Address: N/A
    Old Address: Agnon 783/16 St., Ashqelon | עגנון 783/16, אשקלון
    Pictures: N/A
    Identity Card: 067957712
               [ Father Side ] 
    ♦ Grandmother Info
    Full Name: Aviva (Elagimi) Elad | אביבה (אלעגימי) אלעד
    Age & D.O.B: 76.7 (01/01/1946)
    Phone Number #: N/A
    Email Address: N/A
    New Address: Harimon 5/3 St., Rishon Letsion | הרימון 5/3, ראשון לציון -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
    Old Address: Rothschild 34/10 St., Rishon Letsion | רוטשילד 34/10, ראשון לציון
    Pictures: https://imgur.com/5Df5MCJ
    Identity Card: 072424237
    ♦ Garndfather Info
    Full Name: Rahamim Elad | רחמים אלעד
    Age & D.O.B: 77.7 (01/01/1945)
    Phone Number #: N/A
    Email Address: N/A
    New Address: Rothschild 34/10 St., Rishon Letsion | רוטשילד 34/10, ראשון לציון -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
    Old Address: Rothschild 34/10 St., Rishon Letsion | רוטשילד 34/10, ראשון לציון
    Pictures: N/A
    Identity Card: 071428338


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    ♦ House Info
    House Pictures -  https://imgur.com/QwbEW3f, https://imgur.com/qQfCOQw, https://imgur.com/QwbEW3f, https://imgur.com/salut1h (Front) 
    https://imgur.com/PVvax0i,  (Back)
    https://imgur.com/AbnMcsq, https://imgur.com/DlAqiud (Sideways)
    https://imgur.com/S1vXDO0, https://imgur.com/ANc9Evg, https://imgur.com/Z60rFgw, https://imgur.com/vphuP9W (Map) 
    Price: 19,390 New Shekels (₪) To meter [1.59M Shekels (₪) Sum] (Confirmed to 5.9.2021)
    House Width - 269 Ft. (82 Meters)
    Rooms: 4 & Floors - 1
    Build In: 1970
    Area: 82


        │                                                -[LAST WORDS]-                                                     │
        │                                                                                                                   │
        │                                               Dear Mr.Adir,                                                       │
        │                                    We hope you will learn your fucking lesson.                                    │
        │                                         Anyway, Try to not be such an NPC...                                      │
        │                                     TRY to not get into fights you cant win on.                                   │
        |                                   Oh and dont forget that Rtrix Will Always Find you                              |
        │                                                  - Rtrix <3                                                       │