Dox for a guy because he is extremely hostile and dangerous

Name: Adham
Country: Corsica
City: Ajaccio

What did he do ?
--> He got high equipment like gun , grenade , mine and a lot of gun
and can be extremely crazy when you talk too much

Phone Number: 0617123544

I don't have a pic of this guy because he is not easy to catch on picturee
He live exceptionally on Corsica a little island under France and on the
Left of Italy I think he sell his gun to Corsican people or mafia idk
But If I do this Dox today it's because he almost killed me he drove me
On a mountain and beat me like I've done something wrong pls help me
He completely Snatch my ear with his mouth just because I was looking at
him I am and still his girlfriend because he said if I try to run he will
Kill me and I will And I would serve as a pig meal pls help I don't want
To die here!!!!!!!