x: @XAUt2924 nigga so gay i was forced to do it Adam Saif Lamarti (AKA: zesty gay brown) From: Morocco Height: 170cm aprox Weight 80kg aprox Pronouns: She/Her Currently living: Amsterdam Used to live: Zaragoza Age: 21-22? School: Angel Escoriaza Sex: Man?? (??) Pics: https://ibb.co/sjhLQrY https://ibb.co/8Y3GjK5 https://ibb.co/GVGWHcn https://ibb.co/VJpLpqZ SSNN: https://www.instagram.com/_lamaartiii https://x.com/_lamaartiii OLD TWITTER https://x.com/_lamaartii https://es.pinterest.com/adamsaiflamarti/ https://www.tiktok.com/@_lamaartii https://www.tiktok.com/@adamsaiflamarti6 https://www.tiktok.com/@adamsaiflamarti Alt accounts: https://x.com/SaifLamarti https://x.com/lamarti_saif https://x.com/AdamLamarti Dad: Omar Saif Phone Number: 212616241688 Pics: https://ibb.co/0BW4WYX https://ibb.co/xSk8LNG https://ibb.co/JsBNFny Mother: Radia Lamarti Pics: https://ibb.co/Fsq5Bzc https://ibb.co/23LPWYd https://ibb.co/RD49jDH (Adam as a kid) Related family members: Sanaa Lamarti From: Morocco Age: cba Location: Paris Current job at: Verallia, CRM Salesforce Previous Work company: IBM Phone Number: 336 20 24 20 17 Mail: lamartisanaa@live.fr House: 95 Rue ganterie 76000 Rouen, France Studies: 2012-2015 - Engineering Cycle - Ecole d'ingénieur généraliste, Rouen. 2010-2012 - Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles : En MPSI/MP aux CPGE Claude gelée, Epinal, France. 2009-2010 - Baccalauréat scientifique, option mathématiques : obtenu au lycée Hassan II, Tétouan, Maroc. SSNN: https://www.instagram.com/sanaalamarti/ https://x.com/lamartisanaaSA https://www.tiktok.com/@sanaa...4 Ahmed Lamarti From: Morocco Age: 29 Location: London Current job: Freelancer SSNN: https://x.com/Mii7Do https://www.instagram.com/mii7do/ https://footyaddicts.com/players/mii7do https://uk.pinterest.com/mii7do/ https://www.freelancer.mx/u/mii7do https://soundcloud.com/ahmedlamarti Said Ben Ali Lamarti NIE: Y0206720X Extra info: Nigga performed a moroccan classic and asked twice for economical help in Madrid and got it refused (x Expedient: SA07661/16 | Motivo de exclusión: 1.J 2.A Expedient: SA17075/17 | Motivo de exclusión: 2D More Family relateds: Alaa Lamarti: Dentist in Rabaat,lives in Rabat Ali Lamarti: Dentist student in CHU IBN SINA RABAT, lives in Rabat Younes Lamarti: Managing director @ Africa Global Logistics, lives in Tetuan Wife: https://www.facebook.com/selma.tamimlamarti since 25/02/2000 Zoubaida Lamarti Etimade Lamarti Noureddine Lamarti: From Maknassy Ilyass Lamarti: Born: 28/02/1984 Fiscal inspector from Tanger, studied @ ENCG Tanger, played rugby in morrocan team during 2005-2010 Extra info: 180cm, 86kg https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilyass-lamarti-385687a4/?originalSubdomain=ma https://copainsdavant.linternaute.com/p/ilyass-lamarti-8188939/copains https://www.facebook.com/ilyass.lamarti/about_overview Yassine Lamarti Hajar Lamarti