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Zebb/AdamAK Dox. Made By rtx#0002

AdamAK#6910 | 768440696067457024
Old name on discord: Zebb

Reason: Scamming people.
Personal Info:
Name: Adam 
Lastname: Ibrahim
Full name: Adam Ibrahim
phone nummer: 0684732443
IBAN: NL76INGB0688481566
School info:
School Name: Beatrix College
School Phone Number: 013 571 1725
School Site: https://www.beatrixcollege.nl/
School adres: Ketelhavenstraat 3 
School postcode: 5045 NG
Living info:
Woonplaats: Tilburg
Postcode: 5035HE
Adres + Huisnummer: Santpoortplein 42
Photos of him:
Face of him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1035413794735796244/1039669132876070942/blanco_Dani._Zebb_vlaai_-_Discord_2022-05-07_13-37-17.mp4
face of him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1035413794735796244/1039669315026296882/image.png
face of him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/836888194552561667/981851704523903027/unknown.png
Video of him doing the sturdy: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/836888194552561667/981303037240967288/Desktop_2022.03.13_-_22.30.33.02.DVR_Trim_1.mp4
Scams of him:

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