Anthony Micheal levant smith

had beat on me and my mom on multiple occasions and had raped my sister 

Phone type: iPhone 12 512gb. 
Number: 913-269-5405
Address: 932 goldfinch lane, Liberty, Missouri 
Email: Couldn't find one 
Age: 47
DOB: 02/05/77
Height: 5'7-5'9
Religion: Pentecostal
Skin color: Black- African American 
Phone carrier: T Mobile
Car: 2014 GMC Yukon Denali Pre-owned
Job: United states postal

More information about the events of living with Anthony Micheal levant Smith: he had served in the military and while in the military he had raped one of the 
infantry women and while doing so she had kicked and punched him begging to stop later his sergeant had walked in and had Anthony arrested.
he had served five years in prison and when he got out, he had met my mom and lied about his whole life and told her sob story's so she would
get with him well about 3 months after meeting him she had introduced him to me and my sister I thought he was cool, but my sister thought there. 
was something off about him. he had raped her when she confronted him about him beating me. his dad left him at the age of 6 his mother was a single mother 
he grew up a troubled child.