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Hello and welcome to the dox and exposé of Fernando Vargas Jr. (Not the boxer)The reason of the dox is that he is a rapist that should be put in prison but the police doesnt give a fuck
so we decided to take matters into our own hands and hope that the doxbin community will do something about it (also hes just a weirdo). Enough talking lets start the dox

Full name: Fernando Vargas Jr.
DOB: July 30th 2005
Email address: hunterzoom2000@gmail.com
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Home address: 21481 Stuart place rd., Harlingen, TX
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Discord: everlasting_fe
Twitter: hunterzoom2000
Instagram: fer.waswrong
Phone number: (956)367-5269
Moms full name: Diane Gonzalez
Dads full name: Fernando Vargas

Google Drive with all the proof and further information: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1e4s0D502QgdU-0YbecbVdnYf6fgI_WNZ                                                                           
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