Full Name: Abilene Thomas Anil    |   Education: Student at Hofstra University

Age: 19                           |   DOB: Unknown

Geolocation: *NEAR*  40.7351° N   | New Hyde Park, 
                                  | 73.6879° W | Long Island, New york

Socails: INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT,     |   Snapchat: Abilene15 Instagram: abilentanil
LINKEDIN, YOUTUBE, Discord        |   Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qQpJWAXQCnTNG6-jdBhUw
                                  |   Discord: Ace15dx#0370  
Email: Unknown

Phone Number: Unknown *POSSIBILITY: 516-492-1476*

Case: Playing on the known game Minecraft and commiting child grooming, and preying on minors. As he is 
an adult, age 19, this is considered as pedophilia, and is in all ways wrong. Abilene, has preyed on civillians aged, 12, 14, 16, and 17 y/o's.

Subject/s: Asking to cuddle, instigating sending of nude pictures, pressuring the victems to send nude pictures

Victems: 12, 14, 16, 17

Contacts to the victems: *Not Included in document, as they are not comfortable sharing such info.

DOI: Unknown

Report Delivering to > LIPD          |   Delivery Date: NYC


 - NYC = Not Yet Completed
- DOI: Date of Instigation
- DOB: Date of birth