Doxed by Xls and kazuk

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 / ::::::::::::: \  Dox.bat Started. =D-'


|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03 home 
Accounts....................          |
|             |
|      0x04 last school   Information........................           |
|      0x05 physical description   Information........................           |
|      0x06 social media    Information.......................
|                      0x01  Introduction                       |

He scams and is proud of it, he harasses, threatens, bullies with his friends
|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
Name.................... Abdelkarim Walid Agha
Occupation.............. jobless
Race.................... Arabic
Religion................ atheist
Gender.................. Male
Sexuality............... Gay?
Relationship Status..... Single
Age..................... 21
DOB..................... 22.04.2000
Residence card..........
Valid until............. 12.05.2028
End of validity......... 03.05.2020
Home phone.............. +339 50 42 98 76
             0X03 home  
Information Link........ 
Direct Address.......... 233 rue P Alexandre Bommart,
Country................. France
City.................... Douai
ZIP..................... 59500
               0X04 home  
Information Link . . .   . . .  
Last school 2019
Direct Address.......... 817 Rue Charles Bourseul, 
Country................. France
City.................... Douai
ZIP..................... 59500
               0x06 physical description 
Brown eyes..............
Curly hair.............. 
Growing beard...........
His face................

him younger and now.....

|                  0x06 Social Media Accounts                  |
Online Alias............ Abdel
Discord................. mahrez26#2424 
Youtube................. Abdelkarim Agha
Youtube................. Abdel Agha
Twitter................. @Abdel_hzd
Twitter................. @AbdelAgha
Tiktok.................. @z7clanx
Vinted.................. Abdel_hzd
Facebook................ Abdel Agha
Facebook................ Abdel agha
Snapchat................ Abdeldz1o
Instagram............... Abdel.kb9
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