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|Reasons:                                                                           |
|> Showing his dick to kids (To show his "new piercing")                            |
|> Pretending that he once killed a man to ego on kids                              |
|> Suicide baiting me when I was younger and he was a grown adult                   |
|> Being not very polite and kind to me :(((                                        |
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|General Info:                                                                      |
|Face: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1350733695082453&set=a.191567947665706  |
|Age (at the time of writing) 24 [Jan 1999]                                         |
|Address: 19250 Tangerine Rd. Fort Myers, FL 33967                                  |
|Phone Number Potentially: (239) 454-1881                                           |
|Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aaron.glidden.161                               |
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|Relatives / Roommates: See below:                                                  |
|Marilyn Clay Glidden {Mother, Dec '77, 45yo, (239) 333-8139,                       |
|https://twitter.com/MarilynGlidden, }                                              |
|Judith Clay Vorndran {Grandmother, https://www.facebook.com/jvorndran1}            |