King, aka BD, or his current alias "azuma" has been "doxxing" egirls and forum staff for a long time
Making empty threats saying that he will ruin egirls's lives and "take peoples doors down" (LMFAO)
He tried to threaten my friend so here's his full dox, he's been rinsed for his bank account balance but his parents have not been targeted
Enjoy this :) 

Name: Yousef Ali
Ethnicity: British Pakistani
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 12th December 2002
Gender: Male
City: Sheffield 
Address: 35 Kendal Rd
School: Silverdale School
Discord: azuma#1337



Mother: Aisha Barakt Ali ( ABA) 
Phone number: 07442849283
Address: 35 Kendal Rd
DOB: 07/04/1964 (UK Date Format)
Passwords: AishaB1964, yousefali2002, yali2002$, sugarpoppy42
Card Number: 4929 8353 3738 1403
Expiry Date: 02/23
CVV2: 086
Job: Works as a teacher at a school we do not know of, yet.
Veichle: 2008 Alfa Romeo Spider


Name: Adil Bashar Ali
Phone Number: 07738492848
Address: 35 Kendal Rd
DOB: 13/12/1962
EMails: No emails present
Passwords: Does not use the net often, owns an iPhone 6S which he uses to call friends and that's it
Job: Works at a newsagents (LMFAO)


Name: Azeem Rahum Khan
Phone Number: 07784992837
Address: 40 Goodman St
City: Birmingham
Job: Retired
EMails: (no longer used by him)
Passwords: adil428, ad1c837
Veichle: Takes buses, does not have a veichle.


Important Info:

He's 17, he has social anxiety, he's an ugly freak IRL (we sent someone to his door and he peaked out the window and then went to discord and was shitting himself LMAO) , if you want his discord logs reply here with an email and we'll send you them, he's a fucking simp 

He's moved back and forth from his home address and his grandfather, he tried flexing that he wasn't living at 35 Kendal Rd anymore , but his IPs say otherwise