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                                            ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡ ♡  ♡  ♡ ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡ 

                                                                             Go Get Back xD 
                                                                     6Melon Owns You XDDDDDDDD -kreesta
                                                              aii enough troll.. goodbye to ur ego shitty ewhore

                                                                     BIG DOA KRISTA    &   THE REAL FWTONY
                                                                         cc#0002             aa#0002

                                            ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡ ♡  ♡  ♡ ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡ 

                                                      Local PD: https://www.lenexa.com/government/departments___divisions/police
                                                                12500 W. 87th St. Pkwy. Lenexa, KS 66215

                                          ▓│                         ::{  INTRODUCTION  }::                       │▓                                

                                         Greetings. Not much to say besides this black thot 'Alondo/Asia' has a humongous ego and 
                                         needs to be humbled. Thinks she's harmful, hangs around com kids, etc. Basic cutslut fansign
                                        whore activities. We all know how these types of women turn out. Enjoy! All 
                                         information shown is legally grabbed. :D 

                                      - Don't be fooled if she tries to deny the Dox, as theres various proof she has
                                         admitted all of this. 

                                         EVERY PERSON INCLUDED IN THIS DOX IS OVER 18. DO NOT TAKE THIS DOWN.

                                          ▓│                        ::{  ALIASES/SOCIALS  }::                     │▓                                

                                         Asia  Asii  Alondo  Rico/Lando Fucker  4 Dollar Demon

                                         Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/135907768/profile
                                         Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madfederals/
                                         Discord ID: 1032697335488184381
                                         Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asia.winston.33

                                         - Reps like 10 other Discord Clans that don't claim her so it doesnt matter.

                                          ▓│                      ::{  VICTIM INFORMATION  }::                    │▓                                

                                         Full Name: Asia Winston (Asii)
                                         DOB: 03/22/07 (16)
                                         Sex: Female
                                         Photos: https://imgur.com/a/DwzFty0

                                         School: Shawnee Mission West High School
                                         Address: 8800 W 85th St, Overland Park, KS 66212
                                         Contact: (913) 993-7800 , https://smwest.smsd.org/
                                         Photos: https://imgur.com/a/2hL5Qgr

                                         Number: +1 (559) 967-8387
                                         - NUMBER INFO (OUTDATED)
                                         Country: UNITED STATES
                                         Location: California
                                         Rate Center: VISALIA
                                         Carrier: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS - CA

                                          ▓│                     ::{  RELATIVE INFORMATION  }::                   │▓                                

                                        Mother's Name: Angel Winston                    
                                        DOB: 04/07/81 (41)     
                                        Sex: Female
                                        Photos: https://imgur.com/a/Ag3rk53 
                                        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angel.winston.5/about

                                        High school: Ulysses S. Grant Senior High 
                                        Address: 13000 Oxnard St, Van Nuys, CA 91401
                                        Contact: (818) 756-2700 , https://www.granths.org/
                                        Photos: https://imgur.com/a/WhG4kcH

                                        Number (MAY BE OUTDATED): +1 (857) 266-6351 , (857) 212-5044
                                        - NUMBER INFO
                                        Country: UNITED STATES
                                        Location: Massachusetts
                                        Rate Center: DORCHESTER
                                        Carrier: SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P.

                                        Email(s): chaley152001@yahoo.com , awinston15@yahoo.com ,  a1ways-sh3ngi3@hotmail.com , awinston@hotmail.com

                                        Father's Name: Antwon Winston 
                                        DOB: 12/07/78 (44)
                                        Sex: Male
                                        Photos: https://imgur.com/a/4ekTSEN
                                        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antwan.winston

                                        Occupation/School: N/A

                                        Number: 704-840-4552 , 704-549-0939
                                        - NUMBER INFO
                                        Country: UNITED STATES
                                        Location: North Carolina
                                        Rate Center: CHARLOTTE
                                        Carrier: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS - NC

                                        - NUMBER INFO 2
                                        Country: UNITED STATES
                                        Location: North Carolina
                                        Rate Center: CHARLOTTE
                                        Carrier: BELLSOUTH TELECOMM INC DBA SOUTHERN BELL TEL & TEL

                                        Email: chaley152001@yahoo.com (shared)

                                        Sister's Name: Angela Winston
                                        DOB: 11/03/??
                                        Sex: Female
                                        Photos: https://imgur.com/a/cbNWziD
                                        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angela.winston.399

                                        Occupation: Tacobell Shift-Manager
                                        Address: 16130 W 87th St
                                        Contact: (913) 307-9958 , https://www.tacobell.com/food?store
                                        Photos: Look That Shit Up Nigga.
                                        Last Known Appearance: June 2019

                                        Number: N/A

                                        OTHER ASSOCIATES (FAMILY TREE):

                                        Antwon T Winston 		1981
                                        Ronnell E Winston	43	Jun 1979
                                        Anisha F Winston	36	Dec 1986
                                        Antoinette S Winston	41	May 1982
                                        A Winston		1936
                                        Andriya Lenea Winston	38	Nov 1984
                                        Andriya L Winston	38	Nov 1984
                                        Andrya Winston	38	Nov 1984
                                        Anthony L Winston	37	Nov 1985
                                        Evelyn W Winston		1964
                                        Terrez D Winston		1982


                                        (785) 639-0647	Wireless	Last reported May 2023
                                        (316) 225-0314	Wireless	Last reported Apr 2006
                                        (785) 259-4687	Wireless	Last reported Apr 2006
                                        (719) 392-4943	Landline	Last reported May 2007
                                        (620) 225-7321	Landline	Last reported Mar 2000

                                          ▓│                     ::{  PROPERTY INFORMATION  }::                   │▓                                

                                         Current Address: 14120 W 87th Ter. Lenexa KS 66215-2455
                                         Lat & Long:	38.970126 -94.750599 Geocoded to Rooftop Level (GS05)
                                         Address Type:	Residential
                                         Postal Carrier Route	C022:      (DPC: 20-2 )      
                                         U.S. Representative:	Sharice Davids (D) (03)      
                                         Census Entities:	County 20091 Johnson      
                                         County Subdivision 39350 Lenexa city     
                                         Tract 0524.16      
                                         Block 2002            Block Parcels
                                         City, Place or Town 2039350 Lenexa         
                                         Unified School District 11640 Shawnee Mission Public Schools Unified School District                                       
                                         State Upper District:	021      
                                         State Lower District:	108      
                                         Delivery Post Office:	Lenexa
                                                                 8820 Monrovia St
                                                                 Lenexa KS 66215      

                                        Photos: https://imgur.com/a/DFOzqSX

                                        Past Address: 1814 Pamela Lorraine Dr. Charlotte, NC 28213
                                        Lat. & Long. :	35.292008 -80.724828 Geocoded to Rooftop Level (GS05)
                                        Address Type:	Residential
                                        Postal Carrier Route:	R241      (DPC: 14-9 )      
                                        U.S. Representative:	Alma Adams (D) (12)      
                                        Census Entities:	County 37119 Mecklenburg      
                                        County Subdivision: 93268 Township 1, Charlotte     
                                        Tract 0056.12      
                                        Block 2019            Block Parcels
                                        City, Place or Town 3712000 Charlotte         
                                        Unified School District 02970 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools         
                                        State Upper District:	040      
                                        State Lower District:	099      
                                        Delivery Post Office:	North Tryon
                                                              6700 N Tryon St
                                                              Charlotte NC 28213      

                                        Photos: https://imgur.com/a/JGJAuG5

                                        7026 Redwood Dr, Kansas City, KS 66112  
                                        Wyandotte County
                                        Current Address
                                        2257 Russell Ave, Kansas City, KS 66104  
                                        Wyandotte County
                                        (May 2021 - Sep 2022)
                                        301 E Kansas St, Lansing, KS 66043  
                                        Leavenworth County
                                        (Sep 2014 - Jan 2020)
                                        3005 Brown Ave, Kansas City, KS 66104  
                                        Wyandotte County
                                        (Dec 2001 - Dec 2018)
                                        PO Box 546, Norton, KS 67654  
                                        Norton County
                                        (Oct 2013 - Sep 2014)
                                        2303 N 57th St, Kansas City, KS 66104  
                                        Wyandotte County
                                        (Nov 2012 - Jul 2013)
                                        1220 15th St, Des Moines, IA 50314  
                                        Polk County
                                        (Feb 2001 - Jul 2001)   
                                        2513 General Lawton Rd #B, Hays, KS 67601  
                                        6327 W 75th St #98, Overland Park, KS 66204  
                                        (Jul 2018 - Mar 2022)
                                        3932 Adams St #5, Kansas City, KS 66103  
                                        (Oct 2005 - Jan 2022)
                                        9247 Conser St #2G, Overland Park, KS 66212  
                                        (Mar 2016)

                                          ▓│                         ::{  EXTRAS/PROOF  }::                       │▓                                

                                         - Incase this braindead ebitch attempts to lie, heres proof below :D

                                         Photos: https://imgur.com/a/T5zSB5l


                                                                    Alright. PEACE OUT :3

                                                              creds to me lol did shit myself L ma son xDD