
                                    REASON FOR DOXX                                      Cryptoscamming, Doxxing, Threatening, Leaking, Part of Scammer Group
                                                                                         Scammed high eth amount and doxxed his ex girlfriend

                                    NAME                                                 Levin Adamčík
                                    ALIASES                                              ASAP NXYE, nxye, naye, nayewoo, nxya, inz, inzered
                                    NATIONALITY                                          German / Czech
                                    DATE OF BIRTH                                        19 06 2004 [19 as of 2023]
                                    ADDRESS                                              Escholzstraße 4, Freiburg 79106, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
                                    KNOWN EMAIL ADRESSES                                 levinadamcik@outlook.com [personal]
                                                                                         nevrolzeinv@outlook.com [email on discord account]

                                    KNOWN PHONE NUMBERS                                  0176 70209572
                                                                                         0160 95453555
                                                                                         [probably both outdated]

                                    GRABBED IP                                 

                                    SOCIAL MEDIA                                         lvn_79 [instagram]
                                                                                         innotaufnahme [snapchat]
                                                                                         nxye [discord]
                                                                                         asapnxye [discord]
                                                                                         notaufnahme [discord]

                                    FAMILY                                               one younger brother around 6 years old [2023]
                                                                                         one younger sister around 14 years old [2023]

                                    SCHOOL                                               Wentzinger-Gymnasium Freiburg
                                                                                         Falkenbergerstraße 21, 79108 Freiburg
                                                                                         0761 2017700

                                    DOCTOR                                               Praxis für Neurologie & Psychatrie an der Johanneskirche in Freiburg
                                                                                         [this bitch went to psychiatry]

                                    FRIENDS [ALSO DOGS]                                  ASAP BRIX - Doxxing, Cryptoscamming
                                                                                         Ben Weidens
                                                                                         14 05 2003 [20 as of 2023]
                                                                                         Köln [Cologne]

                                                                                         ASAP HZTUG - Doxxing, Cryptoscamming
                                                                                         Jose ?
                                                                                         around 20 years old

                                    IMAGES                                               No face leaks, please contact if you have something!



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