
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||GYPSY LAND ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||


The Guy: Alex Rihanu(found his real name)(poor guy got himself ratted)
He is From : Romania Timisoara 
Age: Around 19-20
IP: (not sure about this ip but i will come with a new update)
(i will try to find more info about him)
I want to take him out of the internet 


This was from his wannabe dox:
"Hi I am Alex
at the moment I am using this girl for my amusement
she is so stupid,she feels bad about me and my suicidal thoughts
I've tried to get some photos of her so i put presure on her

Found new more important info

Name:Sorin Claudiu
Highschool:Liceul Teoretic Callatis
Address:11 Strada Sirenei

He is a cunt on discord
Also doing a lot of shit

Here he is