|_   _| |__   ___     / \  | |/ /    | || |___  |
                                        | | | '_ \ / _ \   / _ \ | ' /_____| || |_ / /
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:| |:| |  __/::/ ___ \| . \_____|__   _/ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:|    \  ___   ___ _   _ _ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |_ ___+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+
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#########################|   /****\                                                 /-------------\   |########################
#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#|  |******| + AK-47 +                                     |doxed by stone & usd#3267||+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#
+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+|  |******| @SpoofedAttack                                 \-------------/   |#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+
+++++++++++++++++++++++++|   \****/                                                                   |++++++++++++++++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++++++++++|    `'-`                                                                    |++++++++++++++++++++++++
+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+|                                                                            |:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+
:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:|       @goturbox @yuhapril Go ahead and try and clown me I'd love to        |+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:
: : : : : : : : : : : : :|       to see this cause we know you're good at clowning yourself only.  
   | : : : : : : : : : : : :
 : : : : : : : : : : : : |                                                                            |: : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : :|                                                                            | : : : : : : : : : : : :
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                         | |       /         "             |_| \_/_/   \_\_|  |_|____/|_____/_/   \_\.org
                         | /      |
|            *                                                                                                                |
|                   [====================================================================================]            _.._    |
|              *    |                                                                                    |          .' .-'`   |
|                   |                                                                                    |         /  /       |
|                   |                                                                                    |         |  |       |
|                   |                                                                                    |         \  \       |
|                   |                              -Table Of Contents-                                   |          '._'-._   |
|                   |                                                                                    |             ```    |
|   *   '*          |                         *0x00 - Intro                                              |                    |
|           *       |                           *0x01 - Offense Information                              |                    |
|                *  |                           *0x02 - Verification                                     |                    |
|                   |                                                                                    |                    |
|               *   |                         *0x10 - Ak-47 (Target)                                     |                    |
|                   |                           *0x11 - Personal Information                             |                    |
|                   |                           *0x12 - Online Account Info.                             |                    |
|         .         |                             *0x13 - Call History                                   |        _           |
|         .         |                                                                                    |       (-`          |
|         :         |                         *0x20 - Family                                             |   "",  \           |
|         !         |                           *0x21 - Brother (Adam Alvarado)                          |    (____)          |
|         |        .|                             *0x22 - Personal Information                           | Snek doesn't like  |
|         |_        |                             *0x23 - Online Account Info.                           | you, and therefore |
|      ,  | `.      |                               *0x24 - Call History                                 | I don't either     |
|--- --+--+- --- |                           *0x25 - Mother (Alexa Alvarado)                          |        - Unknown   |
|      `._|_,'      |                             *0x26 - Personal Information                           |                    |
|         T         |                             *0x27 - Online Account Info.                           |                    |
|         |         |                           *0x28 - Father (David Alvarado)                          |                    |
|         !         |                             *0x29 - Personal Information                           |                    |
|         :         |                             *0x2A - Employment Information                         |                    |
|         .       * |                                                                                    |                    |
|                   |                         *0x30 - Other Documents                                    |                    |
|                   |                           *0x31 - AK-47s 10th Grade Failure Notice                 |                    |
|                   |                           *0x32 - Home loan Explaination Letter                    |                    |
|                   |                           *0x33 - Adams Termination Letter                         |                    |
|                   |                                                                                    |                    |
|                   |                         *0x40 - Conclusion                                         |                    |
|       .''.        |                           *0x41 - Ending Notes                                     | .''.             *'|
|      :_\/_:   .   |                                                                                    |:_\/_:   .    .:.*_\|
|  .''.: /\ : _\(/_ |                                                                                    |: /\ : _\(/_  ':'* /|
| :_\/_:'.:::. /)\*'|                                                                                    |:'.:::. /)\*''*  .|.|
| : /\ : :::::  '*_\|                                                                                    |: :::::  '*_\/_* | ||
|  '..'  ':::'   * /|                                                                                    |  ':::'   * /\ * |'||
|      *        __*.|                                                                                    |*        __*..* |  ||
|       _*   .-'   '|                                                                                    | _*   .-'   '-. |  ||
|    .-'|  _.|  |   |                                              .                                     |'|  _.|  |    ||   '|
|    |' | |.    |   [====================================================================================] | |.    |    ||    |
| ___|  '-'     '    ""       '-'   '-.'                                                   '`      |____|  '-'     '    ""    |
|                    ,:',:`,:'       HELP I'M ABOUT                                                                           |
|                 __||_||_||_||__  / TO FUCKING SINK                                                    ________  h___        |
|            ____["""""""""""""""]____                           __        __      _____       ___     |        | |  L|_      |
|            \ " '''''''''''''''''''' \                        _/ L\__   _| L\__  |    L\_   _/  L\__  |  DOX   |_|     |     |
|      ~^~^~^~^~^^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~~^~^~^^~~^~^                 '-o---o-' '-o---o-' '-O---O-' '=o----o-' '-OO----`OO----O-'     |
|                                                                                                                             |
|       /$$$$$$             /$$                               /$$                       /$$     /$$                           |
|      |_  $$_/            | $$                              | $$                      | $$    |__/                           |
|        | $$   /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$    /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$ /$$   /$$  /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$   /$$  /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$        |
|        | $$  | $$__  $$|_  $$_/   /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$| $$  | $$ /$$_____/|_  $$_/  | $$ /$$__  $$| $$__  $$       |
|        | $$  | $$  \ $$  | $$    | $$  \__/| $$  \ $$| $$  | $$| $$  | $$| $$        | $$    | $$| $$  \ $$| $$  \ $$       |
|        | $$  | $$  | $$  | $$ /$$| $$      | $$  | $$| $$  | $$| $$  | $$| $$        | $$ /$$| $$| $$  | $$| $$  | $$       |
|       /$$$$$$| $$  | $$  |  $$$$/| $$      |  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$  |  $$$$/| $$|  $$$$$$/| $$  | $$       |
|      |______/|__/  |__/   \___/  |__/       \______/  \_______/ \______/  \_______/   \___/  |__/ \______/ |__/  |__/       |
|                                                                                                                             |
+-- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*0x00--+
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Hello!                                                                                                                     |
|                                                                                                                             |
|       I met AK-47 a long time ago back before he was some hardcore roleplay hacker. When I met him he wasjust an autistic   |
|   staff member on ParaPots. I  don't know what triggered him to be some scary roleplay hacker, but after a while of knowing |
|   him it seemed like he knew his autism was terminal and he ran to the skidside.                                            |
|                                                                                                                             |
|       I had given him access to some of my servers to  help him get experience with server management because I had known   |
|   him for 2 years previously and he had never done anything scummy. About a month after giving him access to my servers     |
|   I caught him selling private possessions off of my servers. After I realized he had been profiting from my hard work, I   |
|   told him to give me all funds that he made from his larcen and he refused to do so.                                       |
|                                                                                                                             |
|      The following documents are all because of his mistakes. He had this coming for a long time and I'm suprised no one    |
|   else was smart enough to get accurate information. To the people who think he is this "Kaden Ramero" person, you are      |
|   fucking idiots. I know drake said he doxed him by triangulating his IP (LOL) but obviously hes full of shit.              |
|                                                                                                                             |
+--------------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x01 -+
| Offenses     | Date of Occurence | Evidence                                                                                 |
| Big Doxing!  | 4/4/2018          | https://doxbin.org/Enrique                                                               |
|              | 6/15/2017         | https://i.imgur.com/uWWX5kI.png                                                          |
|              |                   |                                                                                          |
| Bomb Threats!| 4/16/2018         | https://i.imgur.com/o3FX0VL.png                                                          |
|              |                   | https://i.imgur.com/PR7gLwd.png                                                          |
|              |                   |                                                                                          |
| Swatting!    | 7/9/2017          | https://i.imgur.com/cg5xnTU.png                                                          |
|              |                   |                                                                                          |
| Egotistical! | 7/22/2018         | https://i.imgur.com/HqN82P6.png                                                          |
|              | 7/18/2018         | https://i.imgur.com/IEBT9j5.png                                                          |
|              |                   | https://i.imgur.com/98dNowd.png                                                          |
|              |                   |                                                                                          |
| Edating!     | All year 24/7     | https://i.imgur.com/8qIv5m2.png                                                          |
|              |                   |                                                                                          |
+-- Verification ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x02 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
|      A fuck load of this information is already known to people who were his friends before he turned into an idiot         |
|  roleplay hacker. His weak point was his brother, as you will find out later in the document. Him and his older brother     |
|  (Adam) were pretty much the same person only that his brother (Adam) did not take his security as serious  as Ak-47 did.   |
|  So thats what who we targetted. His brother (Adam) didn't turn out to be a faggot like AK-47, so it sucks that he had      |
|  to be included in this as collateral but he is related to the issue and could have prevented this.                         |
|                                                                                                                             |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x10 -+
#########################################################################################################|       |#############
 ,--.,--.  ,--. ,---.   ------.,------. ,--------.     ,-----. ,-----. ,--.,--.  ,--.####################|       |#############
_|  ||  ,'.|  |'   .-'_|  .---'|  .--. ''--.  .--_____'  .--./'  .-.  '|  ||  ,'.|  |____________________|       |____________
 |  ||  |' '  |`.  `-. |  `--, |  '--'.'   |  |       |  |    |  | |  ||  ||  |' '  |       ,--.    ,--.          ,--.   ,--.
 |  ||  | `   |.-'    ||  `---.|  |\  \    |  |       '  '--'\'  '-'  '|  ||  | `   |      |oo  | _  \  `.       | oo | |  oo|
 `--'`--'  `--'`-----' `------'`--' '--'   `--'      O `-----' `-----'o`--'`--'o `--'  o  o|~~  |(_) /   ;       | ~~ | |  ~~|
                           -TO PROCEED TO THE DOX-                                         |/\/\|   '._,'        |/\/\| |/\/\|
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________        ______________
#########################################################################################################|       |#############
#########################################################################################################|       |#############
+-- Personal Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x11 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Full name:                                                                                                                  |
|         Caden "Nathaniel" Alvarado                                          _____________________                           |
|                                                          /  .       .      (#####)                          |
| Ethnicity:                                              .      .     .  _/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_   .       .   .   \   |
|         very mexican                                 .(          . .  /~                             ~\ . .   .             |
|                                                        ( . .        .~                                 ~.      .         )  |
| Phone:                                                          ()\/_____                           _____\/()   .    .  ).  |
|         (951) 217-2059                               (         .-''      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ``-.  ...          |
|          Account #: 370415892-00001                  .  . . .-~              __________________              ~-.  .    /    |
|      CNAM:                                            .   ..`~~/~~~~~~~~~~~~TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~~~~~~~~~~~~\~~'    . ) .   |
|          "Caller_Name": "CADEN ALVARADO",                . .| | | #### #### || | | | [] | | | || #### #### | | | .          |
|          "Carrier": "Verizon Wireless"                  (   ;__\|___________|++++++++++++++++++|___________|/__;.   .       |
|          "type": "mobile"                                 .  (~~====___________________________________====~~~)             |
|      Details:                                         ( .  .. \------_____________[ POLICE ]__________-------/ ..  .     )  |
|           Apple iPhone 6 16GB in Silver                       .  |      ||         ~~~~~~~~       ||      |                 |
|           Sim ID: 89148000001604151182                            \_____/                          \_____/                  |
|           IMEI: 359238062897858                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Address:                                                                                                                    |
|     9700 Cabrillo Dr                                                                                                        |
|     Riverside,CA 92503, United States                                                                                       |
|                                                                                                                             |
| School:                                                                                                                     |
|     Online Schooling (And his summer school because he failed)                                                              |
|     http://dhcentralcharter.org                                                                                             |
|     Phone #: (619) 268-6799                                                                                                 |
|     His Teachers info:                                                                                                      |
|           Name: April Paustian-Weiner                                                                                       |
|           Subject: English                                                                                                  |
|           Email: apaustin@dhcentralcharter.org                                                                              |
|    Previous School he failed at:                                                                                            |
|    Summit View Independent Study School                                                                                     |
|    Address: 6401 Lincoln Ave, Riverside, CA 92506                                                                           |
|    Phone: (951) 276-7670                                                                                                    |
|    Website: http://eoc.riversideunified.org/schools/summit_view                                                             |
|    Proof of failing: https://i.imgur.com/81mledC.png                                                                        |
|                                                                                                                             |
+-- Online Account Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x12 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
| Aliases:                                                                                                                    |
|         Ak-47                                                                                                               |
|         Woahs                                                                         /`-._      _,                         |
|         Kaden Romero                                                                 /      `-._(  \                        |
|         Caden                                                                       /           \\  \                       |
|         SpoofedAttack                                                              /             \\  \`-._                  |
|         PvpIsHardcore                                                             /           .   \\  \    `-._             |
|                                                                                  /           :).   \\  \        `-.         |
| Email:                                                                          /           ./;.    \\  \         /         |
|         pvpishardcore@gmail.com                                                /           .;'       \\  \       /          |
|         cade610@sbcglobal.net (gone)                                          /   .        .          \\  \     /           |
|                                                                              /  .; ):.   __________    \\  \   /            |
| Internet Information:                                                       /   . :" '  |~~_~__ _  |    \\(_) /             |
|         Current ISP: Spectrum                                              /       '    ) (_=__=_) (     \(.`/              |
|         Account #: 8245100614239321                                        `-._         |-_________|        /               |
|                 Modem:                                                          `-._                       /                |
|                         Manufacturer: Arris                                          `-._                 /                 |
|                         Model: TM1602A MTA                                                `-._           /                  |
|                 Router:                                                                        `-._     /                   |
|                         Manufacturer: Netgear                                                       `-./                    |
|                         Model: WND46399C                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                                             |
|         Previous IPs:                                                                                                       |
|        AT&T                                                                                        |
|        AT&T                                                                                            |
|        AT&T                                                                                          |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Social Media/ Online Accounts:                                                                                              |
|         Twitter: @SpoofedAttack                                                                                             |
|         Telegram: @Smelly                                                                                                   |
|         Discord: HIS DISCORD USES UNICODE SO IT FUCKS UP MY DOX                                                             |
|                 Discord server: discord.gg/YNXzPVM                                                                          |
|         Minecraft: Woahs                                                                                                    |
|                 UUID: 3400621b-b2ac-453a-b680-64cf9a3564bc                                                                  |
|         Skype(s):                                                                                                           |
|                 childnudes                                                                                                  |
|                 cadenplaysminecraft                                                                                         |
|                 live:pvpishardcore                                                                                          |
| Website(s):                                                                                                                 |
|         https://victim.cc/                                                                                                  |
|         https://leak.rip/                                                                                                   |
|         https://scary.site/                                                                                                 |
|                                                                                                                             |
+-- Call History ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x13 -+

           Date      Time        Number       Origination      Destination    Min.   Charges   Other   Chgs   Total
          --------- --------- -------------- ---------------- --------------- ------ --------- ------- ------ -------
           June-2    8:30PM    951.227.2334   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL      14   --        --      -
           June-4    4:30PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-5    10:50AM   951.776.7939   Moreno-Val,-CA   Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-5    11:00AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-5    3:10PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-5    3:20PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       4   --        --      -
           June-6    9:50AM    951.776.7939   Moreno-Val,-CA   Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-6    10:00AM   909.399.5472   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-6    10:10AM   909.399.5472   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-6    2:00PM    951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-6    10:10PM   951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -
           June-7    9:20AM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-7    2:30PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-7    7:20PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-7    10:40PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-8    11:00AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      2   --        --      -
           June-8    11:10AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -
           June-8    11:10AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-8    11:40AM   951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       4   --        --      -
           June-8    12:10PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -
           June-8    12:40PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-8    4:10PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-8    8:30PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-8    8:50PM    951.227.2334   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       5   --        --      -
           June-9    1:30PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-9    7:00PM    951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-9    8:30PM    951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-10   12:40PM   951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      2   --        --      -
           June-11   10:50AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      1   --        --      -
           June-11   11:00AM   951.776.7939   MorenoVal,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      1   --        --      -
           June-11   11:00AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-11   11:20AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-11   4:20PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      1   --        --      -
           June-12   12:50AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-12   1:30AM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-12   6:00PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-12   6:00PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-12   6:40PM    951.227.2334   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-12   6:40PM    951.227.2334   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-13   8:30AM    951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-13   2:20PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-13   2:30PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-13   4:10PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-13   4:40PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       4   --        --      -
           June-13   7:40PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-15   11:40AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-15   11:40AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-15   11:40AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-15   1:20PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-15   1:20PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-15   1:30PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-15   1:40PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-15   4:10PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-18   12:00PM   951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      1   --        --      -
           June-18   12:00PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-18   12:20PM   951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -
           June-18   12:40PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-18   12:50PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-18   4:40PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-19   1:40PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       4   --        --      -
           June-19   2:40PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-19   4:40PM    951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       7   --        --      -
           June-20   7:10PM    951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       8   --        --      -
           June-20   11:10PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      1   --        --      -
           June-21   4:00PM    951.776.7940   Moreno-Val,-CA   Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-21   4:00PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      7   --        --      -
           June-21   4:10PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      1   --        --      -
           June-21   5:10PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-21   8:40PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      1   --        --      -
           June-22   3:20AM    951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA     19   --        --      -
           June-22   3:40AM    951.215.5238   Moreno-Val,-CA   Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-22   11:40AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-22   11:50AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-23   6:10PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-23   8:20PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-24   10:40AM   951.215.5238   Corona,-CA       Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-24   5:10PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -
           June-25   11:10AM   951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -
           June-25   2:00PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-25   2:30PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-26   5:00PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -
           June-27   11:00AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-27   12:00PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -
           June-27   2:00PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -
           June-27   2:40PM    951.227.2334   Riverside,-CA    Corona,-CA        11   --        --      -
           June-27   4:10PM    951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      2   --        --      -
           June-27   5:00PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-28   11:40AM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-28   12:00PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -
           June-28   12:40PM   951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       5   --        --      -
           June-28   1:30PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       4   --        --      -
           June-28   1:50PM    951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      6   --        --      -
           June-29   12:00PM   951.776.7940   Riverside,-CA    Woodcrest,-CA      2   --        --      -
           June-29   12:10PM   951.215.5238   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-29   12:30PM   951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -
           June-29   2:50PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       5   --        --      -
           June-29   3:00PM    951.776.7939   Riverside,-CA    Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      --
######################################################################################################################## 0x20 #
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             `.,        ``            .      ~,                \-                                                ````'''''''''
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                    \            /  I guess you could call   \    `',
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                     ``'        |         family lmao         |
                        `\       \___________________________/

+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x21 -+
|                                     _____   _              _____ _                   _                                      |
|                                    |  _  |_| |___ _____   |  _  | |_ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |___                                  |
|                                    |     | . | .'|     |  |     | | | | .'|  _| .'| . | . |                                 |
|                                    |__|__|___|__,|_|_|_|  |__|__|_|\_/|__,|_| |__,|___|___|                                 |
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                     The one person who could've prevented this                                              |
|                                     AKA. His brother.                                                                       |
+-- Personal Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x22 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
|   Name:                                                                                                                     |
|           Adam Alvarado                                                                                                     |
|                                                                                                                             |
|   DOB:                                                                                                                      |
|           12/13/1998                                                                                                        |
|                                                                                                                             |
|   Phone:                                                                +----------------------------------------+          |
|           (951) 215-5238 [LOL HE CHANGED HIS NUMBER HAHA]               |                                        |          |
|           New number: (714) 951-7332 [CHANGED AGAIN LOL]                | Funny story, when I jacked his verizon |          |
|           Account #: 370415892-00001                                    | I was looking at his call history for  |          |
|           CNAM:                                                         | the month of July and I noticed a      |          |
|            "Caller_Name": "ADAM ALVARADO",                              | number that wasnt in his contacts.     |          |
|            "Carrier": "Verizon Wireless"                                | Turns out it was his local PD LOL.     |          |
|            "type": "mobile                                              |                                        |          |
|        Details:                                                         /----------------------------------------\          |
|             Apple iPhone 6 16GB in Gold                                 |                                        |          |
|             SIM ID: 89148000001602254558                                | proof: https://i.imgur.com/rnBOUkD.png |          |
|             IMEI: 354444064102660                                       |        https://i.imgur.com/P6C7fUg.png |          |
|                                                                         |                                        |          |
|   Address:                                                              \----------------------------------------/          |
|       9700 Cabrillo Dr                                                                                                      |
|       Riverside,CA 92503, United States                                                                                     |
|                                                                                                                             |
|   SSN:                                                                                                                      |
|       xxx-xx-3544                                                                                                           |
|                                                                                                                             |
|   Car Information:                                                                                                          |
|           2011 Nissan Sentra                                                                                                |
|           Licenses Plate: 6TDN991                                                                                           |
|           VIN: 3N1AB6AP3BL726621                                                                                            |
|                                                                                                                             |
|   Previous Employer:                                                                                                        |
|           Golden State FC LLC                                                                                               |
|           Termination cause: Job abandonment                                                                                |
|           EEID: 102776418                                                                                                   |
|                                                                                                                             |
+-- Online Informaion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *0x23 -+
|                                                                                                   ,--.                      |
|   Alias:                                                                                         {    }                     |
|           AXC                                                                                    K,   }                     |
|           Adam                                                                                  /  ~Y`                      |
|           AdamBomb1213                                                                     ,   /   /                        |
|           godmotor                                                                        {_'-K.__/                         |
|           Angel                                                                             `/-.__L._                       |
|                                                                                             /  ' /`\_}                      |
|   Emails:                                                                                  /  ' /                           |
|           alvarado1213@sbcglobal.net (jacked lol)                                  ____   /  ' /                            |
|           1213gasmask@gmail.com                                             ,-'~~~~    ~~/  ' /_                            |
|           daddyangel@protonmail.com                                       ,'             ``~~~  ',                          |
|           adamsawesome@icloud.com                                        (                        Y                         |
|                                                                         {                         I                         |
|   Common Passwords:                                                    {      -                    `,                       |
|           adamA1213                                                    |       ',                   )                       |
|           aaa1213                                                      |        |   ,..__      __. Y                        |
|                                                                        |    .,_./  Y ' / ^Y   J   )|                        |
|   Accounts:                                                            \           |' /   |   |   ||                        |
|           Minecraft: AXC                                                \          L_/    . _ (_,.'(                        |
|           UUID: 1045ad4a-29e8-49ed-bae3-4071c0e46a22                     \,   ,      ^^""' / |      )                       |
|           Minecraft: FoiL                                                  \_  \          /,L]     /                        |
|           UUID:-346355f4-f5a4-450d-8bbf-e318aa3c1353                         '-_~-,       ` `   ./`                         |
|           Snapchat: fuxadam                                                     `'{_            )                           |
|           Twitter: https://twitter.com/AngelDrips                                   ^^\..___,.--`                           |
|                                                                                                                             |
+-- Call History ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x24 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
|        ...........................................................................................................          |
|        :  Date  :  Time   :    Number    :  Origination  :  Destination  : Min. : Charges : Other : Chgs : Total :          |
|        :........:.........:..............:...............:...............:......:.........:.......:......:.......:          |
|        : June2  : 5:12PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June2  : 5:14PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    3 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June2  : 5:27PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June3  : 3:17PM  : 951.264.4311 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    3 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June3  : 3:54PM  : 951.264.4311 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :   43 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June5  : 1:21AM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    4 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June5  : 6:53PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June6  : 12:39PM : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June6  : 1:07PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June6  : 1:39PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June6  : 2:06PM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June6  : 6:25PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June6  : 10:14PM : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    3 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June7  : 1:12PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June7  : 7:46PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June8  : 4:16PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June8  : 7:57PM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : VM-Deposit,CL :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June9  : 12:18PM : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June9  : 2:02PM  : 951.776.7939 : LA-Puente,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June9  : 3:24PM  : 951.776.7939 : LA-Puente,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    4 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June9  : 7:00PM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June9  : 8:32PM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June9  : 8:33PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June9  : 8:38PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June10 : 10:32AM : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June10 : 4:40PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June10 : 6:03PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June11 : 4:26AM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June11 : 8:34PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June12 : 12:35AM : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June12 : 1:40AM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June12 : 8:27PM  : 951.217.9778 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June13 : 8:31AM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June14 : 1:52PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June14 : 5:50PM  : 951.776.7940 : Irvine,CA     : Woodcrest,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June14 : 7:31PM  : 951.776.7939 : Corona,CA     : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June15 : 11:14PM : 951.217.9778 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 7:14AM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 12:03PM : 951.217.2059 : Rancho-Cuc,CA : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 12:23PM : 951.217.2059 : Rancho-Cuc,CA : Riverside,CA  :    3 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 3:55PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    3 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 6:35PM  : 951.217.9778 : Corona,CA     : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 7:23PM  : 951.217.9778 : Corona,CA     : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 7:23PM  : 951.217.9778 : Corona,CA     : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 7:23PM  : 951.217.9778 : Corona,CA     : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 7:30PM  : 951.217.9778 : Corona,CA     : Riverside,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June18 : 8:05PM  : 424.666.9706 : Riverside,CA  : Beverlyhls,CA :    4 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June19 : 6:04AM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June19 : 4:46PM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    7 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June20 : 1:25PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June20 : 7:15PM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    8 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June21 : 4:02PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    3 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June21 : 4:04PM  : 951.217.9778 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June21 : 5:16PM  : 951.217.9778 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June22 : 3:23AM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :   19 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June22 : 3:42AM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June22 : 10:54PM : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : VM-Deposit,CL :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June23 : 4:23PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June23 : 5:57PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June23 : 6:08PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June23 : 6:11PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June23 : 6:37PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June23 : 6:42PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June23 : 8:23PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June24 : 5:57AM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June24 : 9:45AM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June24 : 9:58AM  : 951.776.7939 : Norco,CA      : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June24 : 10:43AM : 951.217.2059 : Corona,CA     : Riverside,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June25 : 2:07PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June25 : 2:08PM  : 951.776.7940 : MorenoVal,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June25 : 2:09PM  : 951.776.7939 : MorenoVal,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June25 : 2:34PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June26 : 10:28AM : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June26 : 11:01AM : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June26 : 11:04AM : 951.784.6430 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    6 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June26 : 7:47PM  : 951.275.5076 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June26 : 8:41PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June27 : 12:34PM : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June27 : 4:18PM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June27 : 4:24PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June27 : 4:29PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    3 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June27 : 4:38PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    4 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June28 : 1:13PM  : 951.898.4712 : Riverside,CA  : Corona,CA     :    8 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June28 : 10:22PM : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 11:16AM : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :   10 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 11:53AM : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :   11 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 12:04PM : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    3 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 12:06PM : 951.217.2059 : MorenoVal,CA  : VM-Deposit,CL :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 12:06PM : 951.217.2059 : MorenoVal,CA  : VM-Deposit,CL :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 12:06PM : 951.776.7939 : MorenoVal,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 12:10PM : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : Riverside,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 12:29PM : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 3:08PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 3:12PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    2 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 3:20PM  : 951.217.9778 : Riverside,CA  : Incoming,CL   :    4 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : June29 : 6:37PM  : 951.776.7939 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : Jul1   : 8:54PM  : 951.217.2059 : Riverside,CA  : VM-Deposit,CL :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        : Jul1   : 8:54PM  : 951.776.7940 : Riverside,CA  : Woodcrest,CA  :    1 : --      : --    :    - :       :          |
|        :........:.........:..............:...............:...............:......:.........:.......:......:.......:          |
|                                                                                                                             |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x25 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                  _____ _                _____ _                   _                                         |
|                                 |  _  | |___ _ _ ___   |  _  | |_ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |___                                     |
|                                 |     | | -_|_'_| .'|  |     | | | | .'|  _| .'| . | . |                                    |
|                                 |__|__|_|___|_,_|__,|  |__|__|_|\_/|__,|_| |__,|___|___|                                    |
|                                 The woman that should've grounded him when she had the chance                               |
|                                 AKA: His mother                                                                             |
+-- Personal Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x26 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Name:                                                                                                                      |
|          Alexa "Anastasia" Alvarado                                                     .-=-.          .--.                 |
|          Maiden name: Robson                                                __        .'     '.       /  " )                |
|                                                                     _     .'  '.     /   .-.   \     /  .-'\                |
|  DOB:                                                              ( \   / .-.  \   /   /   \   \   /  /    ^               |
|          01-27-1972                                                 \ `-` /   \  `-'   /     \   `-`  /                     |
|                                                                      `-.-`     '.____.'       `.____.'                      |
|  Phone Information:                                                                                                         |
|          (951) 776-7939                                                                                                     |
|          Account #: 370415892-00001                                                                                         |
|                CNAM:                                                                                                        |
|                    "Caller_Name": "ALEXA ALVARADO",                                                                         |
|                    "Carrier": "Verizon Wireless"                                                                            |
|                    "type": "mobile                                                                                          |
|                Details:                                                                                                     |
|                       Apple iPhone6 64GB in Silver                                                                          |
|                     SIM ID: 89148000001617040208                                                                            |
|                     IMEI: 358371065110260                                                                                   |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Address:                                                                                                                   |
|      9700 Cabrillo Dr                                                                                                       |
|      Riverside,CA 92503, United States                                                                                      |
|      Past addreses:                                                                                                         |
|          359 Orange St Riverside, CA 92501                                                                                  |
|                  3771 Hillside Ave Norco, CA 92860                                                                          |
|                  3771 Hillside Ave Riverside, CA 91760                                                                      |
|                  2343 Orange St Riverside, CA 92501                                                                         |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  SSN:                                                                                                                       |
|          573-89-0643                                                                                                        |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Car Information:                                                                                                           |
|          Model: 2008 Honda CR-V                                                                                             |
|          License Plate: 6B0V857                                                                                             |
|          VIN: JHLRE38518C008681                                                                                             |
|          Geico policy number: 4406129355                                                                                    |
|                  NAIC:  22055                                                                                               |
|          Insured Drivers:                                                                                                   |
|                  Adam  Alvarado                                                                                             |
|                  Claudia  Alvarado                                                                                          |
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Credit Card Information:                                                                                                   |
|          Type: MasterCard                                                                                                   |
|          Last four digits: 6823                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Credit Information:                                                          ,^~~~-.         .-~~~"-.                      |
|          Trans Union:                                                        :  .--. \       /  .--.  \                     |
|                  Score: 682                                                  : (    .-`)                 |
|         Service: DSL Internet                                                   |                         |                 |
|                                                                                  \._                   _./                  |
| AT&T Information:                                                                   ```--. . , ; .--'''                     |
|         Service: Direct-TV                                                                | |   |                           |
|         Account #: 116550554                                                           .-=||  | |=-.                        |
|                                                                                        `-=#$%&%$#=-'                        |
| Phone Contacts:                                                                           | ;  :|                           |
|                                                                                  _____.,-#%&$@%#&#~,._____                  |
|    "First Name"              : "Last Name" : "Business Phone" : "Home Phone"       : "Mobile Phone"     : "Other Phone"     |
|    "Aaron"                   :             :                  :                    : "+13036672199"     :                   |
|    "Adam      "              :             :                  :                    : "(951) 215-5238"   :                   |
|    "Adrian"                  :             :                  :                    : "+17203573985"     :                   |
|    "Albertina"               :             :                  :                    : "+19513147978"     :                   |
|    "Alberto -Adam's Friend " :             :                  :                    : "(951) 403-2978"   :                   |
|    "Alex"                    :             :                  :                    : "(951)850-9448"    :                   |
|    "Annabelle"               : "Y."        :                  :                    : "(951)966-0364"    :                   |
|    "Antonio"                 :             :                  : "19096416723"      :                    :                   |
|    "Attendance Office - NHS" :             :                  : "736-3247"         :                    :                   |
|    "Aunt"                    : "Rosie"     :                  :                    : "18157864121"      :                   |
|    "Aveline"                 :             :                  :                    : "(951) 217-1136"   :                   |
|                              :             :                  :                    : "351-3131"         :                   |
|    "Beverly"                 : "Wilson"    :                  :                    : "(951) 750-5500"   :                   |
|    "Bill"                    : "Bowman"    :                  :                    : "+17074984384"     :                   |
|    "Brianne-Kaylee"          :             :                  :                    : "237-4593"         :                   |
|    "Caden      "             :             :                  :                    :                    : "(951) 217-2059"  |
|    "Candie"                  :             :                  :                    : "1 (714) 366-2163" :                   |
|    "Carlos-Adam's Friend"    :             :                  :                    : "(951) 264-4311"   :                   |
|    "Carol -Stephanie "       :             :                  :                    : "(951) 961-8774"   :                   |
|    "Caroline"                :             :                  :                    : "+14065223826"     :                   |
|    "Cathy"                   : "T"         :                  :                    : "(951)216-4725"    :                   |
|    "Charlie-cell"            :             :                  :                    : "(951) 227-3196"   :                   |
|    "Charlie-iphone"          :             :                  :                    :                    : "(951) 741-0417"  |
|    "Chris-Amanda's Mom"      :             :                  :                    : "(951)515-0321"    :                   |
|    "Claudia      "           :             :                  :                    : "(951) 217-9778"   :                   |
|    "Coach Britton"           :             :                  :                    : "(951) 515-3960"   :                   |
|    "Coach Jay"               : "Arnaiz"    :                  :                    : "(951) 858-5576"   :                   |
|    "Coach Paulette"          :             :                  :                    : "(562) 477-9821"   :                   |
|    "Coach Pollard"           :             :                  :                    : "(951) 232-2221"   :                   |
|    "Coach Smith"             :             :                  :                    :                    : "+19515446731"    |
|    "Coach"                   : "Kalynn"    :                  : "(951)898-8760"    : "(951)316-0349"    :                   |
|    "Costco-Corona"           :             :                  :                    : "279-1190"         :                   |
|    "Curtis-Brooke's"         : "Dad"       :                  :                    : "(951)454-5826"    :                   |
|    "Cynthia- Jude"           :             :                  :                    : "(909) 379-5370"   :                   |
|    "Dad"                     :             :                  :                    : "1 (949) 566-3271" :                   |
|    "Dan"                     :             :                  :                    : "+16199923336"     :                   |
|    "Dan- Dakota"             :             :                  :                    : "533-4605"         :                   |
|    "David"                   :             :                  :                    : "(626) 643-9221"   :                   |
|    "Deanna"                  :             :                  : "(951)509-7713"    : "(951)237-0990"    :                   |
|    "Debby"                   : "S."        :                  :                    : "(951)500-7464"    :                   |
|    "Deserae"                 :             :                  :                    : "+17203196648"     :                   |
|    "Deserae"                 :             :                  :                    : "1(303)621-4303"   :                   |
|    "Diana- Claudia's Friend" :             :                  :                    : "602-0221"         :                   |
|    "Diane-Missy's Mom"       :             :                  :                    : "(951)333-7152"    :                   |
|    "Dr.Harriss"              :             : "(951)782-3683"  :                    : "(951)683-6370"    :                   |
|    "Dr.Steve"                : "Francis"   :                  :                    : "(951)351-0001"    :                   |
|    "Erica-Sam's Mom"         :             :                  :                    : "288-3968"         :                   |
|    "Eva"                     :             :                  :                    : "(951) 258-6265"   :                   |
|    "Gabby-Brittany's"        : "Mom"       : "19514793424"    : "19517375466"      : "19092403730"      :                   |
|    "Gary"                    :             :                  :                    : "(951) 315-7410"   :                   |
|    "Hair Stranz"             :             :                  :                    : "(951) 272-6361"   :                   |
|    "Heidi-Jess"              :             :                  :                    : "(909) 908-9109"   :                   |
|    "Home"                    :             :                  : "(951)637-3822"    :                    :                   |
|    "Indra"                   :             :                  : "(951)302-9399"    : "(951)760-6462"    :                   |
|    "Isabel-Desarae's"        : "Mom"       :                  : "19512720129"      : "19517417913"      :                   |
|    "Ivan"                    :             :                  :                    : "(909)226-7471"    :                   |
|    "Jamba Juice(Amber)"      :             :                  :                    : "358-0819"         :                   |
|    "Janet-Griffin's Mom"     :             :                  :                    : "515-1948"         :                   |
|    "Jeanette"                : "M."        :                  :                    : "(951) 643-9484"   :                   |
|    "Jeanette"                : "Simmons"   :                  :                    : "(909)731-7557"    :                   |
|    "Jenai"                   :             :                  :                    : "(909)229-4151"    :                   |
|    "Jesse"                   : "A."        :                  :                    : "(562)697-3767"    :                   |
|    "Jesse"                   : "A."        :                  :                    : "(951)522-8625"    :                   |
|    "Jesse"                   : "Cruz"      :                  :                    : "(951) 203-6021"   :                   |
|    "Judy- Darby's Mom"       :             :                  :                    : "+19518301031"     :                   |
|    "Julie- Parker's Mom"     :             :                  :                    : "(951) 505-9692"   :                   |
|    "Keishawn"                :             :                  :                    : "(951)850-7567"    :                   |
|    "Kevin"                   : "Trishell"  :                  :                    : "+19512039605"     :                   |
|    "Kristen"                 : "R"         :                  :                    :                    : "+19515294877"    |
|    "Kristy V."               :             :                  : "1 (714) 983-7846" : "1 (562) 547-4487" :                   |
|    "Laura- Emily's Mom"      :             :                  :                    : "(951) 237-5198"   :                   |
|    "Laura-Isaiah"            :             :                  :                    :                    :                   |
|    "Lauri"                   :             :                  :                    : "5448579"          :                   |
|    "Leslie-Nathan's Mom"     :             :                  :                    : "1 (909) 227-4126" :                   |
|    "Liliana-Katia's Mom"     :             :                  :                    :                    : "(951)893-7113"   |
|    "Lisa -Ryan's Mom"        :             :                  :                    : "(909) 731-7270"   :                   |
|    "Lisa"                    : "F."        :                  :                    : "3176888"          :                   |
|    "Lover????"               :             :                  :                    : "(951)776-7940"    :                   |
|    "Marg"                    :             :                  : "(707) 407-0854"   : "(707) 267-4649"   :                   |
|    "Marie"                   :             :                  :                    : "(909) 816-5767"   :                   |
|    "Marisa"                  :             :                  :                    : "(951)288-4538"    :                   |
|    "Marissa's Mom - Louise"  :             :                  :                    : "+19519568130"     :                   |
|    "Martha"                  : "O."        :                  :                    : "(951)858-4183"    :                   |
|    "Mary"                    :             : "(951)235-7751"  : "(951)509-1798"    : "(951)566-6510"    :                   |
|    "Mary-Daniel (Baseball)"  :             :                  :                    : "(951) 842-8969"   :                   |
|    "Maybelle-cell"           :             :                  :                    : "1 (602) 448-6468" :                   |
|    "Megan"                   :             :                  : "(951)360-3797"    : "(951)990-1410"    : "1 (949) 566-1298"|
|    "Melissa"                 :             :                  : "(951)735-4924"    : "(406) 404-1086"   :                   |
|    "Michele"                 :             :                  :                    : "(951)830-4539"    :                   |
|    "Miss A."                 :             :                  :                    : "1 (562) 505-7381" :                   |
|    "Mom"                     :             :                  : "(951)736-3971"    :                    :                   |
|    "Monica"                  : "M."        :                  : "(951)785-6530"    : "(951)285-5581"    :                   |
|    "Monica"                  : "Thompson"  :                  :                    : "+19512334042"     :                   |
|    "Mr."                     : "Arce"      :                  :                    : "(951) 961-0096"   :                   |
|    "Mr."                     : "Thomas"    :                  :                    : "(951) 263-8023"   :                   |
|    "Mrs. Raya"               :             :                  :                    : "(951) 785-9866"   :                   |
|    "Mrs. Raya"               :             :                  : "(951) 785-9866"   : "(951) 312-3110"   :                   |
|    "Mrs."                    : "Espino"    :                  :                    : "+19095035884"     :                   |
|    "Mrs."                    : "Fierro"    :                  :                    : "688-8479"         :                   |
|    "Nancy"                   :             :                  : "(951)213-6078"    : "(951)258-6020"    :                   |
|    "Nathan-Adam's Friend"    :             :                  :                    :                    :                   |
|    "Nathan-Adam's Friend"    :             :                  :                    : "(951) 345-2262"   :                   |
|    "Nick-Chris"              :             : "(951) 533-0592" : "(951)782-9847"    :                    :                   |
|    "Noah"                    :             :                  :                    :                    : "1 (949) 566-1297"|
|    "Norco High School"       :             :                  : "736-3241"         :                    :                   |
|    "Norma"                   :             :                  : "(951)737-7242"    : "19512131617"      :                   |
|    "Norma- Claudia's friend" :             :                  : "+19513352891"     :                    :                   |
|    "Notre Dame HS"           :             :                  :                    : "(951) 275-5896"   :                   |
|    "Pauline"                 :             :                  :                    : "(951) 329-8320"   :                   |
|    "Rachel"                  :             :                  :                    : "(303)898-4001"    :                   |
|    "Rocco-Dad's Friend"      :             :                  :                    : "1 (714) 920-7620" :                   |
|    "Sal"                     :             :                  :                    : "(951) 218-8128"   :                   |
|    "Sara"                    : "Z."        :                  :                    : "(951)264-8195"    :                   |
|    "School"                  :             : "(951)689-1981"  :                    : "(951) 335-8882"   :                   |
|    "Siaki"                   :             :                  :                    : "(951) 743-9733"   :                   |
|    "Sosa"                    :             :                  :                    : "+1 (951) 543-2119":                   |
|    "Stacy"                   :             :                  :                    : "1 (951) 893-3332" :                   |
|    "Stater Bros."            :             :                  :                    :                    :                   |
|    "Stephanie-Helena's Mom"  :             :                  :                    : "(951) 202-6681"   :                   |
|    "Stephanie"               : "V."        :                  :                    : "(951)707-5429"    :                   |
|    "Tom-Alyssa's"            : "Dad"       :                  :                    : "13107955164"      :                   |
|    "Toni"                    : "M."        :                  :                    : "(951)318-1176"    :                   |
|    "Tracy"                   :             :                  :                    : "(951) 316-1000"   :                   |
|    "Tyler-Claudia's friend"  :             :                  :                    : "+19513105369"     :                   |
|    "Tyson"                   :             :                  :                    :                    : "1(360)528-7525"  |
|    "Union Roofers"           :             :                  :                    : "1 (562) 927-1434" :                   |
|    "Urgent"                  : "Care"      : "(951)782-3789"  :                    :                    :                   |
|    "Ursula"                  :             :                  : "(619)334-3342"    : "(619)992-1096"    :                   |
|    "Veronica"                :             :                  :                    : "317-1766"         :                   |
|    "Victor"                  :             :                  :                    : "(951) 204-1430"   :                   |
|    "Virginia"                : "Sabaresse" :                  :                    : "(714)381-3587"    :                   |
|    "Yolanda"                 :             :                  : "(951)353-8601"    : "(951)288-9366"    :                   |
|                              :             :                  :                    :                    :                   |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x28 -+
|                         ____          _   _    _____ _                   _           __                                     |
|                        |    \ ___ _ _|_|_| |  |  _  | |_ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |___    __|  |___                                 |
|                        |  |  | .'| | | | . |  |     | | | | .'|  _| .'| . | . |  |  |  |  _|_                               |
|                        |____/|__,|\_/|_|___|  |__|__|_|\_/|__,|_| |__,|___|___|  |_____|_| |_|                              |
|                        The one person that should've smacked his kid harder                                                 |
|                        AKA: his father                                                                                      |
+-- Personal Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x29 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
| Name:                                                                                                                       |
|         David "James" Alvarado Jr.                                                                                          |
|                                                                                                                             |
| DOB:                                                                                                                        |
|         05/15/1971                                                                                                          |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Phone Information:                                                                                                          |
|         (951) 776-7940                                                                                                      |
|         CNAM:                                                                                                               |
|                 "Caller_Name": "DAVID ALVARADO",                                                                            |
|                 "Carrier": "Verizon Wireless"                                                                               |
|                 "type": "mobile                                                                                             |
|         Device Information:                                                                                                 |
|                 Apple iPhone 6 64GB in Space Gray                                                                           |
|                 Device ID: 89148000001612805837 (ICC)                                                                       |
|                 IMEI: 359235062042972                                                                                       |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Emails:                                                                                                                     |
|         alvarado97@sbcglobal.net [Deleted when his mom terminated her email]                                                |
|         dalvarad@anningjohnson.com                                                                                          |
|         alvaradojrdavid@gmail.com                                                                                           |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Address:                                                                                                                    |
|         9700 Cabrillo Dr                                                                                                    |
|         Riverside,CA 92503, United States                                                                                   |
|         Past addresses:                                                                                                     |
|                 2359 Orange St Riverside, CA 92501                                      ...                                 |
|                 2343 Orange St Riverside, CA 92501                                    ;::::;                                |
|                 921 6th St Norco, CA 92860                                          ;::::; :;                               |
|                 3733 Windswest Ct Oklahoma City, OK 73179                         ;:::::'   :;                              |
|                 7928 S Sheridan Rd Apt 805 Tulsa, OK 74133                       ;:::::;     ;.                             |
|                 921 6th St Riverside, CA 91760                                  ,:::::'       ;           OOO\              |
|                                                                                 ::::::;       ;          OOOOO\             |
|                                                                                 ;:::::;       ;         OOOOOOOO            |
| SSN:                                                                           ,;::::::;     ;'         / OOOOOOO           |
|         556-13-6245                                                          ;:::::::::`. ,,,;.        /  / DOOOOOO         |
|                                                                            .';:::::::::::::::::;,     /  /     DOOOO        |
| Credit Information:                                                       ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;,   /  /        DOOO       |
|         Trans Union:                                                     ;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/  /          DOOO      |
|                 Score: 722                                               :`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::#  /            DOOO     |
|                 Creditcards: 2                                           ::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# /              DOO     |
|                 Cars: 3                                                  `:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/               DOO     |
|         Equifax:                                                          :::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::##                OO     |
|                 Score: 722                                                ::::`:::::::`;::::::::;:::#                OO     |
|                 Creditcards: 3                                            `:::::`::::::::::::;'`:;::#                O      |
|                 Cars: 3                                                    `:::::`::::::::;' /  / `:#                       |
|                                                                             ::::::`:::::;'  /  /   `#                       |
+- Job Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x2A -+
|                                                                                                                             |
| Job information:                                                                                                            |
|         Company: ANNING JOHNSON COMPANY                                                                                     |
|         Position: Roofer                                                                                                    |
|         Employee ID: 3512                                                                                                   |
|| 30  | 341  | 111   | 3512      | DAVID J ALVARADO JR. | ROOFER JM |09/18/2017- |              | 23120                     ||
||     |      |       |           |                      |           |09/24/2017  | 3T0651       |                           ||
||                       EARNINGS                        |                        DEDUCTIONS/BENEFITS                        ||
||    DESCRIPTION    | HOURS  | RATE   |     AMOUNT      |      DESCRIPTION      |   AMOUNT    |         YTD AMOUNT          ||
|| REGULAR HOURS     | 40.00  | 37.960 | 1,518.40        | CALIFORNIA W/H        | 43.56       |                    3,261.25 ||
|| OVERTIME HOURS    | 1.00   | 56.940 | 56.94           | DUES CHECK OFF        | 41.00       |                    1,701.00 ||
|| SUBSISTENCE PAY   |        |        | 490.00          | VACTION               | 112.75      |                    4,677.85 ||
|| DIES CHECK OFF    |        |        | 41.00           | DIRECT DEPOSIT*       | 1,762.62    |                   43,340.12 ||
|| VACTION           |        |        | 112.75          |                       |             |                             ||
|| SICK HRS AVAIL    | 48.00  |        |                 |                       |             |                             ||
||                   |        |        |                 |                       |             |                             ||
||                                                                                                                           ||
||         Keep your paystubs, you need them!! Anning Johnson Company  13250 Temple Ave.  City of Industry, CA 91746         ||
||                                                                                                                           ||
||            |              |             |             |            |              |             |         NETPAY          ||
||  CURRENT   | 2,219.09     | 111.33      | 132.27      | 43.56      | 15.56        | 302.72      |-------------------------+|
||            |              |             |             |            |              |             |                         ||
|+------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+------------+--------------+-------------|                         ||
||            |              |             |             |            |              |             |                         ||
||   Y.T.D    | 91,941.44    | 7,887.51    | 6,364.13    | 3,261.25   | 748.76       | 153.75      |               **1,762.62||
||            |              |             |             |            |              |             |                         ||
|+------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+------------+--------------+-------------|                         ||
|             | GROSS EARN.  | FED W/ TAX  |   F.I.C.A   | STATE TAX  |   SDI TAX    | TOTAL TAXES |                         ||
|             +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+|
|                                                                                                                             |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x30 -+
                                     )           _____            ____                            _
                            )      ((     (     |   __|_ _ ___   |    \ ___ ___ _ _ _____ ___ ___| |_ ___
                           (        ))     )    |   __| | |   |  |  |  | . |  _| | |     | -_|   |  _|_ -|
                    )       )      //     (     |__|  |___|_|_|  |____/|___|___|___|_|_|_|___|_|_|_| |___|
               _   (        __    (     ~->>
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        | //  : |- \_ \ -\_\ -\ \ \ ~\_  \ ->> - ,  >>
        | //  : |_~_\ -\__\ \~'\ \ \, \__ . ->                                   ___.--------'``````:``````'--------.___
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+-- AK-47's 10th grade failure notice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x31 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
| [This is a recreation of this email that his mom received from his school: https://i.imgur.com/pNRWfcA.png]                 |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Hello,                                                                                                                      |
| Although Caden attends his conference fairly regularly, he is not advancing in credit production because                    |
| he does not complete enough homework during the week at home. Hopefully he will crank out some credits                      |
| in the next 3 weeks. He will not reach 11th grade status by the end of this school year at hi pace.                         |
| Possibly a more structured program would better suit him for next year. I do enjoy having him as                            |
| my student and he is always polite and respectful (l also love my Hawaii magnet).                                           |
| Please contact me with any concerns, thank you.                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Cynder Field                                                                                                                |
| Sumnut View Teacher, RUSD                                                                                                   |
| Educational Options Center                                                                                                  |
| (951) 276-7670 ext. 69206                                                                                                   |
| cfield@rusd_k12_ca_us                                                                                                       |
| Alexa Alvarado                                                                                   |
| To: Field, Cyntha A.                                                                                                        |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Ms. Field, Does Caden have class next week?                                                                                 |
| He was concerned when you weren't there for 2 class sessions ...he was happy that You were back yesterday                   |
| ( although he couldn't stay as he was having some stomach problems )...he did turn in his books .                           |
| Two weeks ago received a letter stating that Caden would not be accepted at your school program next year.....              |
| l had higher hopes for Caden in the Summit View program but you are right he isn't completing enough work ! I was           |
| thinking maybe the 4 hour a day program for him next year...is that the Rain Cross program ?                                |
| left a message last week for Mr . Davalos but he never returned my phone call.                                              |
| have also not heard back about summer school. Caden                                                                         |
| is on a transfer for your district , I need to make sure that he has somewhere to go far next year.....any suggestions ?    |
| I truly can't believe he just isn't interested in school anymore !                                                          |
| He has many years to go and as a parent I don't exactly know what to do to help him advance                                 |
| He has enjoyed having you as a teacher , you have made him smile again but he just isn't motivated enough to do his         |
| schoolwork .                                                                                                                |
| Thank you ,                                                                                                                 |
| Alexa Alvarado                                                                                                              |
|                                                                                                                             |
| Sent from my iPad                                                                                                           |
|                                                                                                                             |
+-- Home Loan Explaination ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x32 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
|  June 18, 2017 - This is intended to be the explanation letter requested for David and                                      |
|  Alexa Alvarado's Home loan.                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  With regard to the multiple past late payments showing between June of 2013                                                |
|  and August of 2016 on our credit report for Wells Fargo: After the beginning of the new                                    |
|  year in 2013, David experienced fewer work hours, which initiated our getting                                              |
|  behind. The lates continued rolling forward until we got everything caught up close                                        |
|  to a year ago. There has been no shortage of hours to be worked, or problems with                                          |
|   keeping everything paid on time since.                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Our reason for requesting this refinance loan is to pay several of our bills off,                                          |
|  complete some home improvement projects, and lower our overall interest rate and                                           |
|  monthly payment.                                                                                                           |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  CBNA Inquiry - David opened a Costco Citibank credit card, which he uses when                                              |
|  he works out of town.                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Addresses: 2343 Orange St, Riverside, CA 92501 - We rented, living at this address                                         |
|  for about 10 years before purchasing 9700 Cabrillo, where we currently own                                                 |
|  and live.                                                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  921 6th Street, Norco, CA 92860 - David resided here prior to our moving together                                          |
|   to 2343 Orange St.                                                                                                        |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  3771 Hillside Ave, Norco, CA 92860 - This is where Alexa resided before she and                                            |
|  David moved together to 2343 Orange St.                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Other Name: Alexa A. Robson - Robson is Alexa's maiden name. Alexa A. Robson                                               |
|  became Alexa A. Alvarado 20 years ago last March.                                                                          |
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  ____________________________________                                                                                       |
|  Alexa Anastasia Alvarado                                                                                                   |
|  ____________________________________                                                                                       |
|  David James Alvarado Jr.                                                                                                   |
|                                                                                                                             |
+-- Adams Termination Letter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x33 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
|  12/12/2017                                                                                                                 |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Adam Alvarado                                                                                                              |
|  9700 Cabrillo Dr                                                                                                           |
|  Riverside, CA 92503                                                                                                        |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Dear Adam (EEID: 102776418):                                                                                               |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  This letter confirms that the date of your voluntary resignation due to job abandonment with Golden                        |
|  State FC LLC is December 12, 2017.                                                                                         |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  You have executed a Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement with the Company.  You are                          |
|  reminded that certain provisions of the agreement survive the termination of your employment with the                      |
|  Company and remain in full force and effect.                                                                               |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  We wish you the best in your future endeavors.                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Sincerely,                                                                                                                 |
|  Amazon Human Resources                                                                                                     |
|                                                                                                                             |
       . . . . ....:.:.:.:.::::::o:o:o:ooooooOoOoOoOOOOOO8O8O8O8O8888@8@8@8@8@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^@@@@@@@@
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            . . . ......:.:.:.:.::::o:o:o:o:ooooOoOoOoOoOOOOOO8O8O8O888888@8@8@8@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
+-- Ending Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x41 -+
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Hey,                                                                                                                       |
|                                                                                                                             |
|        AK-47 was a real jerk, I've seen this kid swat little girls and extort them for not sending him naked pictures of    |
|  themselves, not only that he was so poor he would steal from his friends, extort people out of OG minecraft accounts and   |
|  sell others peoples social engineering methods.                                                                            |
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
|        AK-47 is the one responsible for calling in the bomb threat to West Genesee High School. His motive was to extort    |
|  a kid out of an OG account that he owned and obviously failed. Hes not only responsible for that but for a number of       |
|  swattings around america as a mean of extortion.                                                                           |
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                             |
|        All of the AK-47 Documents is karma for all the pain he has caused others.                                           |
|                                                                                                                             |
|  Sincerely,                                                                                                                 |
|  usd#3267                                                                                                                 |
|                                                                                                                             |