└─$cat info.txt                                      

         _   ___   ___ 
  /\    |_    |     |  
 /--\   |     |    _|_
aim  for  the imposible
8b      db      d8  88,dPPYba,    ,adPPYba,      ,adPPYYba,  8b,dPPYba,   ,adPPYba,     8b      db      d8   ,adPPYba,  
`8b    d88b    d8'  88P'    "8a  a8"     "8a     ""     `Y8  88P'   "Y8  a8P_____88     `8b    d88b    d8'  a8P_____88  
 `8b  d8'`8b  d8'   88       88  8b       d8     ,adPPPPP88  88          8PP"""""""      `8b  d8'`8b  d8'   8PP"""""""  
  `8bd8'  `8bd8'    88       88  "8a,   ,a8"     88,    ,88  88          "8b,   ,aa       `8bd8'  `8bd8'    "8b,   ,aa  
    YP      YP      88       88   `"YbbdP"'      `"8bbdP"Y8  88           `"Ybbd8"'         YP      YP       `"Ybbd8"'  

-In reallife we are a NOONE, invisible...
but in the internet we can be who ever we went... 

-your friend 
-your enemy
-a hero 

and nobody knows who we a actually are...
in the internt we call us the...AFTI
We try our best...

we don't say that you do what we do, 
please pay attention to what is illegal and legal
...we are not liable for what we do..

  ______    __    __  .______         .___________.    ___           _______. __  ___    
 /  __  \  |  |  |  | |   _  \        |           |   /   \         /       ||  |/  /  _ 
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 \______/   \______/  | _| `._____|       |__|    /__/     \__\ |_______/    |__|\__\ (_)

-email hacks
-password attks
-account hacking
-phone hacking
-server attks
-ip attks
-data base

and much more....


#Aim for the imposible

#No system is self

#Do not trust anyone                     

#find the finder

#do it for the fun 

#ont be are 0 ... be a 1.       



AFTI.py   info.txt



https://www.ipvoid.com/            https://jodies.de/ipcalc

https://osintframework.com/        https://www.instantstreetview.com/

http://anonymouse.org/       https://ipinfo.info/html/ip_checker.php
