FULL NAME -----> Adrian Baciu 
Father's -----> name: Baciu Marius
Mother's -----> name: Raluca Dotan
Step father's -----> name: Ionut Dotan

Photos of him: -----> https://gyazo.com/f8b5b8368fc99132a2a9148955c08f31

Phone Number -----> +40746498938 (ROMANIA) (CALL ME IM MAKING YOU A FREE RELAXING NIGHT)
Location ----> City: Corabia Region , Stefan cel mare , mehedinti , Street: C.A Rosseti D4.
Emails -----> baciuadrian240@gmail.com , adykinggg93@gmail.com

Feel dead, but these n***as couldn't kill dead
Power of the real dead, we push lead
Out like Wolverine did, n***as couldn't even kill dead

Reason of dox: Stupid , lying , cheating.