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[--] paste created meecasoq?
[+] my bio - https://t.me/mediacultura
[+] 1x00 - personal information
[+] 1x01 - liaison
[+] 1x02 - relatives
[+] 1x03 - phone info
[+] 1x04 - ip info
                    1x00 - personal information

[+] full name - Fyodor Stanislavovich Klyuev
[+] birthday - 21.12.2002
[+] phone number - +79261731308
[+] snils - 17722721879
[+] passport - 4519639676
                    1x01 - liaison

[--] 963169427241713715-fame.kamikadze

[-] MAIL
[+] kliuevfedor@gmail.com
[+] KLIUEVFEDOR@gmail.com
[+] cluew.feod@yandex.ru
[+] fedundfed@gmail.com
[+] Microsoft Email: kliuevfedor@outlook.com

[+] https://vk.com/id239100133
[+] @fskliu | id304118104  
[+] https://www.facebook.com/fedor.loh.3/
[+] https://ok.ru/profile/539060955383 ( Age: 18 years
                                         Address: Moscow
                                         Part of mail: cl***@yandex.ru
                                         Registered: August 25, 2012 )
                    1x02 - relatives

[+] mother - +79261831237, ( +79255108472 - Possible father's number
                                            But there is an important note - 
                                            Status: Unavailable (no route available)
                                            Stanislav Klyuev
                                            Patronymic: Alexandrovich
                                            First name: Stanislav
                                            Last name: Klyuev
                                            Name: Klyuev Stanislav Alexandrovich
                                            Passport number: 4502968806
                                            Phone: +79255108472 )

[+] full name - Natalia Viktorovna Klyueva
[+] birthday - 31.10.1980
[+] passport - 1402832256
[+] inn - 312336512925
[+] snils - 17722723681
[+] adress - 8, Rogozhsky Val, Moscow, sq. 34.
                    1x03 - phone info (kamikadze)

[-] +79261731308

[+] Country: Russia
[+] Operator: Megafon, Moscow and Moscow region (Megafon)
[+] Time zone: GMT +03 Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, Iraq, Kuwait.

[+] Network: T2
[+] mcc: 250
[+] mnc: 20
[+] imsi: 25020	
[--] Status: Available (on the network)

[-] Index - ru data alfabank
[+] birth date 21.12.2002
[+] mobile phone 79261731308   
[+] card number 2200151440480387 ( card number 2  4584432931628979
[+] card expire date 31.01.2030 
[+] alfabank account number 40817810015990022345
[+] name Klyuev Fyodor Stanislavovich 

[-] Index - ru data sberspasibo callcenter edition
[+] time zone UTC+3  
[+] card number 4276380155749166 (PJSC Sberbank | Russia | CLASSIC | VISA | DEBIT)
[+] register date 2019-09-08
[+] mobile location Moscow and Moscow region 
[+] card number primary 4276380155749166
[+] mobile operator PJSC MegaFon
                    1x03x1 - phone info (mother)

[-] +79261831237

[+] Country: Russia
[+] Operator: Megafon, Moscow and Moscow region (Megafon)
[+] Time zone: GMT +03 Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, Iraq, Kuwait.

[+] Network: T2
[+] mcc: 250
[+] mnc: 20
[+] imsi: 25020	
[--] Status: Available (on the network)

[-] Index: ru data cdek 022022 short en
[+] email kluevsn-sp@yandex.ru   
[+] mobile phone 79261831237   
[+] name NATALIA  
[+] full name NATALIA

[-] Index ru data alfabank
[+] birth date 31.10.1980
[+] mobile phone 79261831237   
[+] card number 4790043063453308
[+] card expire_date 31.12.2028
[+] alfabank account number 40817810105841420689
[+] name Natalia Klyuyeva

[-] Index ru data sportmaster en
[+] EMAIL kluevsn@rambler.ru
[+] DAT PROCESS 2017-08-05 07:40:55.000
[+] INSERTED 2017-07-01 21:38:42.000
[+] MOBILE PHONE 79261831237
[+] BIRTHDAY 1980-10-31 00:00:00.000
[+] DAT RECOGNIZED 2017-07-23 07:15:55.000
[+] Email kluevsn@rambler.ru
[+] ADDR CITY Moscow
[+] ADDR STREET Rogozhsky Val
[+] address line full Moscow Rogozhsky Val 8   
[+] CASHIER 468 Victoria Kotova
                    1x04 - ip info

[-] Geolocation Data

[+] Permalink	
[+] IP Address
[+] Country	 Russian Federation [RU]
[+] Region	Moskovskaya oblast'
[+] City	Zvenigorod
[+] Coordinates of City 	55.734020, 36.859180 (55°44'2"N   36°51'33"E)
[+] ISP	T2 Mobile LLC
[+] Local Time	05 Jan, 2025 08:14 PM (UTC +03:00)
[+] Domain	tele2.ru
[+] Net Speed	(DSL) Broadband/Cable/Fiber/Mobile
[+] IDD & Area Code	(7) 0495
[+] ZIP Code	143185
[+] Weather Station	Istra (RSXX0039)
[+] Mobile Carrier	Tele2
[+] Mobile Country Code	250
[+] Mobile Network Code	20
[+] Elevation	177m
[+] Usage Type	(MOB) Mobile ISP
[+] Address Type	(U) Unicast
[+] Category	(IAB19-18) Internet Technology
[+] District	Gorod Zvenigorod
[+] ASN	AS12958 T2 Mobile LLC
[+] Olson Time Zone	Europe/Moscow

[-] Proxy Data

[+] IP Address
[+] Anonymous Proxy	Yes
[+] Proxy Country	 Russian Federation [RU]
[+] Proxy Region	Moskovskaya oblast'
[+] Proxy City	Zvenigorod
[+] Proxy ISP	T2 Mobile LLC
[+] Proxy Domain	tele2.ru
[+] Proxy Usage Type	(MOB) Mobile ISP
[+] Proxy Type	RES [PX10+ only]
[+] Proxy ASN	AS12958 T2 Mobile LLC
[+] Threat	-
[+] Last Seen	10 days ago
[+] Provider	-

             bye bye my friend!