
       Greetings doxbin users this paste is dedicated to 
Jinny, a known “twink” whore, who sends nudes of his 
ass to people much younger than him, lies about his age 
and manipulates people. The reason for this dox is to teach 
this shitty human a lesson on why he shouldnt mess around 
With children and hopefully help him be a better person.
Full name - Jinze Chen
Address - 5129 Lipizzan Pl, Alta Loma, CA 91737
Age - 16 
Phone number - 9162726080
School - Los Osos High School
Family members - |Ming chen|Baoshan Chen | Ben Chen Ml | Bin Chen | 
:::::::::::::::: |Changcai Chen | Chen J Chu | Jun J Chen | Lam Chong Chan |
:::::::::::::::: | Lian Chen | Liang Chen | Lin Chen | Mei Mei Chen
Discord - murdermymemories
Instagram - murdermymemories, jinkjllz
Other social links - https://www.tiktok.com/@murdermymemories?_t=8lg2AhzRwbr&_r=1
Pics -⠀⠀IMG_6610.png⠀⠀⠀
Dox by - smokio/QD2C and Zarnie