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           </> Table of Contents:
           0x01: Introduction
           0x02: Reasoning
           0x03: Basic Information
           0x04: Socials
           0x05: Credits   

0x01 , Introduction

Hello everyone welcome to a dox of someone of the name "6yncable" he likes to think he is "harmful" likes to think he cant be dox
 Honestly, I hope you enjoyed this paste, you don't have to read this part but this is a message to 6yncable
   and all of the other weird skids in this community, None of you are "safe", none of you are "undoxable", nobody is out of our jurisdiction.
   You will be raided, you will be prosecuted for your actions, that is all.

   To xavier. himself, just enjoy.

0x2 reason for dox: pedophilia, cf, women to harm themselves 
0x03 Information
Xbox feetfolder , xuxsa , cybrthot , e9Eu , xVxnq 

Twitch: cqrety

Phone: +1 (514) 318-2035 

Instagram: stackedcorps , jaysbrat

Tiktok: sqr5t

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31bn25xb5tc7nqpf5zeum5sia7iq

Discord:6yncable ( id 821117582664663070)
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                   .       / // * ^ \ * \ \             . ALL ABOARD THE DOX EXPRESS                  
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proof of xavier cf 

pics he claims to be him 
This person who has been doxed is an active "eboy"reality is just a twink redneck who has a retarded 
mom and dad and cringe ass parents. The boy was found by me and 666 started off on a bad start.
First by being racist towards me, he was then trying to act tuf, harmful? Anyways, the dox is now finish as
we said to you xavier we hope you enjoy it!  
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                                                                     / \                             \   
                                                                    |   |   FAN MAIL:                |   
                                                                     \_ |          xavier            |   
                                                                        |   you do a huge mistake    |   
                                                                        |   and now i kill you       |   
                                                                        |                            |   
                                                                        |                            |   
                                                                        |   perk    666   mar        |   
                                                                        |                            |   
                                                                        | ryo      repo              |   
                                                                        |                 val        |   
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