
Correct information.

 ▻ Name/Nick - Dmitry/Wasker
 ▻ Surname - Melnyk
 ▻ Age - 15
 ▻ Date of Birthday - 18.05.2009
 ▻ Location of Birth - Ukraine, Kharkov
 ▻ Current location - Ukraine, Chernihiv
 ▻ Native Language - Ukrainian, Russian
 ▻ Residence address - St. Education Street, 10/47
 ▻ POE[Place of exercise] - 9th grade(Finished), 7th school
 ▻ Number phone - +380938778285
 ▻ Telegram id - 6898328508


Wasker mother.
  ▻ Date of Birthday - 30.08.1987
  ▻ Full name - Melnyk Olga Volodymirivna
  ▻ Place of work - VapeHub 18+ - St. V'yacheslava Chornovol, 11/9
Wasker father.
  ▻ Date of Birthday - 20.07.1982
  ▻ Full name -  Melnyk Mikolai Vyacheslavovich
  ▻ Place of work - ATL company (Car repair service) - St. Krimska street, 1

Socials - Wasker
 ▻ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555003924635&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user&locale=ru_RU
 ▻ VK - https://vk.com/id547975265
 ▻ TG - https://t.me/BACKEPP

Socials - Moms Wasker
 ▻ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014222176945&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user&locale=ru_RU
 ▻ VK - https://vk.com/lely301220?search_track_code=1221f576IIondvZ4YEugHAD1VN1gNM6fXfE4xpLJDEjtKdYw3FkQ6ktkpiMjF_12MA7DE-EK994PlifEiP0IVoEkE4pGs7M3lt-rQSAe-Q1iUKxatFy0gF2Z4CM5WJLbfttaVA

Socials - Fathers Wasker
 ▻ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/melmukola/?locale=ru_RU
 ▻ VK - https://vk.com/id65967124

 ▻ Gender - Male
 ▻ Height - 182
 ▻ Weight - 65

Mom Wasker:

  ▻ Gender - Female
  ▻ Height - 165
  ▻ Weight - 51

Father Wasker:

  ▻ Gender - Male
  ▻ Height - 191
  ▻ Weight - 96

Why did you make a paste on it?

        He wrote to the girls and threatened
      to leak information and so on if they didn’t
    send him intimate photos or videos, and since I received
   a complaint about this person, I decided to look into it, 
  thereby finding all the information on him, bypassing his 
 virtual number, if you like If you complain about such a person, 
             you can write to me in telegram.

                  Thank you for reading.

                      ☄ ps. Vitma