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                                                          ☯ 0x01 » Introduction................... 
                                                          ☯ 0x02 » Personal Information........... 
                                                          ☯ 0x03 » Images and Nudes...............
                                                          ☯ 0x04 » Social Media...................
                                                          ☯ 0x05 » Email Information.............. 
                                                          ☯ 0x06 » Family Information.............
                                                          ☯ 0x07 » Credits & Notes................ 

                                               ☯ 0x01 
                                               The reason for this dox is max having his little ego, thinking he's a "black hat hacker" when in reality, he's a little slave. He swatted someone by
							     the name of "swaz" and got fedded for it, then continued to do the same old stuff after that. He complains about his life and how "bad" his adoptive
							     are to him, when in reality, they treat him good. He's just a spoiled little boy with a hacker persona online.
                                               Max along with that, extorts egirls and convinces them he is harmful. I could go on and on about why we made this, but my last reason is he snaked 
                                               some of his very old friends just to get with a girl. Max if you're reading this, you have my discord, message me if you want to negotiate
							     and i'll take this down. Enjoy the dox everyone.
                                               <!> Will Add More If Max Continues His Persona <!>




                                               ☯ 0x02                      
                                               ♚ Personal information
                                               Alias………………………………………… »  Max, Despise, Miami, and 666Despise
                                               Name…………………………………………… »  Max Van Kelsted
                                               Age……………………………………………… »  15
                                               Gender……………………………………… »  Male
                                               DOB……………………………………………… »  2006 April 15th
                                               IP Address…………………………… » 
                                               Phone………………………………………… »  617-987-7489
                                               Lives………………………………………… »  Belmont, Massachusetts, USA
                                               School……………………………………… »  Belmont High Massachusetts | https://www.belmont.k12.ma.us/bps
                                               Address…………………………………… »  64 Livermore Rd; Belmont, MA 02478-3843
                                               Occupation…………………………… »  High School Student



                                               ☯ 0x03
                                               ♚ Images Of Max
							- https://ibb.co/6vv4gWZ
								- https://ibb.co/D7d12jb
									- https://ibb.co/bR8SQ9j
							BONUS: video of max singing about ducks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufg2MbZLoRY


                                                ☯ 0x04
                                               ♚ Social Media Accounts
                                               ❆〘 Facebook 〙❆
                                               Not Allowed To Have

                                               ❆〘 Youtube 〙❆
                                               ❆〘 Twitter 〙❆
							     Not Allowed To Have

                                               ❆〘 Snapchat 〙❆

                                               ❆〘 Instagram 〙❆

                                               ❆〘 Discord 〙❆
							     life is good#4964 \ 915439687773073439 \ GOSH I LOVE MINORS#1800 \ 952694533525745705

                                               ❆〘 Twitch 〙❆
							     Doesn't Have

                                               ❆〘 Other 〙❆
							     - https://open.spotify.com/user/7c5v17yd2a822kpjqmhj070up?si=e5c60f142aee44a7&nd=1

                                                ☯ 0x05                 
                                                ♚ Email Information
                                                ♛ Email(s)
 							- mvankelsted24@belmontschools.net

                                                ♞ Password(s) 
						      - maxontop!
								- despiserunscom123!

                                              ☯ 0x06
                                              ♚ Family Information
							    N O T E : MAX IS ADOPTED!
                                              ♚ Mother
                                              Name…………………………… » Carol Kellogg
                                              Age……………………………… » 50
                                              Gender……………………… » Female 
                                              Lives………………………… » 64 Livermore Rd; Belmont, MA 02478-3843 
                                              Image(s)………………… » https://ibb.co/9VP6ZP4 
                                              Facebook………………… » www.facebook.com/carol.kellogg.50 
                                              Emails……………………… » - specialk6469@aol.com
												- cgk3434@aol.com
													- cgk3434@gmail.com

                                              ♚ Father
                                              Name…………………………… » Lars Kellogg-Stedman 
                                              Age……………………………… » 47 
                                              Gender……………………… » Male 
                                              DOB……………………………… » June 1974 
                                              Lives………………………… » 64 Livermore Rd; Belmont, MA 02478-3843 
                                              Facebook………………… » Doesn't Have 
                                              Occupation…………… » Senior Software Developer
							    Emails……………………… » - lars@redhat.com 
          						     				 - larskelloggstedman@mailcity.com 
          											- kirkkelloggstedman@bright.net 
						          ♚ Sister
                                              Will not be including her in the dox, she has done nothing to us.



                                              ☯ 0x07
                                              ♚ Credits
							    Credits to pride, zombie, jay, and lethal for adding to this dox.
							    All credits to the original dox, https://doxbin.com/upload/666DESPISE . 
							    We just updated it with more information.


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