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This retard is a pedophile (he edates a 14 year old) and a tranny. Get fucked lmao
Full Name: Caleb Lesley
Age: 18
Aliases: carly, 608, novaemerald
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@imcarly
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theofficial608
Discord: carly.php
Discord ID in case he changes his username: 1059491219413151824
      >>       >====>     >====>     >======>     >=======>   >=>>=>     >=>>=>   
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>=>        >=> >====>     >====>     >=>      >=> >=======>   >=>>=>     >=>>=>   
Home Address: 391 Lenhardt Rd, Easley, SC
Possible past addresses: 464 Zion Church Rd, Easley, SC 29642-8103, 1014 Ella St, Anderson, SC 29621-4808, 109 Leisure Ln, Spartanburg, SC 29307-2814 
ZIP Code: 29640+7717
Home Facts:
    Year Built: 1983
    Home Value: $150,000-174,999
House Phone Number: 864-859-4818
>=======>       >>       >=>       >=> >=> >=>       >=>      >=>       >=> >==>    >=> >=======>     >===>      
>=>            >>=>      >> >=>   >>=> >=> >=>        >=>    >=>        >=> >> >=>  >=> >=>         >=>    >=>   
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>=>       >=>        >=> >=>       >=> >=> >=======>     >=>            >=> >=>     >=> >=>           >===>      

Name: Kristie Lesley
Birthday: May 5th, 1984 (39 years old)

Father: Out of the picture LMAO

Name: Billie Lesley
Birthday: June 19th, 1952 (71 years old)
Possible email address: billielesley@hotmail.com

Name: David Lesley
Birthday: May 21st, 1952 (71 years old)
Possible email address: davidlesley6@gmail.com

Possible other relatives: Deana Nations, Lucille Lesley, Sheryl Lesley, Wallace Lesley, Wanda Hicks, Barry Hicks
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