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Reason = 

faggot e-dater, grooms women online (kinda mid..), he also had a crush on a 14-15 year old too... yikes!

said dox for the above, will be released eventually

distribution of CP (leaking an underage girls nudes, allegedly)
( for the above, i will not be sending pics, because its just kinda weird)

(shit dox, minimal effort, only put like, 10 mins into getting the info, dnc. never knew this kid, and i dont want to either)
(address n shit will be added very soon, dependant on the situation escalating)
|                   DETAILS                |  Contact me @ Kroenen#0001 / Kroenenrein#0001
Template by @ Oliverein#0001

Name = Dominic
Discord = Peach#2626
Race = Mixed, white primarily
Age = 16-17 (18, tops)
Weight = Minimum, 95KG
Eye color = T50 / T40
(If you're confused by this, see below.)

Hair color = Dark Brown
Pictures =   
(fat fuck)

(Goofy ahh voice)




https://www.roblox.com/users/155557785/profile - Roblox:      
dominic_1776 - Snapchat:

State of Residence: Florida


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   מוות למי שעומד בדרכו