by 404X Team and Friends.
Real Data not doxx used by anonymus user!
404 is Watching you Sato! 
https://streamable.com/jkwg4 | Thanks for you Mail!
We see you!
     Name: Sato
Last Name: Yamamoto
      Age: 22
  ID Card: 2868257491 D 9702123 2702124 2
  Address: Hagenauer Straße 25
      Zip: 40468
     City: Düsseldorf
  Country: germany
     Work: IT Fachinformatiker 
   Father: Hoshi Yamamoto
   Mother: Luisa Yamamoto
     IBAN: DE37670505054184478941 
     Bank: Sparkasse
For there Doxx scroll down!
All Discord Names:
????????? ?????#9524
???????#0339 (Server Owner)
Lil Cat#6666
Social Media
  YouTube: Not Existing
   E-Mail: moshiro@gmail.com
Passwords: Io556dDDa | 1FVGFs22G3 | 123qwe123 
   VRCHAT: Moshio
  Webpage: cant verify it but satou.de
   League: Wolfy (Like this)
  Discord: Øf₣Ⱡ₳ⱫɆ#7802
   Server: https://discord.gg/edS3eUD
Server Botting Info:
Verify Channel ID: 667088171603066882
         Get Role: i agree
     Main Channel: 667097221983895607
            Links: Allowed
Massage to Moshiro: 
Your back and we back. We never forget! We see you! Nobody can Stop us! 
We find you, your fiends. We doxx them all.
Friends Doxx:
Avto doxx:
     Name: Marco 
Last Name: Gruber
   E-mail: MarcoGruber@hotmail.ch
  Country: Swiss
  Picture: http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/neo/uploads/200216/MATRIX_011222_haq_avto.png
we dont have more