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                                      Welcome to the official dox of 3 individual Russian pilots of "Engels-2" military airbase.

                            "Engels-2" Airbase in the Saratov region is one of the primary deployment points for Russia's strategic aviation.
                                 It is home to Russian aviation pilots and technical personnel responsible for servicing aircraft that ↓
                        ↑ regularly conduct flights and airstrikes on Ukrainian territory since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion.

                 Individuals listed in this dox are responsible for launching missiles at civilian objects and buildings of the peaceful population of Ukraine.
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➤ Full Name: Alexander Yurievych Batrakov
➤ Date Of Birth: 06/10/1972    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Mugshot: https://files.doxbin.gg/jQImgCiy.png
➤ Address: Saratov region. Engels. str. Leningradskaja. building. 35 apt. 21
➤ Passport Data: 6399181070
➤ Insurance Number: 134-287-110 45
➤ TIN: 644985444389
➤ Phone Number/s:
  ➣ 79272249232
➤ Socials:
  ➣ Ok: https://ok.ru/profile/582433173565
  ➣ Telegram: 79272249232
  ➣ Telegram ID: 1314081809

➤ Title/s: Chief of Staff of the 4th Aviation Squadron Tu-95MC 22nd Division    -    PROOF: https://engels.bezformata.com/listnews/soyuza-marini-mihaylovni-raskovoy/115701899/
COMMENT: As of 2022, was on the debtors' registry, with a debt amounting to 1.5k rubles. LMFAO!

⍟ Relatives    !!!
★ Wife
➤ Full Name: Batrakova Natalia Mykolayivna
➤ Date Of Birth: 16/10/1973    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Address: 8th separate aviation squadron of the Russian Guard, military unit 3731
➤ TIN: 644909020187
➤ Insurance Number: 5289808600
➤ Known Password/s:
  ➣ 919
  ➣ 958035
  ➣ 58035
  ➣ 95803
  ➣ 958035!
  ➣ 9580351
  ➣ 95803511
  ➣ 95803512
  ➣ 958035123
  ➣ 958035asd
  ➣ 958035qwe
  ➣ natalia
  ➣ nataliab
  ➣ 2705an
  ➣ ouhaldyo
➤ Email/s:
  ➣ nataliabb@mail.ru
➤ Phone Number/s:
  ➣ 79085577326
➤ Socials:
  ➣ VK: https://vk.com/id390351922
  ➣ VK: https://vk.com/id59571787
  ➣ Ok: https://ok.ru/profile/342575873692
  ➣ Ok: https://ok.ru/profile/114158814866
  ➣ X: https://twitter.com/Dlyaolgi
  ➣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bnn16
COMMENT: Teacher in Engels at Gymnasium No. 8

★ Daughter
➤ Full Name: Batrakova Yuliya Oleksandrivna
➤ Date Of Birth: 21.08.1995    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Email/s:
  ➣ juliabatrydin@gmail.com
  ➣ yuliya.btr@skyeng.ru
➤ Phone Number/s:
  ➣ 79271009816
➤ Socials
  ➣ VK: https://vk.com/id30903239
  ➣ Ok: https://ok.ru/profile/577100838839
  ➣ Instagram: https://instagram.com/english_bez_slez
  ➣ Instagram: https://instagram.com/ncschool_media
  ➣ Instagram: https://instagram.com/batrakova_ja
  ➣ Instagram: https://instagram.com/ded_moroz_and_snegurka
  ➣ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@batrakova_ja
  ➣ Telegram: 79271009816
  ➣ Telegram ID: 472637855
➤ Insurance Number: 16351359259
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➤ Full name: Symonenko Alexander Vladimirovich
➤ Date Of Birth: 28/02/1978    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Mugshot: https://files.doxbin.gg/pXSrPcaD.png
➤ SSN: 644009204311
➤ Insurance Number: 16488511501
➤ TIN: 644009204311
➤ Phone Number/s:
  ➣ 79146118930
  ➣ 79146169297
➤ Socials:
  ➣ Skype: alexander160709
➤ Known Password/s:
  ➣ 070707
  ➣ miwa070707
  ➣ COiEadVc
  ➣ 250275

➤ Title/s: Regiment commander, Colonel
➤ Personal Number: У-804172
➤ Report Card Number: 1172989

⍟ Relatives    !!!
★ Wife (Probably)
➤ Full Name: Symonenko Olga Evgenievna
➤ Date Of Birth: 11/07/1987    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Address: village of Serisheve St. 148th Chernihiv Division Bldg. 23rd sq. 32
➤ Email/s:
  ➣ dlyaolgi@mail.ru
  ➣ dlyaolgi07@gmail.com
➤ Phone Number/s:
  ➣ 79143981368
➤ Socials:
  ➣ VK: https://vk.com/id10015452
  ➣ X: https://twitter.com/Dlyaolgi
COMMENT: Registered in Vavanda casino. The "Ukrainka" air base is located near the village where she lives. The address probably refers to the city of Engels.

★ Daughter (Probably)
➤ Name: Anastasya
➤ School: https://files.doxbin.gg/3uQdlrmw.png
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➤ Full name: Kapsha Trofim Alexandrovich
➤ Date Of Birth: 22/02/1978    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Mugshot: https://files.doxbin.gg/pXSrPcaD.png
➤ Address: Saratov region. Engels. str. Odeskaja. building. 83. apt. 109    -    PROOF: https://files.doxbin.gg/BzlE7yMr.png
➤ Passport data:
  ➣ 000 056723    -    Nonvalid
  ➣ 6803 906870    -    Nonvalid
  ➣ 6304120658    -    Nonvalid
➤ Phone Number/s:
  ➣ 79198303747
  ➣ 79108582931
➤ Socials:
  ➣ VK: https://vk.com/id271270313
  ➣ VK: https://vk.com/id549220078
  ➣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007089525542
  ➣ Mamba: https://mamba.ru/ru/profile/695917621
  ➣ Skype: live:70e36828a456b864
➤ Known Password/s:
  ➣ 070707
  ➣ miwa070707
  ➣ COiEadVc
  ➣ 250275

➤ Title/s: Acting Commander of the unit, Acting Chief of Engels airbase, Deputy Commander of the Engels Long-Range Aviation Unit, Guard Colonel
➤ Personal Number: У-804152
➤ Report Card Number: 1172288
COMMENT: Alexander uses the password "meinkampf1488," and is also a user of the website sexclub.ru. I am serious.

⍟ Relatives    !!!
★ Wife
➤ Full Name: Kapsha (Sidorova) Tetyana Oleksandrivna
➤ Date Of Birth: 07/04/1980    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Address: Енгельс
➤ Socials:
  ➣ VK: https://vk.com/id265630585
  ➣ Ok: https://ok.ru/profile/317514850490
COMMENT: Teacher in Engels at Gymnasium No. 8

★ Brother
➤ Full Name: Kapsha Yuriy Aleksandrovich
➤ Date Of Birth: 20/05/1975    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Email/s:
  ➣ juliabatrydin@gmail.com
  ➣ yuliya.btr@skyeng.ru
➤ TIN: 732801285470
➤ Insurance Number: 6828332585
COMMENT: Likely, he works at the Ulyanovsk aircraft manufacturing plant "Aviastar."

★ Brother's Wife
➤ Full Name: Kapsha (Sukhareva) Zhanna Olegovna
➤ Date Of Birth: 18/11/1978    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ TIN: 732811905309
➤ Insurance Number: 11009584720
➤ Email/s:
  ➣ kapshazhanna@gmail.com
  ➣ kapshazhanna@mail.ru
➤ Phone Number/s:
  ➣ 79170511351
➤ Socials:
  ➣ Ok: https://ok.ru/profile/338417774008
  ➣ Skype: live:.cid.1d0beb2a20d17731
  ➣ Skype: kapshazhanna

★ Niece
➤ Full Name: Kapsha Milana Yurievna
➤ Date Of Birth: 24/04/2007    -    DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Socials:
  ➣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100028411052618

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