woman info:

gov name: Petra Marie Tammemägi
swedish security number: 19840830-5566
adress: Myren 3, 44791 Vårgårda
swedish phone number: +46 70 435 71 15

reason of dox:
her daughter and i was together for 2 months and one week into the relationship she had sex with another guy, and she gave him free blowjob while drunk. i was always kind to her and her family, 
until she started lying and cheating on me, then i started dry texting and seeming not interested. now her mom is telling me to hang myself and that i was never good for her and all stupid shit.

daughter info: 

gov name: Vilja Sjögren Tammemägi
adress: Myren 3, 44791 Vårgårda
swedish phone number: +46 73 783 25 43

for more info or pictures and proof, dm olleblom_94886 on discord.