I doxxed these 2n bitches cuz they deserved it 


Sooooo many reason why I did it. Alr and I’m still trying to find out more information this is all I got from now

First Person

Name: ZoēZierōw
Race: Black
Country: Germany
Address[not full yet]: Hessen 35192 Lohra 
Phonenumber: +49 178 7897485
School she goes to: GSN (Gesammntschule Niederwalgern) Schulstraße 18, 35096 Weimar 
Bus she drives with: MR34 RODENHAUSEN BÜRGERHAUS
Her TikTok: @zoe.zrw.15
Insta: zoe.mrbb
Snapchat: zoe.mrbb

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           /__/            {██}  

Second Person 

Name: Zahrā Omār-Olomi
Race: Black 
Country: Germany
Address[not full yet]: Hessen 35192 Lohra 
Phonenumber: +49 160 6946618
School she goes to: GSN (Gesammntschule Niederwalgern) Schulstraße 18, 35096 Weimar
Her TikTok: @zahraivtelw
Bus she drives with: MR34 RODENHAUSEN BÜRGERHAUS


My discord to contact me!: Erschiessungskommando.


Doxbin stop deleting my pastes