Name: Mason Podhorsky
Address: 845 Annie Lang Dr Milford 
State: Michigan
Zip Code: 48381 
Country: United States Of America
Google Voice Number: +1 810-354-5361 (Call Him!)
(real number unknown)
Age: 15
Height: 5'3
Body Type: slim/anorexic
Discords boof#9293 boof#0072
school: unknown but currently trying to find it
Little back story on mason:
Mason podhorsky was a child actor that starred in many lower budget small movies with his most notable being detroiters
reason for doxxing him: would get streamers banned,would impersonate streamers and would send pizzas and got a kid expelled. Also had a very 
large ego.

The next person i dont have much info on them but i have address and some other predictions for what they had told me
Name: achilles (last name unknown)
Height: anywhere from 5'11 to 6'2 
Address: 612 Union St, Milford, MI 48381
Age (unknown but almost 18 or 17 around that area)
Body Type: chubby but with muscles and tits
Discord: Cappa#8011
Phone number: (unknown at current point but i'm still trying to look for it)
Reason for doxx: he is a furry that would always defend mason even if something was confirmed about mason like his address he would always say
"thats not true"

Pictures of mason