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           )         /   |       |  ____  |       |   \         (
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           | /            \      \ ______ /      /______..    \ |
           /              |      \\______//      |        \     \
                          |       \ ____ /       |LLLLL/_  \
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                          |     \__\    /__/     |        \/
                         /    ___\  )  (  /___    \
                        |/\/\|    )      (    |/\/\|
                        ( (  )                (  ) )
This Dragon Is Hungry...........
The Dragon Found A Target.......
Mr 22god........................

______                  _   _           
|  _  \                | | | |          
| | | |_____  _____  __| | | |__  _   _ 
| | | / _ \ \/ / _ \/ _` | | '_ \| | | |
| |/ / (_) >  <  __/ (_| | | |_) | |_| |
|___/ \___/_/\_\___|\__,_| |_.__/ \__, |
                                   __/ |
.______      ___   .___________. __    __  
|   _  \    /   \  |           ||  |  |  | 
|  |_)  |  /  ^  \ `---|  |----`|  |__|  | 
|   ___/  /  /_\  \    |  |     |   __   | 
|  |     /  _____  \   |  |     |  |  |  | 
| _|    /__/     \__\  |__|     |__|  |__| 
[Table Of Contents]
 0x01 ➙ Introduction
 0x02 ➙ Reason 
 0x03 ➙ Personal Information
 0x04 ➙ Social Media
 0X05 ➙ Family Members
 0x06 ➙ End
So I met "Jack Berning" or "22god" 1 month ago on a discord server. He started to blackmail kids on a discord server
and flex his "knowledge of c++" when he has no knowledge at all. He goes around on ghosts and acts harmful. He also sells 
shitty botnets and likes to hit of people for no reason. REMINDER: If it says [Unconfirmed] then I am unsure on the specific information.
 0x02 ➙ [REASON]  
I'm Doxing Jack Berning because of his current behavior. Of what he has done towards the kids and also to prove to him that hes not "undoxable"
        _            _     
      | |          | |    
      | | __ _  ___| | __ 
  _   | |/ _` |/ __| |/ / 
 | |__| | (_| | (__|   <  
  \____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\ 
 [Full Name] 
➤ Jack "Patrick" Berning

➤ Jack P
➤ 22god
➤ god
➤ 22
➤ ChaosBomb_01 (LOL)

➤ 41 born 05/17/1978

➤ 1058 Westchester Way
Cincinnati, OH 45244
➤ 3340 Rio Grande Ln
Cincinnati, OH 45244

 [Phone Number]
➤ (513) 900-9385 [Landline]

 [Previous Location]
➤ Columbus, OH
➤ Cincinnati, OH
➤ Blue Ash, OH

➤ Currently not working (Former Owner & Manager of ERA Real Estate)

➤ Sycamore High School
➤ Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

 [Basic Information]
➤ Gender: Male
➤ Hair Color: Black
➤ Race: Arabic
➤ Eye Color: Grey
➤ Weight: [Unconfirmed]
➤ Height: [Unconfirmed]
➤ Nationality: American

➤ Married with "Maria "Cooper" Berning
➤ Has a child named Norah "Isabel" Berning
 0x04 ➙ [SOCIAL MEDIA]

➤ https://www.facebook.com/jack.berning

➤ https://www.instagram.com/berning.jack/

 [NameMC/Minecraft Account]
➤ ChaosBomb_01
➤ NameMC Link: namemc.com/profile/ChaosBomb_01.1
➤ UUID: f47c3558-2eb1-44a7-a997-ff2aa60a1720
➤ Second Link: f47c35582eb144a7a997ff2aa60a1720
➤ Name History
 - ChaosBomb_01 1.7.2019 @ 13:51:04
 - Jack_2

[Account 2]
➤ Jacki
➤ NameMC Link: namemc.com/profile/Jacki.2
➤ UUID: 8e29bc0e-a3c5-4fe5-916e-6239d9342cee
➤ Second Link: mine.ly/Jacki.2
➤ Name History
 - Jacki 22.8.2015 @ 18:38:34
 - jacki 4.2.2015 @ 13:26:54
 - jacki5389

➤ jackberning@gmail.com (Different Number)

➤ jackberning

➤ Disabled (LOL)

 [Common Passwords]
➤ americabestcountry0212
➤ jackissss222
➤ jackissss21555
➤ jackisssssss22222
➤ theworldis222
 __          ___  __     
 \ \        / (_)/ _|    
  \ \  /\  / / _| |_ ___ 
   \ \/  \/ / | |  _/ _ \
    \  /\  /  | | ||  __/
     \/  \/   |_|_| \___|
[Full Name] 
➤ Maria Cooper Berning

➤ 38

➤ 1058 Westchester Way
Cincinnati, OH 45244
➤ 3340 Rio Grande Ln
Cincinnati, OH 45244

 [Phone Number]
➤ (513) 900-9385
➤ (513) 677-5060

 [Previous Location]
➤ Loveland, OH
➤ Cincinnati, OH

➤ [Unconfirmed]

➤ Studied Fashion Merchandising at "The Art Institute of Ohio-Cincinnati"
➤ Mount Notre Dame

 [Basic Information]
➤ Gender: Woman
➤ Hair Color: Black
➤ Race: White
➤ Eye Color: Blue
➤ Weight: [Unconfirmed]
➤ Height: [Unconfirmed]
➤ Nationality: American

➤ Married with "Jack Patrick Berning"
➤ Has a child named Norah "Isabel" Berning

➤ https://www.facebook.com/maria.c.berning

➤ https://www.instagram.com/mariachristen81/

➤ mariaberning@gmail.com

➤ mariaberning [Unconfirmed]
 0x06 ➙ End

Next time dont be an idiot Jack or I will do even worse stuff to you again <3 You are a very old man and its just disgusting thinking of 
that you are scamming smaller kids and using your "knowledge" to extort them to send money.

.______      ___   .___________. __    __  
|   _  \    /   \  |           ||  |  |  | 
|  |_)  |  /  ^  \ `---|  |----`|  |__|  | 
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and thanks to @FallenSec for ideas for different formats/designes etc.