⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡶⢮⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣇⣠⠾⢫⠅⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣻⠿⢣⠀⢠⣿⣿⡿⠃⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   -- @cybercrminals --


                                      ║             TABLE OF CONTENTS               ║ 
                                            ║   0x01  -  Reasoning        ║
                                            ║   0x02  -  Personal Info    ║
                                            ║   0x03  -  Relatives        ║
                                            ║   0x04  -  Pictures         ║
                                            ║   0x05  -  IP Information   ║
                                            ║   0x06  -  Location         ║
                                            ║   0x07  -  Network Provider ║
                                            ║   0x08  -  Accounts         ║
                                            ║   0x10  -  Credits          ║


                                      ║ 0x01          REASONING                     ║

Rickie exposed sensitive information about one of our members and used it to extort him for a variety of things, applying pressure to manipulate him for personal gain. 
This behavior is something we find completely unacceptable and goes against the trust and respect we expect within our group. 
Additionally, Rickie took advantage of another individual, scamming one of our friends in a deceptive and dishonest manner. 
These actions not only betray the trust placed in him but also show a disregard for the values of honesty and respect that we uphold. 
uch behavior is damaging to our community, and we strongly condemn it.


                                      ║          [0x02 - Personal Information]      ║

                                         ➤ Legal Name: Rick Postma 
                                         ➤ Previous Aliases: Rickie  
                                         ➤ Age: 18  
                                         ➤ Eye Color: Brown  
                                         ➤ Hair Color: Blonde  
                                         ➤ Height: 6'0" (183 cm)  
                                         ➤ Weight: 165 - 175 lbs (75 - 80 kg)  
                                         ➤ Phone: 31651506612 
                                         ➤ Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam  
                                         ➤ Passwords: https://files.offshore.cat/R6EpdAwH.txt 


                                      ║           [0x03 - Relatives]                ║

                                         ➤ Father: Haaye Postma
                                          ➤ Work: 1e monteur at Remondis Nederland

                                         ➤ Mother: Thea Lobregt postma 


                                      ║           [0x04 - Pictures]                 ║

                                         ➤ Picture 1: https://files.offshore.cat/evIsm440.jpg
                                         ➤ Picture 2: https://files.offshore.cat/4zCPvVU1.jpg
                                         ➤ Picture 3: https://files.offshore.cat/Ph9oFaNs.jpg     
                                         ➤ Picture Father: https://files.offshore.cat/WHSfhI3j.jpg       
                                         ➤ Picture Mother: https://files.offshore.cat/2XgvlUAY.png


                                      ║           [0x05 - IP Information]           ║

                                                ➤ IP Address:
                                                ➤ IP Range: Class A
                                                ➤ CIDR:
                                                ➤ Decimal: 1448558622
                                                ➤ Binary: 1010110010101110100000000011110
                                                ➤ Hexadecimal: 5657401e
                                                ➤ Hostname: 86-87-64-30.fixed.kpn.net   
                                                ➤ IP Score: Excellent (Good Reputation)

                                      ║           [0x06 - Location]                 ║  

                                         ➤ Address: Bjirkewei 109, 9287 LC Twijzelerheide 
                                         ➤ Continent: Europe (Code: EU)  
                                         ➤ Country: Netherlands (Code: NL)  
                                         ➤ Region: Twijzelerheide  
                                         ➤ City: Twijzelerheide  


                                      ║           [0x07 -Network Provider]          ║

                                         ➤ Organization: KPN B.V.  
                                         ➤ ISP: KPN B.V.  
                                         ➤ ASN: AS1136 KPN B.V.  


                                      ║           [0x08 - Accounts ]                ║

                                         ➤ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rick.postma.56829/
                                         ➤ Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rick.postma.56829/   
                                         ➤ Fathers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haaye.postma?comment_id=Y29tbWVudDoxMTU0ODQzMzU1MzE2NTUzXzExNTQ4NTA5ODE5ODI0NTc%3D


                                      ║           [0x09 - Credits]                  ║

                                         ➤ Collude            - Writer