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|                              _____|   If you have any info, contact me   |_____
|                             \     |        » Telegram: @fearvels           |    /
|                              \    |        » Discord: .gg/cuts         |   /
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|                         ──────────────────────             ──────────────────────       
|                                       ◜    discord.gg/cuts    ◝            
|                                     ├  0x01 Introduction .....  ┤
|                                     ├  0x02 Victim ...........  ┤       
|                                     ├  0x03 Relatives ........  ┤      
|                                     ├  0x04 Address ..........  ┤      
|                                     ├  0x05 IP.... ...........  ┤      
|                                    ├  0x06 Credits template = ccs ┤     
|                                         ◟      skid got ran       ◞          
|                                           ──────────────────────          
|                                           disocrd:ihyvels 
█░░░░░░░░░░█                               0x01 Introduction                                         █░░░░░░░░░░█
》│  » Reason being a racist
Full Name : george kallint 
Address: 12312 SW 122nd Ct, Miami, FL 33186
Discord: 1ay#0001
Phone: 864 398 931