8b        d8                                      88                               ,ad8888ba,       ad88     ad88  88              88              88  
		 Y8,    ,8P                                       88                              d8"'    `"8b     d8"      d8"    ""              ""              88  
		  `8b  d8'                                        88                             d8'        `8b    88       88                                     88  
		    Y88P      ,adPPYba,   ,adPPYba,  88       88  88  ,adPPYYba,  8b,dPPYba,     88          88  MM88MMM  MM88MMM  88   ,adPPYba,  88  ,adPPYYba,  88  
		    d88b     a8P_____88  a8"     ""  88       88  88  ""     `Y8  88P'   "Y8     88          88    88       88     88  a8"     ""  88  ""     `Y8  88  
		  ,8P  Y8,   8PP"""""""  8b          88       88  88  ,adPPPPP88  88             Y8,        ,8P    88       88     88  8b          88  ,adPPPPP88  88  
		 d8'    `8b  "8b,   ,aa  "8a,   ,aa  "8a,   ,a88  88  88,    ,88  88              Y8a.    .a8P     88       88     88  "8a,   ,aa  88  88,    ,88  88  
		8P        Y8  `"Ybbd8"'   `"Ybbd8"'   `"YbbdP'Y8  88  `"8bbdP"Y8  88               `"Y8888Y"'      88       88     88   `"Ybbd8"'  88  `"8bbdP"Y8  88                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
					  __  __           _    ___                       _   _                 
					 |  \/  |_   _  __| |  / _ \ _ __   ___ _ __ __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __  ___ 
			       		 | |\/| | | | |/ _` | | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
			       		 | |  | | |_| | (_| | | |_| | |_) |  __/ | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \
					 |_|  |_|\__,_|\__,_|  \___/| .__/ \___|_|  \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/
 		       ─────────────────────────────────────────────| |─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────                                         

							     ____________     _ -+-  ____________ 
							     \_____     /   /_ \ |   \     _____/
							      \_____    \____/  \____/    _____/
							       \_____                    _____/
							          \___________  ___________/
	   				    This dox will be regularly updated for more information added to it!
                                                    Mud's Hall of Autismo: https://hallofautism.pages.dev/

							  Indicators : Non Verified Information [????]       
								       NSFW Content [????]

		       |											        	   |
		       |					???????????? Xecular Official ????????????					   |
		       |				   ───────────────────────────────────────				   |
		       |	Hello, dear hackers and "script kiddies".						  	   |
		       |	Today, you are about to witness the dox of a Starboard Studios moderator and contributor. 	   |
		       |											          	   |
		       |	From being registered onto FurAffinity (NSFW; furry pornography website) to becoming a moderator   |
		       |	for Starboard Studios. His contributions to the shithole has earned him the 'Contributor Rank'.	   |
		       |	Today however, I will show you how it is not worth it if you're going to just get doxxed in return |
		       |	for it.										        	   |
		       |											        	   |
		       |	Not to mention that not only does he have a FurAffinity account, but also an Inkbunny account	   |
		       |	(Severely NSFW Website built just for Furry Pornography; view at your own risk.	 	   	   |
		       |											        	   |
		       |	He calls other people script kiddies yet he used to literally leech off of both cracked.io // cra- |										        
		       |	cked.to, and on nulled.to.								   	   |
		       |											         	   |
		       |											        	   |
		       |											         	   |
		       |						Reasoning(s): 						   |
		       |				- Starboard Studios Moderator // Contributor				   |	
		       |				- Has a FurAffinity and an InkBunny Account				   |
		       |				- He's an Idiot							           |
		       |				- He called me a Script Kiddie // skid , :((.				   |
		       |				- Being against pirating // torrenting					   |
		       |				- Actually liking the copyright systems now, lol.			   |
		       |											        	   |
		       |											        	   |
		       |						 ~= Memes =~						   |
		       |		     FurAffinity Account : https://www.furaffinity.net/user/awesomederp33/		   |
		       |				InkBunny Account : https://inkbunny.net/xecular/			   |
		       |											         	   |
		       |											        	   |
		       |											         	   |
		       |    (I just uploaded it over here since @mudontop is currently locked due to too many 2FA code attempts.)  |

        ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? & ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????

➤ Picture: https://a.pomf.cat/lsskcb.jpg (lsskcb.jpg // nerd.jpg) // Backup: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1038199640509665341/1048099414973100092/image0.jpg (image0.jpg)
➤ Name: James John Roets Jr.
  ➣ Pseudonym(s)/Alias(es): 
  ➣ "Xecular", "XecularO", "XecularOfficial", "Xecular Official", "awesomederp33", etc.
➤ Age: 19 years old
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 12/31/2002 (December 31st, 2002)
➤ Location of Birth: Texas, USA	
➤ Location: Summerville, South Carolina, The United States of America
➤ Race/Ethnicity: White American/White Caucasian
➤ Sexual Orientation: Really Likely Straight // (Very Likely Heterosexual)
➤ Native Language: American English
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Hair colour: Blonde
  ➣ Eyes colour: Dark'ish Brown
  ➣ Gender: Male
  ➣ Weight: Skinny boy

        ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ [US-United States] - [SSN] Social Security Number: 627 - 82 - XXXX ||| 10 Digits ||| State (Texas)/group (December)/random 4 (Unknown)

➤ Country of Citizenship: The United States of America

➤ [ISP] Internet Service Provider: Home Telephone Company Inc.
➤ [ASN] Autonomous System Number: 16863
➤ Area Code: 843
➤ Mobile Phone Number: +1 (843) 901-0307 (Mobile)
  ➣ The Mobile Phone Number's E-mail Address: 8439010307@vtext.com
  ➣ The Mobile Phone Number's Carrier: Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CA (Verizon Wireless)
  ➣ SMS Gateway Address: 8439010307@vtext.com
  ➣ MMS Gateway Address: 8439010307@vzwpix.com

➤ Home Address: 168 Old Winter Rd Summerville, SC 29486 [Dorchester County]
➤ Postal Code: 29486

➤ Owned Device(s): Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G, Just Another Literal Computer, etc.


➤ Email Address: awesomederp33@gmail.com (2FA IS ON; CURRENTLY USING THE GOOGLE AUTHENTICATOR APP.)
  ➣ Relevance: Personal // Main E-mail Address 
  ➣ Registered Website(s): [+] adobe.com 
		         ➣ [+] amazon.com
                         ➣ [+] cracked.to // cracked.io   
		         ➣ [+] discord.com 
			 ➣ [+] facebook.com // +*********07 --> +1 (843) 901-0307
 	 	 	 ➣ [+] gamesalad.com // gamesalad_com
		         ➣ [+] github.com
		         ➣ [+] gmail.com // (my)account(s).google.com //  (•••) •••-••07 ‬ --> +1 (843) 901-0307
		         ➣ [+] imgur.com
		         ➣ [+] instagram.com //
		         ➣ [+] lastpass.com
		         ➣ [+] paypal.com // +1 8••-•••-0307‬ --> +1 (843) 901-0307
		         ➣ [+] pinterest.com
			 ➣ [+] Roll20.net
		         ➣ [+] samsung.com // (184**01**07) --> +1 (843) 901-0307
		         ➣ [+] spotify.com
		         ➣ [+] twitter.com
		         ➣ [+] yahoo.com // awesomederp33@gmail.com

  ➣ Google Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address: awesomederp33@gmail.com
     ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu_5-JKm7xEzjpyWUo8v3maAiBjCxJy5NVHhZX-8Ng /
     ➣ Name: James R
     ➣ Id/Google Account ID: 103554628741629596950
     ➣ Last Updated At/On: 2022-11-25 05:09:11 (UTC)
     ➣ Services: (02)
        ➣ Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/103554628741629596950/reviews/
        ➣ Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=awesomederp33@gmail.com/

  ➣ Skype User Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address: awesomederp33@gmail.com
     ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:awesomederp33/public/
     ➣ Skype User Account(s):
        ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:awesomederp33/public/
        ➣ Name: Xecular .
        ➣ Id/Skype User Account ID: live:awesomederp33
        ➣ Country: United States
        ➣ City: -
        ➣ Contact Type: Skype4Consumer
        ➣ Gender: -
        ➣ Birthday: -

  ➣ Duolingo User Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address(es): awesomederp33@gmail.com
     ➣ Link // Username // Id / ID: https://duolingo.com/user/Xecular
     ➣ Full Information Link: https://a.pomf.cat/ywsxbs.json (ywsxbs.json // xecular.json)

  ➣ Yahoo User Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address(es): awesomederp33@gmail.com
     ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): awesomederp33@gmail.com
     ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)


➤ Email Address: xecularmail@gmail.com 
  ➣ Relevance: YouTube Channel Business E-mail Address
  ➣ Registered Website(s): [+] adobe.com / ••••••••••07 --> +1 (843) 901-0307
			 ➣ [+] amazon.com
	  		 ➣ [+] discord.com
		         ➣ [+] imgur.com
		         ➣ [+] gmail.com // (my)account(s).google.com //  (•••) •••-••07 ‬ --> +1 (843) 901-0307
		         ➣ [+] pornhub.com (Likely not self-registered, well, obviously, lol.)
			 ➣ [+] twitter.com
			 ➣ [+] voxmedia.com
			 ➣ [+] xnxx.com (Likely not self-registered, well, obviously, lol.)
			 ➣ [+] xvideos.com (Likely not self-registered, well, obviously, lol.)
                         ➣ [+] yahoo.com // 

  ➣ Google Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address: xecularmail@gmail.com
     ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu-r-q_tjyYJleqWucNjTheNm3hTtwHSaJhTMCISjQ /
     ➣ Name: Xecular Official
     ➣ Id/Google Account ID: 113074312377780482499
     ➣ Last Updated At/On: 2022-11-25 05:09:11 (UTC)
     ➣ Services: (02)
        ➣ Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/113074312377780482499/reviews/
        ➣ Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=xecularmail@gmail.com/

  ➣ Yahoo User Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address(es): xecularmail@gmail.com
     ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.) // xecularmail@gmail.com
     ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)


➤ Email Address: awesomederp33@yahoo.com
  ➣ Relevance: YouTube Channel Business E-mail Address
  ➣ Registered Website(s): [+] discord.com
			 ➣ [+] yahoo.com

     ➣ Yahoo User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address(es): awesomederp33@yahoo.com
       ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)
       ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s):  +1 ***-***- _ _ 07 Enter 2 missing digits at index 4 from end --> +1 (843) 901-0307


  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Static/Dynamic Assignment: [01]: Likely Static I.P. Address, [02]: Likely Static I.P. Address, [03]: Likely Static I.P. Address, [04]: Likely Static I.P. Address, [05]: Likely Dynamic I.P. Address, [07]: Likely Static I.P. Address
  ➣ Internet Protocol(s) v4(s)/ IPv6(s): [01], [02], [03], [04], [05] [06] (all are old, lol.) (All of them are pretty old, lol.)
  ➣ Timezone: [EST] Eastern Standard Timezone (UTC-04:00)
  ➣ Password(s): Possible/likely one, lol.; kratos12 (Source(s): JoyGames.me 2020-12 data breach - Data;: Xecular:kratos12, Leaked times: 1)

	???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Mother's Name: Heidi Ellanor Roets 
  ➣ Maiden Name: Heidi Ellanor Vankley
  ➣ Alias(es)/Nickname(s): Heide Ellanor Roets, Heidi Ellanor Vankley
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 02/24/1975 (February 24th, 1975)
  ➣ Home Address: 168 Old Winter Rd Summerville, SC 29486 [Dorchester County]
  ➣ Picture: https://a.pomf.cat/phqtef.jpg (phqtef.jpg // Heidi_Roets-(Berkeley,SC)-70.jpg) // Backup: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038199640509665341/1048116976490385419/image.png (image.png)
  ➣ Additional Information

  ➣ Device(s): Galaxy S20 FE 5G, et cetera.


  ➣ E-mail Address: heidiroets@gmail.com
    ➣ Relevance: Possibly just a New // Personal // Main E-mail Address
    ➣ Registered Website(s): [+] amazon.com
                           ➣ [+] facebook.com // Facebook.com // No recovery information is provided, other than heidiroets@gmail.com and their Google // google // Gmail // gmail user account (obviously of - course though however, lol.). 
		           ➣ [+] gmail.com // (my)account(s).google.com // (•••) •••-••72 --> +1 (843) *01-**72
		           ➣ [+] samsung.com // (184**01**72) -->  +1 (843) *01-**72
                           ➣ [+] spotify.com
			   ➣ [+] yahoo.com // heidiroets@gmail.com

  ➣ Google Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address: heidiroets@gmail.com
     ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu-ORfssLxovdv2Y1U6zKJVszRnoRFuXSrandZZ4Fg /
     ➣ Name: Heidi Roets
     ➣ Id/Google Account ID: 102006954397745642185
     ➣ Last Updated At/On: 2022-11-26 05:02:15 (UTC)
     ➣ Service(s): (02)
        ➣ Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102006954397745642185/reviews/
        ➣ Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=heidiroets@gmail.com/

     ➣ Yahoo User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address(es): heidiroets@gmail.com
       ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): heidiroets@gmail.com // N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)
       ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)


  ➣ E-mail Address: hvkroets@hotmail.com 
    ➣ Relevance: Old Personal // Main E-mail Address
    ➣ Registered Website(s): [+] amazon.com
		           ➣ [+] Dropbox.com 
                           ➣ [+] Facebook.com // facebook.com // +*********72 --> +1 (843) *01-**72
		           ➣ [+] microsoft.com
                           ➣ [+] skype.com 
		           ➣ [+] WhitePages.com
			   ➣ [+] yahoo.com

    ➣ Skype User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address: hvkroets@hotmail.com
       ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/heidiroets/public/
       ➣ Skype User Account(s):
          ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/heidiroets/public/
          ➣ Name: heidi roets
          ➣ Id/Skype User Account ID: heidiroets // (live:heidiroets)
      	  ➣ Country: United States
       	  ➣ City: summerville
       	  ➣ Contact Type: Skype4Consumer
       	  ➣ Gender: -
          ➣ Birthday: 02-24 // -

     ➣ Microsoft User Account(s):
        ➣ E-mail Address(es): hvkroets@hotmail.com 
        ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): he*****@gmail.com --> heidiroets@gmail.com
        ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)

     ➣ Yahoo User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address(es): hvkroets@hotmail.com 
       ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): hvkroets@hotmail.com // N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)
       ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)



➤ Father's Name: James John Roets Sr.
  ➣ Picture: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu8tCHM69Z0tE3pxrCwM8Wd-ZN3QQcgCm1eCC-5R2FU / (ACNPEu8tCHM69Z0tE3pxrCwM8Wd-ZN3QQcgCm1eCC-5R2FU - Google Profile Picture(s) // Photo(s)) (unnamed.jpg) (quite literally, that's the file name, lol.)
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 12/10/1967 (December 10th, 1967)
  ➣ Home Address: 168 Old Winter Rd Summerville, SC 29486 [Dorchester County]
  ➣ Additional Information

  ➣ Mobile Phone Number: +1 (830) 446-3334 (Mobile)
    ➣ Apparent Phone Number Carrier: Bandwidth.com (Likely wrong, as it is definitely not a VOIP phone number, lol. (Unless of course sold to another company obviously))


  ➣ E-mail Address: jimroets@gmail.com
    ➣ Relevance: Personal // Main E-mail Address
    ➣ Registered Website(s): [+] evernote.com
                           ➣ [+] firefox.com
                           ➣ [+] facebook.com // Facebook.com // r****@m**.com --> roets@msn.com + jimroets@gmail.com
		           ➣ [+] garmin.com
		           ➣ [+] gmail.com // (my)account(s).google.com // (•••) •••-••34 --> +1 (830) 446-3334
		           ➣ [+] lastpass.com
		           ➣ [+] paypal.com // (Mobile) ‪+1 8••-•••-3334‬ --> +1 (830) 446-3334
                           ➣ [+] pinterest.com
		           ➣ [+] samsung.com // (184**01**62) -->  +1 (843) *01-**62
                           ➣ [+] twitter.com
                           ➣ [+] vrbo.com
			   ➣ [+] yahoo.com // jimroets@gmail.com

  ➣ Google Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address: jimroets@gmail.com
     ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu8tCHM69Z0tE3pxrCwM8Wd-ZN3QQcgCm1eCC-5R2FU /
     ➣ Name: Jim Roets
     ➣ Id/Google Account ID: 107028556533206905781
     ➣ Last Updated At/On: 2022-12-01 21:23:54 (UTC)
     ➣ Service(s): (02)
        ➣ Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/107028556533206905781/reviews/
        ➣ Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=jimroets@gmail.com/

  ➣ Duolingo User Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address(es): jimroets@gmail.com
     ➣ Link // Username // Id / ID: https://duolingo.com/user/JimRoets
     ➣ Full Information Link: https://a.pomf.cat/tbpgzp.json (tbpgzp.json // JimRoets.json)

  ➣ Yahoo User Account(s):
     ➣ E-mail Address(es): jimroets@gmail.com
     ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): jimroets@gmail.com // N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)
     ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)

  ➣ Job/Work: Enterprise Architect at Core4ce


  ➣ E-mail Address: roets@msn.com 
    ➣ Relevance: Other Personal // Main=/-Alt E-mail Address
    ➣ Registered Website(s): [+] amazon.com
		           ➣ [+] firefox.com
                           ➣ [+] Facebook.com // facebook.com // +*********72 --> +1 (843) *01-**72
		           ➣ [+] microsoft.com
                           ➣ [+] paypal.com // (Home) ‪+1 8••-•••-0388‬ --> +1 (830) 446-3334
                           ➣ [+] skype.com
                           ➣ [+] spotify.com
		           ➣ [+] twitter.com
			   ➣ [+] vrbo.com
			   ➣ [+] yahoo.com

    ➣ Skype User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address: roets@msn.com
       ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:roets_2/public/
       ➣ Skype User Account(s):
          ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:roets_2/public/
          ➣ Name: Jim Roets
          ➣ Id/Skype User Account ID: live:roets_2 // (roets_2)
      	  ➣ Country: United States
       	  ➣ City: summerville
       	  ➣ Contact Type: Skype4Consumer
       	  ➣ Gender: -
          ➣ Birthday: 02-24 // -

    ➣ Microsoft User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address(es): roets@msn.com 
       ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): ji*****@gmail.com --> jimroets@gmail.com
       ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): (***) ***-**34 --> +1 (830) 446-3334 

    ➣ Yahoo User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address(es): roets@msn.com  
       ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): roets@msn.com // N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)
       ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)



➤ Sister's Name: Carolan M. Roets
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 11/00/1995 (November 00th (Unknownth), 1995)
  ➣ Home Address: 168 Old Winter Rd Summerville, SC 29486 [Dorchester County]
  ➣ Additional Information

  ➣ E-mail Address: carolanroets@gmail.com
    ➣ Relevance: Personal // Main E-mail Address
    ➣ Registered Website(s): [+] adobe.com // ••••••••••22 --> +1 (91•) •••-2722‬
                           ➣ [+] amazon.com
                           ➣ [+] facebook.com // Facebook.com // carolanroets@gmail.com + // +*********22 --> +1 (91•) •85-2722‬
                           ➣ [+] evernote.com
		           ➣ [+] garmin.com
		           ➣ [+] gmail.com // (my)account(s).google.com // carolanroets@gmail.com // (•••) •••-••22 -->  +1 (91•) •85-2722‬
		           ➣ [+] last.fm 								
		           ➣ [+] paypal.com // (Mobile) +1 9••-•••-2722‬ --> +1 (91•) •85-2722‬
                           ➣ [+] pinterest.com
		           ➣ [+] samsung.com // (191**85**22) -->  +1 (91•) •85-2722‬
		           ➣ [+] skype.com // @live:carolanroets_1
                           ➣ [+] spotify.com
                           ➣ [+] vsco.co
                           ➣ [+] wattpad.com
			   ➣ [+] yahoo.com // carolanroets@gmail.com

    ➣ Google Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address: carolanroets@gmail.com
       ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu9dVzr3QZvD4KVvo6efdwSop37ufBfRIOrMYmcI /
       ➣ Name: Carolan Roets
       ➣ Id/Google Account ID: 107028556533206905781
       ➣ Last Updated At/On: 2022-11-13 21:18:26 (UTC)
       ➣ Service(s): (02)
          ➣ Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/108816303741423521153/reviews/
          ➣ Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=carolanroets@gmail.com/

    ➣ Skype User Account(s):

       ➣ E-mail Address: carolanroets@gmail.com
       ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:carolanroets_1/public/

       ➣ Skype User Account(s):
          ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:carolanroets_1/public/
          ➣ Name: Carolan Roets
          ➣ Id/Skype User Account ID: live:carolanroets_1 // (carolanroets_1)
      	  ➣ Country: -
       	  ➣ City: -
       	  ➣ Contact Type: Skype4Consumer
       	  ➣ Gender: -
          ➣ Birthday: -

       ➣ Skype User Account(s):
          ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/ateall685cookies/public/
          ➣ Name: Carolan Roets
          ➣ Id/Skype User Account ID: ateall685cookies // (live:ateall685cookies)
      	  ➣ Country: United States
       	  ➣ City: Charleston
       	  ➣ Contact Type: Skype4Consumer
       	  ➣ Gender: -
          ➣ Birthday: -

    ➣ Microsoft User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address(es): carolanroets@gmail.com
       ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): carolanroets@gmail.com // N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)
       ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): ********22 --> +1 (91•) •85-2722‬

    ➣ Yahoo User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address(es): carolanroets@gmail.com
       ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): carolanroets@gmail.com // N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)
       ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.)


  ➣ E-mail Address: carolanroets@yahoo.com (!!! DELETED FROM YAHOO !!!)
    ➣ Relevance: Inactive Other/Way Older (lol) Personal // Main E-mail Address // Inactive // Deleted // Removed
    ➣ Registered Website(s): [+] gmail.com // (my)account(s).google.com //
                           ➣ [+] skype.com
			   ➣ [+] yahoo.com (Deleted now, lol.)

    ➣ Skype User Account(s):
       ➣ E-mail Address: carolanroets@yahoo.com
       ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/ateall685cookies/public/
       ➣ Skype User Account(s):
          ➣ Profile Picture/Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/ateall685cookies/public/
          ➣ Name: Carolan Roets
          ➣ Id/Skype User Account ID: ateall685cookies // (live:ateall685cookies)
      	  ➣ Country: United States
       	  ➣ City: Charleston
       	  ➣ Contact Type: Skype4Consumer
       	  ➣ Gender: -
          ➣ Birthday: -

    ➣ Yahoo User Account(s): (Deleted now, lol.) (???)
       ➣ E-mail Address(es): carolanroets@yahoo.com (???)
       ➣ Recovery E-mail Address(es): carolanroets@yahoo.com // N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.) (???)
       ➣ Recovery Phone Number(s): N/A (None at all recorded, whatsoever, lol.) (???)


	???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ School Address: 7000 Rivers Avenue, Charleston, SC 29423-8067 [Charleston County]
  ➣ Additional/More NCES Information: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?id=218894 // https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?q=trident+technical&s=all&id=218894
➤ School Website: https://tridenttech.edu/
➤ School Phone Number: +1 (843) 574-6111
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Degree: Associate's degree
  ➣ Course: Computer Programming
  ➣ Grade(s): 4 in total; year 2.
  ➣ Completed/Incomplete: Incomplete (September 2021 -- Present, ends on August 2024.)

[SCWS] School Name: South Carolina Whitmore School {FORMER} {VIRTUAL HIGH - SCHOOL}
➤ School Address: 501 Commerce Drive NE Columbia, SC 29223 (\\ || Mailing Address || //) [Richland County, not Lexington County.]
  ➣ NCES School ID: 450390101581
  ➣ NCES District ID: 4503901
  ➣ State School ID: SC-4701-014
  ➣ State District ID: SC-4701
  ➣ Additional/More NCES Information: https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/school_detail.asp?Search=1&SchoolID=450390101581&ID=450390101581 + https://nces.ed.gov/globallocator/sch_info_popup.asp?Type=Public&ID=450390101581
➤ School Website: https://www.scwhitmoreschool.org/
➤ School Phone Number: +1 (866) 476-6416 // (Fax/FAX Phone Number: +1 (866) 476-1646)
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Grade(s): 4 in total; all of the years are now done // completed, lol.
  ➣ Completed/Incomplete: Completed

	???????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
[DETAILS] Work Name: Core4ce
➤ Job: Information Technology System Administrator
➤ Work Address: 12359 Sunrise Valley Drive Suite 120 Reston, Virginia 20191 (:;Corporate Office;:)
➤ Work Phone Number: +1 (703) 496-9433 
➤ Website: https://www.core4ce.com/
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Example: N/A

	???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Vehicle(s): 2022 Tesla Model 3 Sedan 4 Door
➤ Family Owned Vehicle(s): 2019 Lexus GX Utility 4X4 4 Door

        ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????

➤ Discord: @Xecular#5669 (ID: 226782717193355264) (Direct Link: https://discordapp.com/users/226782717193355264/)
➤ ROBLOX: @Xecular (ID: 198830748) (Direct Link: https://www.roblox.com/users/198830748/profile/)
➤ Steam: @Xecular (ID: 76561198209832165) (Direct Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Xecular/ // https://steamcommunity.com/id/76561198209832165/, if the username is ever deleted.)
➤ LinkedIn: @jamesjroets (ID: @jamesjroets) (Direct Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesjroets/) (... lolol, ,,, ,kekW !!!)

➤ Credits to @oswald for the template: https://doxbin.org/upload/Amarks/
➤ Dox Made by @Mud

	???????????????? ????????????????????????????????

Name:		 James Roelats
Email Address:   awesomederp33@gmail.com
Hashed Password: $2a$10$4C4wjbdQRY44G6a0JHvCFuqTYuWGzJVnYmQm0IZGKSt5WudtAb.QK
I.P. Address:

[Sourced from Desteria data]
Username: 	 Xecular
Address:	 bf6204c3-39b0-46bf-b0ed-afb092434fd3
I.P. Address:

[gamesalad_com // gamesalad.com data]
Email Address: 	 awesomederp33@gmail.com
Username: 	 awesomederp33
Hashed Password: e11e5f6d4f2c3c3637f968357dbc1afe1d82369984817ba3a80692f7e6f4ed44
I.P. Address:

[Sourced from Cracked.to // Cracked.io data]
Email Address: 	 awesomederp33@gmail.com
Username: 	 Xecular
Hashed Password: $2y$12$XbMGQbyvUOImt64PJ8JnTeORhiLUA38bQGDeMHrwVOo4Wjin9DDkC:HVdkilEF

	????????????????????????'???? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????????

Email Address:	 hvkroets@hotmail.com
Hashed Password: 927b55b8fa88680bbe226e4544dc8463f8542580

Name:		 heidi roets
Email Address: 	 hvkroets@hotmail.com
Hashed Password: a50d361ee9ea61fd542bfb7bb2edcd1541957f1f

	????????????????????????'???? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????????

[Sourced from Acxiom (2020) data{}]
Email Address:	 jimroets@gmail.com
Home Address: 	 168 Old Winter Rd, Summerville, SC, 29486
I.P. Address:
Phone Number:  	 8304463334

Email Address: 	 jimroets@gmail.com
Password: 	 1lKCH&J

[Sourced from Zomato data]
Email Address: 	 jimroets@gmail.com

[Sourced from houzz_com // houzz.com data]
Email Address: 	 roets@msn.com
Username: 	 jimroets
Hashed Password: \_\_SEC\_\_00u/p47k6nz/uu9zkydj5zecw92F4ZjiHFnhnM36YanG0N51hWgZ3YuVrB/OhJNdCIed1dcDWSSN8n9Fzyz0AZfuzkHqb7x.m3JTQ7l/
Address: 	 US, SC, 519
I.P. Address:

[Sourced from Acxiom (2020 data)]
Email Address: 	 roets@msn.com
Address: 	 415 Fay Creek Rd, Wartrace, TN, 37183
I.P. Address:
Phone Number: 	 9316390609

[Sourced from: Zomato data]
Email Address:   roets@msn.com

[Sourced from houzz_com // houzz.com data]
Email Address:   jroets@comcast.net
Username: 	 jroets
Hashed Password: \_\_SEC\_\_01R4MzGwO1A2Jb2yu0Qg.8TCElfvLHJIu6z6xo3YFV2LG/BtOp0/X3P/CIfh0NKsTB6DgBgqvKX62HUG79hGaBrSqiyYfaPPHGa8TdC1
Home Address:  	 US
I.P. Address:

	????????????????????????'???? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????????

Email Address: 	 carolanroets@gmail.com
Password: 	 armswide0pen

Email Address:   carolanroets@gmail.com
Hashed Password: 8b706e8d333a80fd522dfb6b752b42f6

Email Address: 	 carolanroets@gmail.com
Password: 	 armswide0pen

Email Address:   carolanroets@yahoo.com
Hashed Password: e7260dccfbd92b045eaa86ff207fae488d6e355c:20100412221130

Email Address:   carolanroets@yahoo.com
Username: 	 EllaEmber
Hashed Password: 991a58d595cdcf1e505092ef6f760667d9f8f4fd
I.P. Address:

Email Address:   carolanroets@gmail.com
Username: 	 ember686
Hashed Password: 991a58d595cdcf1e505092ef6f760667d9f8f4fd
I.P. Address:

Email Address:   carolanroets@gmail.com
Hashed Password: dbb59188a1540ea7e41d38360e874f278eccf523

Email Address:   carolanroets@gmail.com
Username: 	 Croets
Hashed Password: $826y4$31226$dYb22ZfheM3zbAe24M0jcAc32N4m1R8l7M7jfc65aM2ecI9m0.bV7vpKE5bCXT/EajuVvSVv4kGIzyS:e4cd382aa1e5219365d77a6186fee977

Email Address: 	 carolanroets@gmail.com
Password: 	 armswide0pen

[LastFM // Last.FM]
Email Address:   carolanroets@gmail.com
Username: 	 Ember6789
Hashed Password: 07a1a3fa33d69eff78aadf79fb1ac067

Email Address: 	 23069010
Password: 	 carolanroets@gmail.com

        .-.  `) |  .-. 
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