Intro: Ethan is someone who manipulated me, gaslighted me, groomed me, abused me all on multiple occasions. Me and Ethan started dating around June last year, I got tired of him easily as he'd always make me jealous
and would cheat on me, I tried telling him I was 12, which I'm not, in hopes that he'd drop me (he didn't) he told me he found it hot and that we'd have to keep it a secret. He'd always ask for nude pictures of me, knowing
I was supposedly 12. I tried to leave him on multiple occasions after that but every time I tried he'd cut himself or do DXM and then proceed to blame it on me. He's messaged multiple of my real life friends and had
spread stuff about me that wasn't true, shortly after that he found out about my true age through my friends social media accounts he had a go at me and dropped me. He gets his friends to harass me. I try to explain to 
them that he likes children, beastiality, he's hurt me on multiple occasions and I tried telling them how I feel but for some reason they still end up supporting him.

Full name: Ethan Robbert Elmquist
Age: 17
DOB: ??/03/2004
Socials: Discord: Dm me for it as he keeps changing his user. Discord ID:209869771599118337 Instagram: Notaweeb0 Snapchat: nnn.ethan ROBLOX: goreciaw Facebook:
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Address: 2509 Johnathan Way, Leander, TX, USA
School: Rouse High School, Leander, TX, USA
School Address: 1222 Raider Way, Leander, TX 78641, United States
Zipcode: TX 78641
IP: Unknown
Phone number: +1 (737) 243-2503
Additional information: He has brown eyes, he's 5'8, curly somewhat long brown hair.

Mother: Tiffany Cothern/Elmquist
Mothers Facebook:
Mothers Instagram: Unknown
Mothers Snapchat: Dm me for it.
Father: Aaron Shorty Cothern
Fathers Facebook: Unknown
Fathers Instagram: Unknown
Fathers Snapchat: Unknown

I'm sorry for poor/broken English, English isn't my first language.
My Discord for further questions/information: astrid#0761
Thank you.