Dear Doxbin community, I am making this paste because a 17 year old made a fake paste about a 13 year olds family and made fake felonie actions of them.

Address: 4185 N 154th Dr Goodyear, AZ 85395
Mother: Amanda Crenshaw (37)
Mother birth date: 4/22/1986
Mothers #: (623) 256-2120
Father: Carlos Jimenez 
Father birth date:
Fathers #: (323) 241-7120
Son: Carlos Jimenez Jr. (17)
Son #: (623) 274-6525
Gender: M
Grade: 11
School: Millenium Highschool Goodyear , AZ
Uncle(fathers side): Victor Jimenez
Uncle Address: 1727 S 155th Ln Goodyear, AZ 85338
Uncles #: (323) 316-7386
Grandma(fathers side): Maria Angeles Jimenez
Grandpa(mothers side): Lon Edward Russel
Grandma(mothers side): Lisa Lynn Russel

Do whatever you want, hes a weird person who does weird shit to little kids.
