
                             [{reason for doxing: self-centered, attention whore who lied about getting raped}]

First name: Parmita 
Last name: Kashanipour
Age: 16
Country: United States of America
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
leaked info (more in Excel spreadsheets, I'm way too lazy to extract and put here):
aleks.com                           toast740          
amazon.com                          Pkb281hw
appleid.apple.com                   PlabD369
bncvirtual.com                      123456Pp!0
prod.idp.collegeboard.org           1ACS2lab!
conjuguemos.com                     Orangina!
discord.com                         Pkb281hw
school.eb.com                       labschool
maa.edvistas.com                    DVS82iy8@cWZ65c
links to spreadsheets: