areyouonlineyetbud doxxed you!

Reason for dox: Got pissed at me and later used shit against me.
Name: Caroline or internet name Mia.
Age: 16
Number:+44 7506 681372
School: Brayton Academy
Address: Near a college up the road in Selby.


Discord: MIA#1111
Instagram: c_rolinee
Roblox: spwarkling

Extra info/backstory:

Caroline is a 16 year old girl going to Brayton Academy. Caroline has a history of being a complete whore, willing to do sex if feeling sad,
at the age of 14 her attempt of suicide was activated. She had her brother walk in on her mid process apparently all night she didn't sleep.
The males name of who Caroline had sex with is called Addison (his socials will be added shortly hopefully).

Basic information about Caroline.

On mainly every month you'd get a typical "fuck you", "you don't notice me" and some other things resolving not noticing her (basically a person
who always wants to be noticed. (Quite demanding)