HELLO GENTLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN WITHOUT DICKS! (Sorry for the caps) Today you will take a small glimpse at a 16 year old guy who has admitted to having sex with a 12 year old girl.
The special INFO
Name: Elijah Michael Ahlberg
Date of birth: 02/27/2008  
Height and weight: 6’0 and 312lb (Lard Man)
What he looks like: (A Tub Of Lard In Human Form) https://youtube.com/shorts/jvZNxf0gx5o?feature=share 
Highschool: Marinette High school, 2135 Pierce Ave, Marinette, WI 54143
School email LOL: 26eahlbe@marinette.k12.wi.us 
His Address ;) 3415 Pierce Ave,  Marinette, WI 54143
Snapchat: eliahlberg (The dumb avatar with purple glasses and a mask)
Discord account: Username:Arctic_ghostface🇲🇫 User ID:1148837399615520848
Little discord server he has: https://discord.gg/yA28CkT9d5 
In his discord server you can find his driving permit and messages where he said 
“ok one idk  what i ever did to deserves this and im not like that. she conseted and she is 3yrs younger should would of been turning 13 in 3 mounths” 

mans so fuckin dumb he couldn't even spell consented or months.