This Dox was created because the girl this upload is about, sexually assaulted and attempted to dox on this very website! A thirteen-year-old boy!! (Xbox pyromaniasm IG:monkeyslayer DISCORD:gangster) and claimed he raped and abused her. . , ·'''''. .·´ .;. ' . / ¸·´ ;::\ '·. ¸ . · .* ¦ '¦:.' ;:::', `·¸ .· ´ ¸·' ;'` . '\ \' . ;;¦ y ¸·´. · *' ¨¸.'' * . · ´ ¦ . · ´\ ' ::;/ ; .· ´ / '/.·´ `·. .' :/ ' ¨¨ ' *ª · .¸ ¦', ` · ... \.· * ·. ` . . · ´`·..·´` · . . · ´ `· ` ·. .· ´ ` ·. \ . · ´' . ·´ `· . . ·´ ': ` · ..·´`·.. · ´ ` · ..·´ ¦`·. .· ´' ¸. · ´;:;' · , ¸. · ··· ····· ···· .¸ `· .' /;::\ .·* .· .· `·¸ ; .' : \ ': ;::;; ;;::; : .·´ ¦ : `·. `· `· ¸. ·´. ·´ ; \ `·. .... · * · ´ '. ' \ `· . ¸ .·' ' . `·. ¨ * · . . ........ .·´ ·. `·. :::/ `·. `· . ¸ ______/ * · . ¸ ¨ * · . ........./ `·. ' · . / ` ·. ¸....................·´ ·. .·´ ` · . ........ ´ Full Name: Isabelle Rutley School: Bridgewater High School Warrington WA4 3AE School Email: School Number: +44 1925 263919 Address: 107 Chester Road WA4 6ET Mobile: +44 7535 453357 Instagram: @izz_is_gone Snapchat: IzzI Rutley Xbox: GrimReaper#7148 SlowDeath#5056 Age: 15 NickName: IzzI Mothers Name: Kelly Louise/Forester Affiliates: Yuki Kaskar(A larp of Yuri), Evie-Rose Wright, Sam Berry, Juvenile Record: Trespassing, Theft, Indecent Exposure, False Sexual Accusations _______ _______ _______ _________ _______ _______ _______ __________________ _______ _ _ ( )( ___ )( ____ )\__ __/( ____ \( ) |\ /|( ____ )\__ __/\__ __/ ( ___ )( \ ( \ | () () || ( ) || ( )| ) ( | ( \/| () () | | ) ( || ( )| ) ( ) ( | ( ) || ( | ( | || || || | | || (____)| | | | (__ | || || | | | | || (____)| | | | | | (___) || | | | | |(_)| || | | || __) | | | __) | |(_)| | | | | || __) | | | | | ___ || | | | | | | || | | || (\ ( | | | ( | | | | | | | || (\ ( | | | | | ( ) || | | | | ) ( || (___) || ) \ \__ | | | (____/\| ) ( | | (___) || ) \ \_____) (___ | | | ) ( || (____/\| (____/\ |/ \|(_______)|/ \__/ )_( (_______/|/ \| (_______)|/ \__/\_______/ )_( |/ \|(_______/(_______/ HER FACE: UNCLES FACEBOOK AUNTIES FACEBOOK: MOTHERS FACEBOOK: peccata puellae impunita non erunt.