- him - name: Nicholas Alves Serpa cpf (ssn): 46909343808 date of birth: 23/11/2007 phone number: +55 19 99670-7654 school: Colégio Objetivo - Bairro Vila Industrial, Campinas - his mother - name: Vanessa Rosa Galdino Alves Serpa cpf (ssn): 21626494894 date of birth: 11/3/1980 (march 11th) - reason of this: this nigga lived at my neighborhood while growing up with me, he says shit to me because of my appearence and he says hes going to beat me whenever i say anything back. (he is stronger than me because he goes to gym and i cant do or say anything about it) we studied at the same school last year, he used to smoke and vape during the classes (he is currently 15), also doing whatever he wanted at the back of the class acting like there were no rules at all. do whatever you want with his information, please.