IP address:
City: McDonough
Region name: Georgia
Country name: United States
Life expectancy: 77.1
Avg income: 30,575 USD
Timezone: America/New_York
Sub continent: North America
Country code: US
Geo-targeting: true
   ◉ Latitude: 33.454
   ◎ Longitude: -84.1534
World currency: USD
EU member: false
org: Spectrum
isp: Spectrum
Connection: Cable/DSL
Continent: North America
Population: 278,357,000
IP range tracked: -
Surface area: 9,363,520 km sq.
GNP: 8,510,700 mln.
Demographic data: true
Ad (re)targeting: true
go to her house if u want use 
https://iptracker.com to find their geo location
shew as just being an annoying bitch and sounds like a male, looks hairy as FUCK