
Correct information.

 ▻ Name/Nick - Roman/delaxsyy
 ▻ Surname - Zagaryuk
 ▻ Age - 15
 ▻ Location of Birth - Ukraine, Chernivtsi
 ▻ Current location - Ukraine, Chernivtsi
 ▻ Native Language - Ukrainian, Russian
 ▻ Residence address - St. Kamyanka 2
 ▻ POE[Place of exercise] - 9th grade, 8th school
 ▻ Telegram - https://t.me/ownertox
 ▻ Number phone - +380504886340  
 ▻ Telegram id - 1283834276

 {▻ Mom - Zagaryuk Maria}
 {▻ Fath - Zagaryuk Roman}

 ▻ VK - https://vk.com/id847787499  
 ▻ Gmail - romanhome25@gmail.com  
 ▻ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/zagariukroman/
 ▻ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100017964258101&mibextid=LQQJ4d  

               Why did you make a paste on it?

      This individual threatens many people by leaking
     information, I also received a complaint about him, 
     so I decided to deal with this situation, posted his 
     paste here with the intention that someone would 
                     do something to him. 

                    Thank you for reading.

                        ☄ ps. Vitma