/| || || || || .--._ || _.-"" ( / || .-. (_.-( `. \ || ) `-._ ( ( __. \ || __.-' ` .)._) ( ( _.-' `.`-._ || _.-" ) ) ) ( ( ( `. || .-' .' `. )` - .) (( .-' .-' `. `-. || .' .' ) ) - . ) ) ( ( .-' `-. \ __/\__ / .' `-. `. ) ) `. ( _.-' `. `. _( | : `-. ) `-. ) ( ( .'.-' `. / ) / .' .'`. `-. ) _.-' (.-' ( .-' `. `. | ,'| | .' .' ) ) ( ( .' `. `.,' / | \.' : `-._`-. `-. `.)`.) `-._ ( .' . ,' / \ \ .' )`. ) ( ( .' / ,-""-./\ \ `. `-. ) )`-._.-' `-. .' | / __.. `| / .-' \ .' .' | | /_ _\/ / `-. `. ) .-' `-._.' | \ ) (| | / `-._ ,; |.' \ / | ` . _.-' ""-._ / )`--'| | `._.-' / /`-..-' /_..-' ; _/ | ,' `. | | `.__.-' '.__.' `. | \ `. | . | \ | . ,' | .' | ,' | .' / | / | | | / | | | | / \ / / | / .: | / . .: | / .: .: ,' ,' .: .::__.-| -..__ : __,,..-' \ | / |'''' / ( .' ,' \_ `. `..' `.__; CYZ OWNS YOU! Credits to - _3911.mezza- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just A Retarded Fog Named 1092Paradise On Internet,Reasons For Dox: Niggas a creep,bro getting backup to argue,bro claims to be a "hacker" Name;Daniel Age:16 Country:Romania City:Ploiesti State:Prahova,Muntenia,Romania His Current Discord User; 1092Paradise. He still lives with his mother,etc Some useless extra info :He got a cat :He is disgusted to animal gore ;Bro talks about family/mothers but irl he a pussy He also "catfishes" He typically is "dangerous" for having a skid as friends on discord,He tryna be like packgod but fails,he is a "ratter" loves to rat ppl and after clown them.