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|------------------------------------------------------| P~T |------------------------------------------------------|

Reason    : Wannabe Reverser looking for attention on YouTube, and Discord.


Name: Yehuda T. Deutsch


Website Info: https://bgp.he.net/dns/x59.co#_dns | https://who.is/whois/x59.co


Nicknames : 0x59 | iamLau | Recursion | Lauu | avast3r | ohyaboy | dontusaynoo


Email/s   : cozmowat@yahoo.com | cozmowat@gmail.com | mtfw@depressive.life | sucsob@discord.sucks | zeufoa@xpross.center


Info ^ : Basically these emails where used on Cracked.to as well as other forums, they all had the same IP that lead
         to his house which is just pathetic.


Passwords : salut123 | cozmowat [ Additional > salut1231 , Cozmowat! , Cozmowat1 , salut123z , 2much4shit , hello123]
Hashed    : https://pastebin.com/raw/EabNtHUk


IP's      : [REAL] | [REAL] | [REAL] | [REAL] | [VPN]


Address   : 26 Strada Dimitrie Bolintineanu, Ploiești, Kreis Prahova
House     : https://i.imgur.com/Tm1jj3i.png


Discord   : 0x59#9943 
ID        : 716727522943041537
Created   : 5/31/2020, 8:59:17 PM
HalfToken : NzE2NzI3NTIyOTQzMDQxNTM3


Feeling kinda lazy today, he had enough attention already.