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                                                ║ 0x01 » Introduction................   ║
                                                ║ 0x02 » Information.................   ║
                                                ║ 0x03 » Credits.....................   ║
    ❏ Introduction | 0x01
Well known pedophile in Pennsylvania, parents are a hard working family which he takes very big advantage and spends all his daddy's money on new chargers and other various cars. 

He gets teenagers on snap by telling them he drives cool cars, and lives in a big house on the hills which he does have but then once he gets them to his house or if he drives to there house he gets them drunk at the 
party's his parents host's and then takes them down into his dads basement which is his bedroom and rapes them. 
There Has already been 4 known girls who came out about it so yeah he's known but no one has wanted to do anything about it till know he's getting what he deserves for what he's done.-Supremacy

    ❏ Information | 0x02
    ❏ Aliases
    1 | EJ
    2 | Elijah
    3 | elisam13
    ❏ Full Details
    » Legal Name: Elijah Samento 
    » Picture(s): 
    » Age: 21
    » Born: July 22nd, 2000 

    ❏ Address
    » 1066 Park Pl. Mechanics burg, PA 17055

    ❏ Phone Number
    » 717-576-6207
    ❏ Xbox
    » elisam13

    ❏ IGN'S
    » elisam13

    ❏  Socials
    » Snapchat: elisam11
    Status: *ACTIVE*

    » Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elijahsamento/
    Status: *ACTIVE*
    » Tiktok:https://www.tiktok.com/@elijahsamento
    Status: *ACTIVE*

    » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elijah.samento
    Status: *ACTIVE*

    » IP:

 ❏  Credits| 0x03
⣿⣿⣷⡁⢆⠈⠕⢕⢂⢕⢂⢕⢂⢔⢂⢕⢄⠂⣂⠂⠆⢂⢕⢂⢕⢂⢕⢂⢕⢂ i made this ~ b

Majority » b ~ >.<

Lot's of help » binzxy ~ so swag

Moral Support / made the banner... dve