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                       f#f     .KG  ,#D    E###t      t#E  E#t t##L      E#t         f#f    ,;;L#K;;.
                     .D#i      EE    ;#f   E#fE#f     t#E  E#t  .E#K,    E#t       .D#i        t#E   
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                                                         ,  L:     


                                                                    Table of contents 

                        .........................../ 0x01 / -->     Introduction.......     <-- /0x01 /.....................
			.........................../ 0x02 / -->     Info............        <-- /0x02 /.....................
			.........................../ 0x03 / -->     Socials.......	    <-- /0x03 /.....................
			.........................../ 0x05 / -->     Emails............      <-- /0x05 /.....................
			.........................../ 0x06 / -->     Internet............    <-- /0x06 /.....................
                        .........................../ 0x07 / -->     Passes............      <-- /0x07 /.....................
                        .........................../ 0x08 / -->     Memes............       <-- /0x08 /.....................
                        .........................../ 0x09 / -->     Credits............     <-- /0x09 /.....................


                                                           -      @INTRODUCTIONS    - 

                     So this story starts off when i use to hang in a server called "/feenin" i use to be friends with the owner jay
                     and They merged in to this thing called "ny", and i got added to a gc with some ekittens lol, and they added
                     a dude called doomjustice, and this dude proceed to chat pack me lol, so i did some digging on this dude
                     turns out hes a pedo, lol, and a wannabe extorter so this guys off to everyone this dude has been victimised by
                     Im truly sorry to anyone who has been victimised by this horrible dude, hes the scum of the earth
                     A true person who should never be allowed on the internet, forcing girls to do fansigns to him, Dating 14 yrs old
                     Hes a total bum, And this is why ive decied to paste this scum.




                           ✱ From:     Chcago
                           ✱ Zip Code: 60601  

                          ✱ Discord cheezburgereater2008
                                       > Display name ("DoomJU$TICE")
                          ✱ Phone Number
                                        » Number:   └──│  - (201) 489-9354

                                                       └──│ (201) 489-9354
                                                          └──│ (201) 357-8312
                                                             └──│ (201) 679-9829
                                                                └──│ (440) 319-6018
                                                                   └──│ (201) 873-018

                           » Full Name:                  - Anthony Davion
                           » Goes By:                    - DOOMJUSTICE                                                                                     
                           » Marital Status:	         - Single     
                           » Height:                     - 5'11                                                                                            
                           » Age:                        - 19                                                                                                
                           » Gender:                     - Male                                                                                                    
                           » D.O.B:                      - 2005 august 15th                                                                                           
                                                           └── 15/08/2005                                  




                              └──│ ttps://cash.app/$Function
                                 │ https://steamcommunity.com/id/Function
                                 └──│ cheezburgereater2008 (DISCORD) 
                                    │ 1199690624748765277 (DISCORD_ID)
                                    │ https://www.instagram.com/lk_ftkilla/
                                    │ Extortlinks (SNAP)                                   

                                       │ DOXBIN: https://doxbin.org/user/Function                                                                                                                                            




                                        » Personal Email:	        -  xxxfunctionxxx@gustr.com                                                 

                                             └──  ⛧   ; Noahm97@icloud.com             ⛧   ; crunchymama@gmail.com
                                             └── ⛧   ; julien-d-1996@hotmail.com       ⛧   ; Noahm97@icloud.com
                                             └── ⛧   ; xxxfunctionxxx@gustr.com        ⛧   ; Noahm97@icloud.com
                                             └──   ⛧   ; adde_vac9@hotmail.com         ⛧   ; julien-d-1996@hotmail.com
                                             └── ⛧   ; gustav_giertz@hotmail.se        ⛧   ; function1@null.net

                                                         └── ⛧   ; function.hackforums@hotmail.com
                                                         └── ⛧   ; wardahhot@gmail.com




                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;
                                                ⛧   ;

                         └──│ IP:
                            └──│  Hostname: c-73-176-189-2.hsd1.il.comcast.net
                               └──│ Country Code: US (USA)
                                  └──│ Country: United States
                                     └──│  Region: Illinois                                                                                                                  
                                         └──│ Postal Code / zip: 60803
                                            └──│ ISP: Comcast Cable Communications
                                               └──│ Organization: COMCAST-7922                                                                                                                            
                     ⛧   ; ASN: AS7922
                     ⛧   ; Continent: North America (NA)
                     ⛧   ; Timezone: America/Chicago (Wed, 29 May 2024 10:37:28 -0500)
                     ⛧   ; https://maps.google.com/?ll=41.6751,-87.732




                         └──│ $SHA$cc9169375eb05192$b78478916e43b8207d08878a6d8be8ed5a75e33e242549678b6f0645ede89534
                            └──│  3938828ee3ec40b082e6fc8caae850e3:YjC,L6YQLk@/qzGqQ&P3<U/_XVH+;=
                               └──│ 9a494aea49b08f6245c75ce43a99a273:}=0aOwL3#e|r%|Q:V"itI2d^!'d*<i
                                  └──│ f80ce5dfe9d46e329ffb7cfd248368f8:Z))VZZImNn8N}\x7dpX/*QI?}8rzL6
                                     └──│  73e8a1af1eb64bc3e1d8a9634a159841:|gZ~Ns!HlLzh2vVw_g\n=5+{T6hY(b                                                                                                               
                                        └──│  b0341edbf678b89a19af5211bfbf7acb:<@3,/R{SeD[1MfxU~h7uHPq3FDte8#

                                                                DISCORD TOKEN.   
                             ⛧   ; MTEzODQ1MzQONdc4NTYwMjU5MA.G9PIMs.ElDS_TJWadOHhj98QaowQPqy5GqovP-5EsE4XjE 




                             https://files.offshore.cat/8njnkIkg.png  -  https://files.offshore.cat/qMQ0R1CJ.png
                             https://files.offshore.cat/2LPJ9ft0.png  -  https://files.offshore.cat/J7WjzVKe.png


                                   » Credits:	           https://doxbin.org/user/conduct / https://doxbin.org/user/beatens                                           
                                                           └──│ OSINT

         	                                           https://doxbin.org/user/conduct / https://doxbin.org/user/beatens                              
                                                           └──│ OSINT 
                                                              │ FORMATTING


                                                                        | Rest |                                                                   
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                                                           ^ `^`^ ^`` `^ ^` ``^^`  `^^` `^ `^