                                                    ▓│              ...::[ SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW PASTE ]::...                 │▓
                                                   ──────┘         ░░ (Incase the format looks terrible): ░░            └──────
                                                     │                                                                      │
                                                     |    -  Click the Arrow in the top right to hide comments              |
                                                     |    -  Hold CTRL while scrolling to 90% zoom for better looks         |
                                                     │    -  Open this paste in your preferred text document editor         │
                                                     │                                                                      │

║                                                                                                                                                                             ║
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║                           ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗                              ║
║                           ║                                                                                                                  ║      _____________           ║
║                  \  |  /  ║                                                                                                                  ║      |  ___      |      _____║
║   ____________  \ \_# /   ║                                                                                                                  ║      | |   |     |      |    ║
║  |            |  \  #/    ║                                               ╼ Table of Contents ╾                                              ║      | |`v'|     |      | =  ║
║  | |   |   |  |   \\#     ║                                                                                                                  ║      |  --- ___  |      |    ║
║  |            |    \#  // ║                                               0x00 - Author Notes                                                ║      |     |   | |      | =  ║
║  | |   |   |  |     #_//  ║                                                 0x01 - Introduction                                              ║____  |     |   | |      |    ║
║  |            |  \\ #_/___║                                                 0x02 - Verification                                              ║__/ \ |      ---  |      | =  ║
║  | |   |   |  |   \\# /___║                                                                                                                  ║+|  | |  |~~~~~~| |      |    ║
║  |            |    \# |+ +║                                               0x03 - Rylan                                                       ║+|  | |  |~~~~~~| |      | =  ║
║  |            |    \# |+ +║                                                 0x04 - Personal Information                                      ║ |_ |~|  | |||| | |~~~~~~|    ║
║~~|    (~~~~~) |~~~~~#~| H ║                                                 0x05 - Social Media's                                            ║~~    |  | |||| | |      | =  ║
║  |    ( ||| ) |     # ~~~~║                                                 0x06 - E-Mail Information                                        ║_____ |  | |||| | |      |    ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~________/  /║                                                 0x07 - Database Breaches                                         ║      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~      |~~~ ║
║                           ║                                                                                                                  ║               ccee88oo       ║
║           ,@@@@@@@,       ║                                               0x08 - Close Relatives                                             ║           C8O8O8Q8PoOb o8oo  ║
║   ,,,.   ,@@@@@@/@@,  .oo8║                                                 0x09 - Remaining Relatives                                       ║888o.    dOB69QO8PdUOpugoO9bD ║
║,&%%&%&&%,@@@@@/@@@@@@,8888║                                                 0x10 - IP Information                                            ║\88/8o  CgggbU8OU qOp qOdoUOdc║
║%&\%&&%&&%,@@@\@@@/@@@88\88║                                                 0x11 - Relatives' E-Mails & Database Breaches                    ║888/88'  6OuU  /p u gcoUodpP  ║
║&&%&%&/%&&%@@\@@/ /@@@88888║                                                                                                                  ║\88888'       \\\//  /douUP   ║
║&&%/ %&%%&&@@\ V /@@' `88\8║                                               0x12 - Outro                                                       ║ `/88'         \\\////        ║
║&%\ ` /%&'    |.|        \ ║                                                 0x13 - Final Words                                               ║'|8'            |||/\         ║
║   |o|        | |         |║                                                 0x14 - Credits                                                   ║ |              |||\/         ║
║   |.|        | |         |║                                                                                                                  ║ |              |||||         ║
║\\/ ._\//_/__/  ,\_//__\\/.║                                                                                                                  ║  \_//__/_.....//||||\........║
║                           ║                                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║                           ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝                              ║
║                                                                                 ___....___                                                                                  ║
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║                                                                _ :.':  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :'.: _                                                                 ║
║                                                               [ ]:  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :[ ]                                                                ║
║                                                               [ ]:  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :[ ]                                                                ║
║:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ ]:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:[ ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::║
║!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![ ]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![ ]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!║
║^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^[ ]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^[ ]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^║
║                                                               [ ]                                        [ ]                                                                ║
║                                                               [ ]                                        [ ]                                                                ║
║                                                               [ ]                                        [ ]                                                                ║
║~~~^_~^~~~~^_~^~~~~^_~^~~~~^_~^~~~~^_~^~~~~^_~^~~~~^_~~~~^_~^~/   \~^-~^~ _~^-~_^~-^~_^~~-^~_~^~-~_~-^~_^/   \~^ ~~_ ^~^ ~~_ ^~^ ~~_ ^~^ ~~_ ^~^ ~~_ ^~^ ~~_ ^~^ ~~_ ^~^ ~~_~║
║                                                                                                                                                                             ║
╠══ ╼ Author Notes ╾ ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x00 ╾ ══╦══ ╼ Introduction ╾ ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x01 ╾ ══╣
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   [1] : All Information this paste contains is accurate & confirmed at the time     ║   Welcome!                                                                            ║
║         of this paste being released.                                               ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   Today I would like to welcome you to the end of RylanWav, also known as just Rylan, ║
║   [2] : All Information this paste contains was obtained legally & does not break   ║   snipermainrylan & the90's man. Rylan has been a problematic individual for a very   ║
║         national laws, nor does it break Doxbin ToS.                                ║   long time, sexualizing children much younger than him, guilt-tripping them and      ║
║                                                                                     ║   threatening suicide in exchange for sexual favours from young e-girls over discord. ║
║   [3] : The only person responsible for this paste & it's format are Synq, Tango and║                                                                                       ║
║         nobody else. Anyone claiming responsibility or credit for this paste,       ║   Rylan is a content creator, a small one at that, who however uses his position of   ║
║         is simply lying.                                                            ║   power abusively. In many cases, the girls he edates & echeats on, almost grooms     ║
║                                                                                     ║   into engaging in a relationship with him, are afraid of his social position, being  ║
║   [4] : All passwords listed in this paste work at the time of this paste being     ║   forced to commit to sexual favours & to accept unsolicited disturbing material      ║
║         released. All unjacked Social Media's are jackable & all combinations       ║   from Rylan.                                                                         ║
║         are valid.                                                                  ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   There are many more reasons as to why Rylan is pasted here today, but after having  ║
║   [5] : If one of the image hosts is down, please refer to the mirror listed next   ║   contacted a bunch of Rylan's victims, they made a Google Document where all Rylan's ║
║         to the original host. All my pastes will contain an image mirror so         ║   actions are both described in great detail & backed up with proof reading 102 pages ║
║         screenshots, evidence & memes are always available.                         ║   long. If you enjoy a long read, or want a backstory on this paste, the Google Doc   ║
║                                                                                     ║   can be found below. Aside from that, I hope you enjoy exploring this paste.         ║
║   [6] : Enjoy exploring this paste!                                                 ║   Google Doc: https://shorturl.at/oQRS8                                               ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
╠══ ╼ Verification ╾ ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x02 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Rylan ╾ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x03 ╾ ══╣
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   Gathering information on Rylan was not only easy, but it was extremely simple to  ║   So, now that I can thank you for reading the introduction & verification, confirming║
║   confirm. Even though Rylan is a content creator, his Opsec failures are immense.  ║   this paste is accurate at the time of it being uploaded, we can move onto the       ║
║   Rylan fails both hiding his information & securing it. 1 Social lead to an        ║   private information section & take a deep dive into Rylan's personal life & his     ║
║   allmylinks, which lead to an e-mail, which ended up confirming a last name aside  ║   surroundings which may explain his actions.                                         ║
║   from a general location we had already confirmed.                                 ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   I would also like to note, Rylan will likely try to pay for a blacklist or beg      ║
║   After a simple area search & narrowing down the search area to just Rylan's town, ║   mods or admins for a dox removal. If he does happen to switch aliases & I find      ║
║   we were able to conclude an address after we found a family members social, which ║   out, I will update this paste as soon as possible. Please spread this paste to      ║
║   matched up with multiple public records. The remaining information is easily      ║   people familiar to Rylan, alongside the Google Document regarding his actions.      ║
║   verifiable as it is directly connected to Rylan, & does not have any middle       ║                                                                                       ║
║   aliases between it.                                                               ║   Now I would like to welcome you to the actual paste. I hope you enjoy both reading  ║
║                                                                                     ║   and scrolling through this paste and are satisfied by the end of this dox. If you   ║
║   Rylan, when & if you switch aliases, please optimize your OpSec, you cannot be    ║   have any questions regarding this individual, or wish to correct me on any info     ║
║   committing offenses like you are & expect you won't be pinging on anybody's       ║   listed, I encourage you to reach out to me at:                                      ║
║   radar.                                                                            ║   t.me/nationalterrorist                                                              ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
╠══ ╼ Personal Information ╾ ═════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x04 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Social Media's ╾ ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x05 ╾ ══╣
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   › Full Name: Rylan Albert                                                         ║   › Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rylan_wav                                    ║
║   › Age: 16                                                                         ║   › Instagram #1: https://www.instagram.com/rylan.wav/                                ║
║   › Date of Birth: 01 - 09 - 2005                                                   ║   › Instagram #2: https://www.instagram.com/rylanwav_private/                         ║
║   › Zodiac Sign: Capricorn                                                          ║   › YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZz8ZVInMUCvCKEW4QCTJg                 ║
║   › SSN: N/A                                                                        ║   › Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/rylan_wav                                           ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Twitter: https://twitter.com/rylanfrog                                            ║
║   › Address(es): 1812 Candy Ln; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1906     [CURRENT]             ║   › NameMC: https://nl.namemc.com/profile/rylan_wav.1                                 ║
║                  2410 Meadows Lndg; Chesapeake, VA 23321-3731 [PREVIOUS]            ║   › Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user138884108                                            ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Newgrounds: https://rylanwav.newgrounds.com                                       ║
║   › Phone Number(s): +1 (757) 633-8056                                              ║   › MedalTV: https://medal.tv/u/rylanwav                                              ║
║   › Status: Valid & Active                                                          ║   › DeviantART: htpps://www.deviantart.com/rylanwav                                   ║
║   › Carrier: Verizon Wireless                                                       ║   › TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rylan_wav                                         ║
║   › ID: 93bf57e8d9924049e5967f25fca7e9f6                                            ║   › Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/rylan_wav                                          ║
║                                                                                     ║   › GitHub: https://github.community/u/rylan_wav/summary                              ║
║   › Place of Education: Western Branch High School [CURRENT] (Grade 9 - 12)         ║   › GuruShots: https://gurushots.com/rylan_wav/photos                                 ║
║   › Address: 1968 Bruin Pl Chesapeake, VA 23321                                     ║   › Mojang: https://api.mojang.com/users/profiles/minecraft/rylan_wav                 ║
║   › Phone Number: +1 (757) 638-7900                                                 ║   › NightBot: https://nightbot.tv/t/rylan_wav/commands                                ║
║   › State School ID: VA-136-1360840                                                 ║   › Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/user.aspx?username=rylan_wav                       ║
║   › NCES School ID: 510081000312                                                    ║   › Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/rylan_wav                                  ║
║   › District: Chesapeake City Public Schools                                        ║   › RSI: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/rylan_wav                        ║
║   › Link to file containing addition info: https://codeshare.io/1Y9Zd3              ║   › Chetr.io: https://ch.tetr.io/u/rylan_wav                                          ║
║                                                                                     ║   › TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@rylan_wav                                             ║
║   › Place of Education: Joliff Middle School [PREVIOUS]                             ║   › WattPad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/rylan_wav                                   ║
║   › Address: 1021 Jolliff Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23321                                  ║   › WhoNix: https://forums.whonix.org/u/rylan_wav                                     ║
║   › Phone Number: +1 757-465-5246                                                   ║   › Last.fm: https://last.fm/user/rylan_wav                                           ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Osu: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/rylan_wav                                           ║
║   › Place of Education: Edin W. Chittum Elementary School [PREVIOUS]                ║   › SkyRock: https://rylan_wav.skyrock.com/                                           ║
║   › Address: 2008 Dock Landing Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23321                             ║   › Allmylinks: https://allmylinks.com/rylanwav                                       ║
║   › Phone Number: +1 757-465-6300                                                   ║   › Imgur: https://imgur.com/user/rylanwav                                            ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
╠══ ╼ E-Mail Information ╾ ═══════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x06 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Database Breaches ╾ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x07 ╾ ══╣
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   › E-Mails: rylanwav@gmail.com                                                     ║   › Database Breaches: MineHut                                                        ║
║              rylan1906@gmail.com                                                    ║                        Wishbone                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║                        Zynga                                                          ║
║   › rylanwav@gmail.com                                                              ║                                                                                       ║
║     Name: rylan albert                                                              ║   › Passwords: MineCraftgamer!!!                                                      ║
║     ID: 102252324858527989929                                                       ║                SmilinRylan                                                            ║
║     Last Update: 2022-06-10 20:13:25                                                ║                b4u5w3ll                                                               ║
║     Signed up to: N/A                                                               ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Hashes: a006a1ce2bcd9f3ee5b59c216cf95eff                                          ║
║   › rylan1906@gmail.com                                                             ║             9a84dc561efd9c7137d1f1200ff7cae23285d873                                  ║
║     Name: rylan wav                                                                 ║             ^ : Wishbone & Zynga                                                      ║
║     ID: 108440992151598173086                               .-.                     ║                                                                                       ║
║     Last Update: 2022-06-10 20:13:24                       (o.o)                    ║   › Other Passwords & Hashes associated with IP: [Wishbone Leak]:      ║
║     Signed up to: discord.com                               |=|                     ║     $2a$10$1/UGCOsaUPhhUsjLWhMw1OV9iL0I.mz2vMRj.IoL1DfaeHzaJvOsu                      ║
║                   imgur.com                                __|__                    ║     E7DBFF30348928C0E71098653BB087C557BDE926                                          ║
║                   last.fm                                //.=|=.\\                  ║     097aff6ee775e152521649d45d42f45b4a7a455e                                          ║
║                   samsung.com                           // .=|=. \\                 ║     0ac904a9aaf8306bd071d821b7742999                                                  ║
║                   spotify.com                           \\ .=|=. //                 ║     ^ : Poshmark, MyFitnessPal, Zynga & MySpace                                       ║
║                   wattpad.com                            \\(_=_)//                  ║                                                                                       ║
║                   skype.com                               (:| |:)                   ║   › Passwords:                                                                        ║
║                   ^ : Name: Rylan Albert                   || ||                    ║     Michael10                                                                         ║
║                       ID: rylan1906                        () ()                    ║     michael10                                                                         ║
║                       City: Chesapeake                     || ||                    ║     November99                                                                        ║
║                       ^ : ID#2: rylan19061906              || ||                    ║     Rita049J                                                                          ║
║                                                           ==' '==                   ║                                                                                       ║
╠══ ╼ Close Relatives ╾ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x08 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Remaining Relatives ╾ ════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x09 ╾ ══╣
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   Mother.                                                                           ║   › Full Name: Christopher Lee Bauswell                                               ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Age: 41                                                                           ║
║   › Full Name: Kelly Bauswell Albert                                                ║                                                                                       ║
║   › Age: 39                                                                         ║   › Address(es): 2601 Bayview Blvd; Portsmouth, VA 23707-1504 [CURRENT]               ║
║   › SSN: N/A                                                                        ║                  710 Summers Pl; Portsmouth, VA 23702-1138    [PREVIOUS]              ║
║                                                                                     ║                  3935 Deep Run Dr; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1839  [PREVIOUS]              ║
║   › Address(es): 1812 Candy Ln; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1906            [CURRENT]      ║                                                                                       ║
║                  2410 Meadows Lndg; Chesapeake, VA 23321-3731        [PREVIOUS]     ║   › Phone Number(s): +1 (757) 375-7174 [CURRENT]                                      ║
║                  3935 Deep Run Dr; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1839         [PREVIOUS]     ║                      +1 (757) 606-1955 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                  2511 Oakleaf Pl, APT 303; Portsmouth, VA 23707-2614 [PREVIOUS]     ║                      +1 (757) 465-0617 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                  3140 Tyre Neck Rd; Chesapeake, VA 23321-5399        [PREVIOUS]     ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Full Name: Diane Brittain Bauswell                                                ║
║   › Phone Number(s): +1 (757) 729-1291 [CURRENT]                                    ║   › Age: 67                                                                           ║
║                      +1 (757) 966-9419 [PREVIOUS]                                   ║                                                                                       ║
║                      +1 (757) 673-6954 [PREVIOUS]                                   ║   › Address(es): 3935 Deep Run Dr; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1839 [CURRENT]                ║
║                      +1 (757) 465-0617 [PREVIOUS]                                   ║                  1812 Candy Ln; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1906    [PREVIOUS]               ║
║                                                                                     ║                  2005 Ames Ct; Chesapeake, VA 23321-3535     [PREVIOUS]               ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   Father.                                                                           ║   › Phone Number(s): +1 (757) 465-0617 [CURRENT]                                      ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   › Full Name: William Albert                                                       ║   › Full Name: Elisabeth Albert                                                       ║
║   › Age: 39                                                                         ║   › Age: 42                                                                           ║
║   › SSN: N/A                                                                        ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Address(es): 1000 Meadow Creek Ln, APT 1005; Warsaw, KY 41095-9357 [CURRENT]      ║
║   › Address(es): 1812 Candy Ln; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1906        [CURRENT]          ║                  2972 Douglas Dr; Burlington, KY 41005-8410            [PREVIOUS]     ║
║                  2410 Meadows Lndg; Chesapeake, VA 23321-3731    [PREVIOUS]         ║                  3606 Scarberry Dr; Hilliard, OH 43026-1664            [PREVIOUS]     ║
║                  3140 Tyre Neck Rd; Chesapeake, VA 23321-5399    [PREVIOUS]         ║                  166 Mccrearys Rdg; Florence, IN 47020-9629            [PREVIOUS]     ║
║                  3620 Tejo Ln, APT 2C; Portsmouth, VA 23703-3053 [PREVIOUS]         ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Phone Number(s): +1 (812) 290-4458 [CURRENT]                                      ║
║   › Phone Number(s): +1 (757) 966-9419 [CURRENT]                                    ║                      +1 (757) 483-3731 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                      +1 (757) 487-3731 [PREVIOUS]                                   ║                                                                                       ║
║                      +1 (757) 295-9807 [PREVIOUS]                                   ║   › Full Name: John Tallant                                                           ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Age: 94                                                                           ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Address(es): 12920 Indian School NE Rd; Albuquerque, NM 87112-4723 [CURRENT]      ║
║                                                                                     ║                  42360 W Abbey Rd; Maricopa, AZ 85138-3109             [PREVIOUS]     ║
║                                                                                     ║                  418 S Timber Ln; Post Falls, ID 83854-9624            [PREVIOUS]     ║
║                                                                                     ║                  3140 Tyre Neck Rd; Chesapeake, VA 23321-5399          [PREVIOUS]     ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Phone Number(s): +1 (480) 985-6032 [CURRENT]                                      ║
║                                                                                     ║                      +1 (757) 483-3731 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                                                                                     ║                      +1 (480) 986-2015 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                                                                                     ║                      +1 (757) 617-4699 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Full Name: Laura Bauswell                                                         ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Age: 92                                                                           ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                     ║   › Address(es): 2951 Kings Hwy, TRLR K; Suffolk, VA 23435-1245 [CURRENT]             ║
║                                                                                     ║                  3935 Deep Run Dr; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1839    [PREVIOUS]            ║
║                              __.......__                                            ║                                                                                       ║
║                           .-:::::::::::::-.                                         ║   › Phone Number(s): +1 (757) 538-0639 [CURRENT]                                      ║
║                         .:::''':::::::''':::.                                       ║                      +1 (757) 714-3480 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                       .:::'     `:::'     `:::.                                     ║                      +1 (757) 539-8691 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                  .'\  ::'   ^^^  `:'  ^^^   '::  /`.                                ║                      +1 (804) 539-8691 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                 :   \ ::   _.__       __._   :: /   ;                               ║                                                                                       ║
║                :     \`: .' ___\     /___ `. :'/     ;                              ║   › Full Name: Ronnie Bauswell                                                        ║
║               :       /\   (_|_)\   /(_|_)   /\       ;                             ║   › Age: 73                                                                           ║
║               :      / .\   __.' ) ( `.__   /. \      ;                             ║                                                                                       ║
║               :      \ (        {   }        ) /      ;                             ║   › Address(es): 3935 Deep Run Dr; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1839 [CURRENT]                ║
║                :      `-(     .  ^"^  .     )-'      ;                              ║                  1812 Candy Ln; Chesapeake, VA 23321-1906    [PREVIOUS]               ║
║                 `.       \  .'<`-._.-'>'.  /       .'                               ║                  37 Alden Ave; Portsmouth, VA 23702-2260     [PREVIOUS]               ║
║                   `.      \    \;`.';/    /      .'                                 ║                  2005 Ames Ct; Chesapeake, VA 23321-3535     [PREVIOUS]               ║
║                     `._    `-._       _.-'    _.'                                   ║                                                                                       ║
║                      .'`-.__ .'`-._.-'`. __.-'`.                                    ║   › Phone Number(s): +1 (757) 465-0617 [CURRENT]                                      ║
║                    .'       `.         .'       `.                                  ║                      +1 (757) 617-5621 [PREVIOUS]                                     ║
║                  .'           `-.   .-'           `.                                ║                                                                                       ║
╠══ ╼ IP Information ╾ ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x10 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Relatives' E-Mails & Database Breaches ╾ ═════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x11 ╾ ══╣
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   › IP: [Cox Communications]                                         ║   › E-Mails: kellya623@gmail.com                                                      ║
║     VPN: false                                                                      ║              kelly623@msn.com                                                         ║
║     PROXY: false                                                                    ║              bauswell@msn.com                                                         ║
║     TOR: false                                                                      ║                                                                                       ║
║     City: Norfolk                                                                   ║   › kellya623@gmail.com                                                               ║
║     Region: Virginia                                                                ║     Name: Kelly Albert                                                                ║
║     Country: United States                                                          ║     ID: 102448598948207821073                                                         ║
║     ASN: AS22773                                                                    ║     Last Update: 2022-08-09 13:14:56 (UTC)                                            ║
║                                                                                     ║     Signed up to: nike.com                                                            ║
║   › IP:                                                               ║                   spotify.com                                                         ║
║     VPN: false                                _..---...,""-._     ,/}/)             ║                   skype.com                                                           ║
║     PROXY: false                           .''        ,      ``..'(/-<              ║                   ^ : Name: Kelly Albert                                              ║
║     TOR: false                            /   _      {      )         \             ║                       ID: kellya623                                                   ║
║     City: Ashburn                        ;   _ `.     `.   <         a(             ║                                                                                       ║
║     Region: Virginia                   ,'   ( \  )      `.  \ __.._ .: y            ║   › Frequently Used Passwords: :b4u5w3ll                                              ║
║     Country: United States            (  <\_-) )'-.____...\  `._   //-'             ║                                623albert                                              ║
║     ASN: AS4922                        `. `-' /-._)))      `-._)))                  ║                                bauswellKelly                                          ║
║                                          `...'                                      ║                                                                                       ║
╠══ ╼ Outro ╾ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x12 ╾ ══╬══ ╼ Final Words ╾ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x13 ╾ ══╣
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   So, now that we've looked at all of Rylan's information & his relatives, it is    ║   Closing up this chapter, I would like to apologize for my recent inactivity, I was  ║
║   safe to say he is no longer able to roam the internet without his info being      ║   away for awhile on vacay but I do have some pastes & projects coming up. However,   ║
║   out there. Why is Rylan the way he is? That is yet to be discovered, though       ║   it has been brought to my attention that multiple Australian Intelligence Agencies  ║
║   I myself figure it may have to do with being an isolated child who distances      ║   alongside multiple United States Police Departments have alongside the FBI launched ║
║   himself from both his parents & his sister.                                       ║   a joint investigation on me regarding my online presence & actions.                 ║
║                                                                                     ║                                                                                       ║
║   This mechanism may have caused Rylan to seek online affection to fill a large     ║   One of the key-factors that launched these investigations is the swatting of Nackie ║
║   void he is uncomfy with filling by himself as he despises real-life social        ║   Chan, an individual I had both previously pasted on my page & for legal purposes    ║
║   contact, and he fills this void with online e-girls. Yet the longer he stays      ║   I would like to clarify I was not the one behind these calls.                       ║
║   on this path filling this void with women over discordapp.com, the more           ║                                                                                       ║
║   women he needs to fill his satisfaction.                                          ║   If I do end up going AWOL, or quit pasting, I will have likely been taken into      ║
║                                                                                     ║   police custody, but my account will be active & pasting up-to that point. For       ║
║   This may cause Rylan to both go rogue and participate in publicly frowned-upon    ║   privacy & protection purposes I will no longer be using Discord actively, nor will  ║
║   acts such as racism, homophobia, cheating, publicly shaming E-girls and           ║   I be using any social media's alike, except Telegram. If you wish to speak to me,   ║
║   guilt-tripping women to fill his both sexual and emotional needs online as        ║   I encourage you to contact me at: t.me/nationalterrorist.                           ║
║   he himself alone is unable to get girls to do it for him unless they are          ║                                                                                       ║
║   forced to.                                                                        ║   With that being said, I would also like to thank you for both reading and scrolling ║
║                                                                                     ║   through this paste, and I hope you enjoyed the absolute destruction of Rylan. In    ║
║   Rylan is an extremely sad individual and I endorse and encourage him to seek      ║   many ways this paste was extremely deserved, and I hope most of the victims will    ║
║   help, professional help, not the help that is offered by online people such       ║   now be able to sleep at night. Aside from that, I thank you again and hope you have ║
║   as E-girls he likes to manipulate using his E-fame. I recommend you check         ║   an awesome day <3                                                                   ║
║   yourself into nuthut & start learning how to cope with you real-life              ║                __/___                                                                 ║
║   troubles accordingly.                                                             ║          _____/______|                                                                ║
║                                                                                     ║  _______/_____\_______\_____                                                          ║
║   Sincerely, Synq.                                                                  ║  \              < < <       |                                                         ║
║                                                                                     ║~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~║
╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ╼ 0x14 ╩ Credits ╾ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
║                                                                                                                                                                             ║
║                                                                                                                                                                             ║
║                                                                                                                                                                             ║
║                                      Synq                                         Tango                                       Memes                                         ║
║                        https://doxbin.com/user/Synqronize             https://doxbin.com/user/Tango           https://a.pomf.cat/ofhqqj.png [:nerd:]                        ║
║                             t.me/nationalterrorist                                                            https://a.pomf.cat/klgasr.png [what bro ?]                    ║
║                                https://e.rip/rlu                                                              https://a.pomf.cat/ammxfi.png [pls - rylan]                   ║
║                                                                                                               https://a.pomf.cat/htvgea.png [huh???]                        ║
║                                                                                                               (I apologize for the fact there are currently)                ║
║                                                                                                               (no mirrors, I am still searching for an appropriate one.)    ║
║                                                                                                                                                                             ║