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                                                                                         ▄ Personal Information ▄ 
                                                                                      Full Name: Harrison David Millar
                                                                           Address: 19, Bath Street, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, SY23 2NN
                                                                                       Household Number: 01225 465384
                                                                                           DOB: 15th March 2001
                                                                             Photo: https://files.offshore.cat/gR3FtEOm.jpg
                                                                               TLO: https://files.offshore.cat/XlPVauaT.pdf

                                                                                           ▄ Online Information ▄ 

                                           Millar, Lightrunner15, Bing Bar, Harrison.Millar, harrymillar15, Morphy101, PurpleMorphSuit, Goldenappple15, HarrisonMi646697

                                                                                     Harry Millar, Richard Plantaganet

                                                                                              Email Addresses
                                                                              harrymillar15@gmail.com (GID: 110894270396751127954)
                                                                              [+] academia.edu
                                                                              [+] adobe.com
                                                                              [+] dropbox.com
                                                                              [+] github.com
                                                                              [+] instagram.com
                                                                              [+] myfitnesspal.com
                                                                              [+] pinterest.com
                                                                              [+] soundcloud.com
                                                                              [+] spotify.com
                                                                              [+] strava.com


                                                                The paedophile has went through this list and deleted most of his socials. 

                                                                         https://www.roleplay.co.uk/profile/71725-bing-bar/ (Deleted)
                                                                         https://www.youtube.com/@BingBar-1 (Deleted)
                                                                         https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClG7weFJ_kxY-nCJoR_dFTA (Deleted)
                                                                         https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009595144672 (Deleted)
                                                                         https://www.duolingo.com/profile/HarrisonMi646697 (Deleted)
                                                                         https://github.com/Millar15 (Deleted)
                                                                         https://www.smule.com/HarrisonMillar (Deleted)
                                                                         https://twitter.com/harrymillar15 (Deleted)

                                                                              Username: how.long.can.you.make.a.username
                                                                                        ID: 147405759099961344
                                                                                  Created: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 18:17:51 UTC

                                                                                       Steam account information
                                                                                      SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92234891
                                                                                        SteamID3: [U:1:184469783]
                                                                                      SteamID64: 76561198144735511


                                                                                         Doxing is not a crime.

                  There is nothing illegal about posting a name or address. Phonebooks have been doing it for a century. This information is completely free and easily accessible on the Internet.

                                    You could make a lot of ethical arguments but none of them hold water. It is your sole responsibility to manage your anonymity on the Internet. 
                                          You are not constitutionally guaranteed the right to be anonymous, you are only protected from unlawful government intrusion.

                                There is no law or right that prevents people from putting something you said to your name and picture, or by associating your name with your online handles. 
                                                      And no, there is no law preventing anyone from telling people what your name was before your sex change.
