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Dated my friend and was cheating on her with minors. He groomed countless children finding them on various social medias and omegle. 

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	> Image Proof
		> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/917126296172101632/994707800171220992/unknown.png
		> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/917126296172101632/994707838033207367/unknown.png
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> Basic Info
	> Name
		> Joeangel Rosas
	> Number
		> +1 (210) 685-5219
	> Address
		> 5015 Frank Borman Dr, San Antonio, TX  78219
	> Socials
		> Discords
			> Deleted User 55632926#0336
				> 329571378284199936
			> dclxvidripz#7478
				> 981042485096759296
		> Cashapp
			> $purplelean24
		> Emails
			> killfelix21@gmail.com
	> Photos
		> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/917126296172101632/1018305882536284211/Inkedunknown.jpg?width=86&height=142
		> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/953993185150001152/1018306269817360464/IMG_5421.png
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