   |   ||.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.||   |
   | o |||                                                                                   ||| o |
   | _ |||                                                                                   ||| _ |
   |(_)|||                               BREAKING NEWS!                                      |||(_)|
   |   |||                                                                                   |||   |
   |.-.|||                 Lucius Whately Was DOXED By ZOXHQ AND ZEN!                        |||.-.|
   | o |||                                                                                   ||| o |
   |`-'|||                                                                                   |||`-'|
   |   |||                   Reason?                                                         |||   |
   |.-.|||                   1 - Age Baiting                                                 |||.-.|
   | o |||                   2 - Snaking People                                              ||| o |
   |`-'|||                   3 - Being Weird To Women                                        |||`-'|
   |   |||                   4 - Asian Person                                                |||   |
   |.-.|||                                                                                   |||.-.|
   | O |||                                                                                   ||| O |
         _||_                                                                           _||_       
        /____\                                                                         /____\      

║                          1x2 Personal Information                      ║
║ Name................ Lucius Whately                                    ║
║ Race................ Asian                                             ║
║ Gender.............. Male                                              ║
║ Sexuality........... Straight                                          ║
║ Relationship Status. Talking.                                          ║
║ Age................. 15                                                ║
║ Email............... Jwhat1013@comcast.net                             ║
║ Mobile Phone Number. 904-214-6583                                      ║
║ IP..................                                   ║
║ ISP................. AS17049 MBO Video, LLC                            ║
║ City................ Keystone Heights                                  ║
║ State............... Florida                                           ║
║ Continent........... United States Of America                          ║
║ Region.............. South                                             ║
║ Direct Address...... 4946 Panther Trl Keystone Heights, FL 32656-8001  ║                                   
║                          1x3 Social Media Accounts                     ║
║ Online Alias....... Prii                                               ║
║ Steam.............. Eric Cartman                                       ║
║ Discord............ xyll.l                                             ║
║ Snapchat........... pain_exe0                                          ║
║ Email.............. Wnelson0@bellsouth.net                             ║
║                                 1x4 Pics                               ║
║ 1............... https://www.facebook.com/angelique.whatley            ║
║ Steam........... https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019964882/║
║                                1x5 Family And PC INFO                  ║

║ -Mother-                                                               ║
║ NAME............... Angelique Whatley                                  ║
║ AGE/D.O.B.......... 38                                                 ║
║ ADDRESS............ 4946 Panther Trl Keystone Heights, FL 32656-8001   ║                                         
║ PHONE NUMBER....... (904) 305-1409                                     ║
║ FACEBOOK........... https://www.facebook.com/angelique.whatley         ║
║ -Father-                                                               ║
║ NAME............... Wesley Edward Whatley                              ║
║ AGE/D.O.B.......... 38                                                 ║
║ ADDRESS............ 4946 Panther Trl, Keystone Heights, FL 32656       ║                                         
║ PHONE NUMBER....... (863) 528-8595                                     ║
║ FACEBOOK........... None                                               ║

║                             1x6 Home Info                              ║
║           4946 Panther Trl is a Single Family Residential home         ║                                                          
║                         1,596 sq ft                                    ║
║                     2 bedroom 1 bathroom                               ║
║                               1x7 Ending                               ║

 discord - sh49

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